mr-manuel / venus-os_dbus-mqtt-pv

This Venus OS driver gets the data from MQTT and displays it as pv inverter.
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Wrong Calculation with dbus-multiplus-emulator #32

Closed breiti93 closed 2 months ago

breiti93 commented 2 months ago

Hello Manuel,

I have a similar issue like others before me but somehow I am not able to fix it. Currently I am in an test mode:

MQTT GRID with real values MQTT PV with real values Multiplus Emulator

System is Loxone --> UDP to NodRED --> NodRED MQTT to VenusOS

But somehow my AC Loads are not calculated correct. My AC Load is everytime exactly the load of my PV.

After installing the MQTT PV it works fine for 5-10 sec and after it changed to the wrong calculation. I already tried different positions and also uninstall and install the converter again.

Do you have any idea what I can try?


Thanks in advance, Best regards, Stefan

mr-manuel commented 2 months ago

Without more details not. The position in your case should be 0, since you have no real MultiPlus.

The load in this case should be 1700 - 1114 = 586 W right?

Did you select under Settings -> System setup -> AC input 1 and AC input 2? AC input 1 should be Grid and AC input 2 should be Not available.

The page under Settings -> ESS is empty, right?

mr-manuel commented 2 months ago

You could also try to use a different version of the MultiPlus emulator:

breiti93 commented 2 months ago

Hi Manual,

thx for your help.

Position is 0

Yes exactly laod should be 586 W.


ESS is full with settings where i change the AC-OUTPUT of the Invervter because of the critical loads.

I also tried your version 0.0.3 but nothing changed.

Thanks in advance, Best regards, Stefan

mr-manuel commented 2 months ago

Btw, why are you using the MultiPlus emulator? In your case it should not be needed.

breiti93 commented 2 months ago

ahh damn... I have read in some Post that its necessary for recognising the PV and calculating everything correct. But than i was exaclty the oposite. Without the emulator in looks better

mhin76 commented 2 months ago

@breiti93 I have same issue. I have OpenDTU as PV service and a mqtt battery service setup. to have the grid calculated I had to install the MultiPlus emulator. but that does not work out if I chose any phase within the emulator. If I set the phase to "L4" which does not exist, all looks fine, but battery power is not considered. in your case that would however solve the issue already. Bc with L4 a lot of calculation in the MultiPlus emulator are skipped. I am debugging it to find out, what is going wrong.

It has something to do with the AC-In. Not sure if that should only be limited to battery (as MultiPlus would only be using any AC-In for Battery or critical load -> AC-Out) or not.

What does manuel mean with position 0?

mr-manuel commented 2 months ago

@breiti93 if I remember correctly, you need the MultiPlus emulator only, if you have AC + DC values. Like, if you are transfering power from AC to DC or from DC to AC.


mhin76 commented 2 months ago

the MultiPlus emulator is required as soon as you have a PV inverter connected and want to see the Grid amount. Issue without emulator is described here:

I am using the openDTU for inverter. need to check on that setting as well :)

breiti93 commented 2 months ago

I think the behavior changed in the lates Version of VenusOS. I uninstalled the Emulator and now it looks great:


mr-manuel commented 2 months ago

I think also that there was modified something.

mhin76 commented 2 months ago

I think the behavior changed in the lates Version of VenusOS. I uninstalled the Emulator and now it looks great:


yes, that worked for me before. but do you see the sum of the AC in on VRM? that was the issue I had and only the emulator solved it. I have also set the PV inverter with AC position = 0.