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O5e - Imperial Ghoul is missing the save effect for Bite #262

Open trey-kirk-sp opened 3 years ago

trey-kirk-sp commented 3 years ago

slug: ghoul-imperial Bite action obj:

      "weaponType": 0,
      "spellcastingAbility": "Charisma",
      "attackType": "Melee ",
      "attackClass": "Weapon",
      "attackBonus": 0,
      "reachRange": "reach",
      "attackRange": 5,
      "damageAverage": 12,
      "damageRollObj":       {
        "diceRolled": 2,
        "diceSize": 8,
        "bonus": 0
      "damageRollString": "2d8 + 3",
      "damageType": "piercing",
      "tail": " and if the target creature is humanoid it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever.",
      "extraDamage": [      {
        "start": 61,
        "end": 92,
        "token": " and if the target creature is humanoid it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever.",
        "saveDC": 11,
        "saveAbility": "Constitution",
        "saveEffect": " and if the target creature is humanoid it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever."

Rolling 'Bite' doesn't append the extraDamage array as a Save expression:

      "diceSize": 20,
      "diceRolled": 1,
      "expressionTypes": "Attack",
      "advantageRolls": 1,
      "types":       {
        "basic":         {
          "type": "basic",
          "roller":           [
        "advantagable":         {
          "type": "advantagable",
          "roller": "dnd5e_DiceRoller_advantageRoll:60",
          "visitor": {"advantageRolls": 1}
        "proficient":         {
          "type": "proficient",
          "roller": "dnd5e_DiceRoller_proficientRoll:90"
        "weapon":         {
          "type": "weapon",
          "roller": "dnd5e_DiceRoller_weaponAttackRoll:90"
      "typeNames":       [
      "name": "Bite",
      "typedDescriptors":       {
        "actionName": "Bite",
        "condition": "%5B%5D",
        "tooltipRoll": "1d20+%2B+Proficency%28%2B2%29+%2B+Bonus%28%2B3%29",
        "tooltipDetail": "%287%29+%2B+5"
      "bonus": 0,
      "proficient": 1,
      "weaponType": 0,
      "output": "Rolled: 7<br>Bite Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5 = 12 ",
      "rolledRollers":       [
      "individualRolls": [7],
      "rolls": [7],
      "roll": 7,
      "propertyModifiers":       [
        "1 * getProperty('Proficiency')",
      "total": 12,
      "totals": [12],
      "outputs": ["Rolled: 7<br>Bite Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5 = 12 "],
      "allTotal": 12
      "expressionTypes": "Damage",
      "types":       {
        "basic":         {
          "type": "basic",
          "roller":           [
        "critable":         {
          "type": "critable",
          "roller": "dnd5e_DiceRoller_critableRoll:100"
        "damageable": {"type": "damageable"},
        "weapon":         {
          "type": "weapon",
          "roller": "dnd5e_DiceRoller_weaponAttackRoll:90"
      "typeNames":       [
      "diceRolled": 2,
      "diceSize": 8,
      "bonus": 0,
      "damageTypes": ["piercing"],
      "output": "Rolled: 9<br> Damage Roll: 2d8 + 3 = 12 piercing",
      "rolledRollers":       [
      "individualRolls":       [
      "rolls": [9],
      "roll": 9,
      "propertyModifiers": ["bonus.attack.melee"],
      "total": 12,
      "totals": [12],
      "typedDescriptors":       {
        "tooltipRoll": "2d8+%2B+Bonus%28%2B3%29",
        "tooltipDetail": "%283%2B6%29+%2B+3"
      "outputs": ["Rolled: 9<br> Damage Roll: 2d8 + 3 = 12 piercing"],
      "allTotal": 12
trey-kirk-sp commented 3 years ago

adult-rime-worm has a similar grappling effect on Tendril. If it doesn't make sense to model that in a RollExpression, should at least advertise it in a GM note.