"weaponType": 0,
"spellcastingAbility": "Charisma",
"attackType": "Melee ",
"attackClass": "Weapon",
"attackBonus": 0,
"reachRange": "reach",
"attackRange": 5,
"damageAverage": 12,
"damageRollObj": {
"diceRolled": 2,
"diceSize": 8,
"bonus": 0
"damageRollString": "2d8 + 3",
"damageType": "piercing",
"tail": " and if the target creature is humanoid it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever.",
"extraDamage": [ {
"start": 61,
"end": 92,
"token": " and if the target creature is humanoid it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever.",
"saveDC": 11,
"saveAbility": "Constitution",
"saveEffect": " and if the target creature is humanoid it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever."
Rolling 'Bite' doesn't append the extraDamage array as a Save expression:
adult-rime-worm has a similar grappling effect on Tendril. If it doesn't make sense to model that in a RollExpression, should at least advertise it in a GM note.
slug: ghoul-imperial Bite action obj:
Rolling 'Bite' doesn't append the extraDamage array as a Save expression: