Closed stixif closed 4 months ago
The driver can only get, what the BMS is sending. Have you the same problem with other stable releases?
yes in all versions... the BMS App shows 100% for both Packs
but in VenusOS i geht 96 and 100...
and send me some screenshots of both batteries and the parameters page. You have to scroll down. Not all data will fit on one screenshot. don't think there could be done much, since the driver is displaying the SoC as it is send from the BMS. No manipulation in this case.
Hi, sorry for my late answer...
no... its all the time...
here you have... 1. batpack1 / 2. batpack2
this logs are from an new reinstalled and rebootet one...
the Difference is in the Consumed AmpHours
For 2. we need some more measurements, with comparison of different SOC states from BMS and the driver.
For 3. you have to scroll down, below "Discharge Current Limit (DCL) are more fields, if you enabled it in the config.ini
and reinstalled the driver.
Hi, and Tanks... For 2.
For 3. I do an Reinstall but get Not more information... Should i deinstall and Install new?!?
What about the second battery?
Which BMS are you using? LLT, JBD or another one?
?for the Pictures... In VenusOS Bat1 = 61 Bat2 = 73
in the APP Bat1 = 63 Bat2 = 67
and i do /data/etc/dbus-serialbattery/ and test a new install and reboot but i get not more...
now i´m on the Stable v1.3.20240705
and now the sun comes out and it would not load my battery with v1.3.20240705
with the "old" Beta it works v1.3.20240615beta" ^^ i reinstalled now
but the Problem with the Soc is the same...
now i have mor Information... if i use this config all works well
; Show additional info in GUI -> Serialbattery -> Parameters ; This will show additional information to better understand how the driver works ; and what values are currently set which are not shown elsewhere in the GUI ; You have to scroll down to see the additional information ;GUI_PARAMETERS_SHOW_ADDITIONAL_INFO = True
and with this config i geht low Voltage warning... (so it do not load my batteries)
; Show additional info in GUI -> Serialbattery -> Parameters ; This will show additional information to better understand how the driver works ; and what values are currently set which are not shown elsewhere in the GUI ; You have to scroll down to see the additional information GUI_PARAMETERS_SHOW_ADDITIONAL_INFO = True
with both Versions... v1.3.20240705 and v1.3.20240615beta
so now i use v1.3.20240705 with my first config
On my mobile phone I did not saw the second screenshot.
Which BMS are you using? LLT, JBD or another one?
the JBD
Ok, thats very strange, that only you have this issue. You have also the model and hardware version?
hmmm sorry ;) Pack1
Have you the possibility to connect one BMS over Bluetooth? Would be interesting to see the result there.
@idstein @Jaco-TTT @packrat1969 @wherzig @sledge2019 @pmarches have you also this problem?
i connect over BLE and have the same issu... in the App 82% and in VenusOS 80%
@Jaco-TTT have you also this problem?
Cannot comment, as I'm currently running without the software. I do know the SOC from the BMS, compared to Inverter SOC versus BMV(Smartshunt) SOC always differs.
@stixif now the debugging with GUI_PARAMETERS_SHOW_ADDITIONAL_INFO
was fixed. Install the latest nightly and post the screenshots of the parameters page (should be around 5 screenshots).
Hi, Thanks! Bat1:
There are no signs of any issues. Can you request the protocol documentation from your seller?
I will ask... but I don't have high hopes
hi Manuel, I got something... JBD communication protocol new-RS485,RS232,UART.pdf
i hope it helps...
I found something:
Can you check that values on your end?
Please also install the latest nightly. If you already have it installed, please reinstall it. Then post fresh logs here, they should contain some important values to understand the problem.
yes here the same... i have total capacity and cycle capacity. Bat1 total capacity = 280 cycle capacity = 260 current1.txt
Bat2 total capacity = 279,9 cycle capacity = 260 current2.txt
From the Log... INFO:SerialBattery:soc: 69 - self.soc: 66.87 soc is the same like the BMS APP
@idstein do you know maybe, why the cycle capacity was used and not the total capacity?
Strange, that the app also do not use the cycle capacity, since with time and degradation the total capacity gets less.
