mrQ000 / layz-rc

Remote control for LAY-Z Spa Pool
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Merge with solution of visualapproach #2

Open TimE90 opened 3 years ago

TimE90 commented 3 years ago

Hey @mrQ000!

Thanks for your slides and this project. Do you know about the WiFi project of visualapproach? He made a solution based on an ESP8266, see:

Unfortunately his code is only made for the 6 wire models. Maybe you could do a fork with your solution for the 4 wire models?

mrQ000 commented 3 years ago

hi @TimE90, it's some significant work to transform my solution for the ESP8266. despite the pure ESP8266 solution is too barebone for my taste (i am working with a full-stack environment), i am lack of time to fulfill your request. sorry, no, i can not do that. but feel free to read my codes and use of it whatever you want.