@stixif install the latest nightly, I changed it to test in the meanwhile.
i got this error in the log
@400000006693d7b10a421b34 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006693d7b10ab105bc INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006693d7b10d7ff49c INFO:SerialBattery:Venus OS v3.34
@400000006693d7b10d8aaacc INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.4.20240714dev
@400000006693d7c10eb04eac INFO:SerialBattery:-- Testing BMS: 1 of 3 rounds
@400000006693d7c10eb06a04 INFO:SerialBattery:Testing LltJbd
@400000006693d7c11cdb7d44 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'NoneType'") of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #274
@400000006693d7c13b492d6c INFO:SerialBattery:-- Testing BMS: 2 of 3 rounds
@400000006693d7c13b4944dc INFO:SerialBattery:Testing LltJbd
@400000006693d7c20df6ce64 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'NoneType'") of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #274
@400000006693d7cd1bf50544 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006693d7cd1d5e12f4 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006693d7cd1f311d74 INFO:SerialBattery:Venus OS v3.34
@400000006693d7cd1f3b0884 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.4.20240714dev
@400000006693d7ed043d3674 INFO:SerialBattery:-- Testing BMS: 1 of 3 rounds
@400000006693d7ed043d51cc INFO:SerialBattery:Testing LltJbd
@400000006693d7ed13649b74 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'NoneType'") of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #274
@400000006693d7ed3162a594 INFO:SerialBattery:-- Testing BMS: 2 of 3 rounds
@400000006693d7ed3162c4d4 INFO:SerialBattery:Testing LltJbd
Please install and try again. The error should now be more specific.
hmm... same again...
@400000006693e4ef0d23f9bc INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006693e4ef0d297414 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006693e4ef0d6150dc INFO:SerialBattery:Venus OS v3.34
@400000006693e4ef0d68f5e4 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.4.20240714dev
@400000006693e4ff0d9fccf4 INFO:SerialBattery:-- Testing BMS: 1 of 3 rounds
@400000006693e4ff0da74ed4 INFO:SerialBattery:Testing LltJbd
@400000006693e4ff1b50be94 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'NoneType'") of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #297
@400000006693e4ff394c01c4 INFO:SerialBattery:-- Testing BMS: 2 of 3 rounds
@400000006693e4ff394c1d1c INFO:SerialBattery:Testing LltJbd
@400000006693e5000aebe40c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'NoneType'") of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #297
@400000006693e50028ce8e5c INFO:SerialBattery:-- Testing BMS: 3 of 3 rounds
@400000006693e50028d70654 INFO:SerialBattery:Testing LltJbd
@400000006693e500366c9824 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'NoneType'") of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #297
@400000006693e50118b464ec ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at /dev/ttyACM0
@400000006693e5103969f9a4 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006693e510397173b4 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006693e510398a4efc INFO:SerialBattery:Venus OS v3.34
@400000006693e51039919644 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.4.20240714dev
Not exactly the same :) we are getting closer. I updated the code again. Else you can write me on Discord to get access to your system. That would speed things up a bit.
It should be solved now. Found a typo.
now it works...
but batpack1 is 90% in VenusOS and on the BMS 100% but the consumed AmpHours are 28Ah
and batpack2 is 100% in VenusOS and BMS consumed AmpHours 0Ah
but if i disconnect batpack2 it will not load batpack1
@400000006693f6ff05792174 *** CCGX booted (0) ***
@400000006693f7182d3f6d6c INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006693f7182d48e734 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006693f7182d625ebc INFO:SerialBattery:Venus OS v3.34
@400000006693f7182d736234 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.4.20240714dev
@400000006693f72b0bcd4b2c INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006693f72b0bd7caac INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006693f72b0d3e6b44 INFO:SerialBattery:Venus OS v3.34
@400000006693f72b0d3e82b4 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.4.20240714dev
@400000006693f74a1a41179c INFO:SerialBattery:-- Testing BMS: 1 of 3 rounds
@400000006693f74a1a4c42fc INFO:SerialBattery:Testing LltJbd
@400000006693f74b143e655c INFO:SerialBattery:Connection established to LltJbd
@400000006693f74e0210bd6c INFO:SerialBattery:Found existing battery with DeviceInstance = 1
@400000006693f74f26f7c2ec INFO:SerialBattery:DeviceInstance = 1
@400000006693f74f271034bc INFO:SerialBattery:PID file created successfully: /var/tmp/
@400000006693f74f271af2bc INFO:SerialBattery:Used DeviceInstances = ['3', '1', '2']
@400000006693f74f2724d5fc INFO:SerialBattery:com.victronenergy.battery.ttyACM1
@400000006693f7501766de1c INFO:SerialBattery:publish config values = False
@400000006693f7501ad8e6e4 INFO:SerialBattery:Battery LLT/JBD connected to dbus from /dev/ttyACM1
@400000006693f7501ae3f6ec INFO:SerialBattery:========== Settings ==========
@400000006693f7501aed2a64 INFO:SerialBattery:> Connection voltage: 62.66 V | Current: 0.0 A | SoC: 89.97%
@400000006693f7501af55824 INFO:SerialBattery:> Cell count: 18 | Cells populated: 18
@400000006693f7501dd77144 INFO:SerialBattery:> LINEAR LIMITATION ENABLE: True
@400000006693f7501de3cd54 INFO:SerialBattery:> MIN CELL VOLTAGE: 2.870 V | MAX CELL VOLTAGE: 3.475 V| FLOAT CELL VOLTAGE: 3.410 V
@400000006693f7501dee73e4 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 130.0 A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 130.0 A
@400000006693f7501e70d6cc INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 190.0 A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 190.0 A (read from BMS)
@400000006693f7501e7c34f4 INFO:SerialBattery:> CVCM: True
@400000006693f7501e86338c INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM CV: True | DCCM CV: True
@400000006693f7502039c374 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM T: True | DCCM T: True
@400000006693f750204596cc INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM SOC: False | DCCM SOC: False
@400000006693f75020502dbc INFO:SerialBattery:> CHARGE FET: True | DISCHARGE FET: True | BALANCE FET: True
@400000006693f750205baf0c INFO:SerialBattery:Serial Number/Unique Identifier: 40_280.0Ah
Consumed Amp hours in the app or the driver?
in the driver... but it looks like the same in the App (280AH - Remaining 252AH)
The driver uses the consumed amp hours to have a higher resolution on the SOC. Maybe there is a wrong setting in your BMS? You could try a factory reset of the BMS and see the results.
If the battery is full, is the remaining capacity
same as the capacity
or the cycle capacity
I add again the logging, so we see whats happening.
@stixif can you install from the troubleshooting-llt-jbs-soc
branch and provide fresh logs?
See Install a specific branch if you don't know how to install a specific branch.
@mr-manuel i do...
i download it...
and rename it and copy to "/var/volatile/tmp/venus-data.tar.gz"
and install with option 8 of the script
From the logfiles the version was not installed somehow. Could you write me on Discord so that I could check your system?
@mr-manuel ??? what is discord... i dont know sorry or can you tell me how i can install your version?
See Install a specific branch if you don't know how to install a specific branch.
try this
@mr-manuel sorry... now I got it! ;) (i create the venus-data.tar.gz by myself... i never done this before...) current2.txt current1.txt
INFO:SerialBattery:soc (BMS): 99 - self.soc (calc): 99.5 - soc_2 (calc): 107.12 - capacity: 27990 - self.cycle_capacity: 26000.0 - capacity_remain: 27850
INFO:SerialBattery:soc (BMS): 100 - self.soc (calc): 89.55 - soc_2 (calc): 96.44 - capacity: 28000 - self.cycle_capacity: 26000.0 - capacity_remain: 25075
: comes directly from the BMS
: round(100 * capacity_remain / capacity, 2)
: round(100 * capacity_remain / self.cycle_capacity, 2)
: comes directly from the BMS
: comes directly from the BMS
: comes directly from the BMS
So the problem here is, that your BMS shows inconsistent data. The SOC is 100%, but the remaining capacity has not reached at least the cycle_capacity
in the second case. In the fist case, it's even exceeding this value.
Please ask your seller why that is the case and why this values don't match. Maybe it's a settings issue.
SOC is set to BMS SOC with
@mr-manuel thanks a lot... i will ask...
now i installed the newest snapshot... but it hangs in the first few minutes the first batpack after a few minutes all works well...
here 2 logs on the time it stucks @40000000669ac346222b1fac.txt @40000000669ac3290e9dbcc4.txt
Since this is a different problem open a new issue and provide correct logs. Check the documentation on how to provide correct logs. For this issue the timings were not needed, but for your current problem they are.
Describe the bug
the BMS Shows 100% on Both (LltJbd) the VenusOS 96% and 100%
How to reproduce
Expected behavior
correct SoC
Driver version of the currently installed driver
Driver version of the last known working driver
No response
Venus OS device type
Raspberry Pi 4
Venus OS version
BMS type
Jiabaida JDB BMS (LLT Power, Overkill Solar, Smart BMS)
Cell count
Battery count
Connection type
Serial USB adapter to RS485
Config file
Relevant log output
Any other information that may be helpful
what can i do to become the soc value from the BMS