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Active Symbian S60 developers on Github #10

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Discord channel for Symbian Devs!

@pent0 told:

I create a Discord sever to chat about Symbian stuff and the emulator progress, so if you interested, you can join the sever here:

Here is curated list of active Symbian developers presented on Github

NOTE: This list in active development.

Main target – cooperate power of existing Symbian developers for #MakeSymbianGreatAgain! ;-)

Active Symbian/S60 Software Developers

Inactive/Retired Symbian/S60 Software Developers


fedor4ever commented 6 years ago

Hi! Add me too ^^ Maybe I pull some my projects from graveyard.

gauravssnl commented 6 years ago

I am sad that both of my Symbian phones are no longer working now. I really had so much fun with Symbian app development in PyS60(Python For Symbian S60). So, I have to stop Symbian app development. I am developing Android apps now by using DroidScript (JavaScript).. PyS60 motivated me to learn Python and develop apps. Thanks to Nokia for porting Python to Symbian OS. I wish Google would have also ported Python for Android app development and supported officially. But, this hasn't been done.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi! Add me too ^^

@fedor4ever, Done!

gauravssnl commented 6 years ago

Awesome list of Symbian Github repositories, blogs & resources

I have created that awesome list from my Facebook Notes. You all can have a look at my list. I hope my list will be useful to active Symbian developers.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Awesome list of Symbian Github repositories, blogs & resources

Just add it as reference on own "awesome-symbian" list, created few month ago ;-)

P.S.: Will try sort all listed resources and systematize it later.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@royag, enjoy!

ghost commented 6 years ago

Forum on still active ;-)

ghost commented 5 years ago

@pent0, enjoy!

ghost commented 4 years ago

@eerolat, @ssb22, @spatial-intelligence, @artem78, @Cylurd, enjoy!

ssb22 commented 4 years ago

Apart from the small utilities in my s60-utils repository listed above, there's also my larger Gradint language-learning program which I believe still runs under S60 (i.e. I don't think I've done anything to the code that would break S60). However I'm sorry to say my S60 phone physically stopped working a while ago. I had kept testing on it as long as I could, even after I stopped using it as my phone, but eventually it just wouldn't turn on and I recycled it. So I'm no longer able to test any S60 code. Recent commits to my s60-utils have just been things like updating comments and URLs (plus moving out some Windows Mobile scripts that I'd accidentally put in the wrong repository); I haven't actually written any new S60 code for a while.

lakor64 commented 4 years ago

Hello, it's good seeing that someone is giving some love to Symbian OS. Thanks for adding me to the list. I don't think I could be covered as GCC developer, gcc still supports symbianos to this days (checked with v9). Conexport was just an attempt to build a symbian image for qemu4 using modern tools.

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

I'm a Symbian developer too! I translate apps and cook firmware!

stuaxo commented 3 years ago

I am sad that both of my Symbian phones are no longer working now. I really had so much fun with Symbian app development in PyS60(Python For Symbian S60). So, I have to stop Symbian app development. I am developing Android apps now by using DroidScript (JavaScript).. PyS60 motivated me to learn Python and develop apps. Thanks to Nokia for porting Python to Symbian OS. I wish Google would have also ported Python for Android app development and supported officially. But, this hasn't been done.

There is Kivy for python on Android. A lot of the old S60 phones are available on ebay, it's tempting to buy one.

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

@misheu12 welcome :-)

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

Add my projects

Schurko commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone,Could someone help me and a lot of guys. So on Symbian(9.3 fro example) we already have expiried certificates,so we can't use any web services.HEEEEELP pleeeease T_T

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

@Schurko, ask on reddit.

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

hello friends. My project - Symbian apps translation into Hebrew!

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

What app does?

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

more apps, more functions

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

@misheu12, what your app does? I don't knew Hebrew.

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

In most applications there is no English but only Hebrew. There is a text editor, blacklist, screenshot, one-click language changer, and more. The truth is that I have a desire to open a project that will coordinate Symbian applications in general, not just in Hebrew. Who is with me? Who will cost what he has

AshiVered commented 3 years ago Feel free to join the project and upload applications, I will also upload more later

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

In most applications there is no English but only Hebrew. There is a text editor, blacklist, screenshot, one-click language changer, and more. The truth is that I have a desire to open a project that will coordinate Symbian applications in general, not just in Hebrew. Who is with me? Who will cost what he has

Your app may be good but too many peoples know Hebrew. Please translate to english.

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

Hi, the original apps are in English, I just translated into Hebrew and replaced the language files. The original applications (in English) can be found in my second project - apps for s60 devices

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

@misheu12, merge you work with original project. It stupid because torn project at parts.

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

@fedor4ever For which project to merge?

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

Hi, the original apps are in English, I just translated into Hebrew and replaced the language files.

Add your translaton to original project.

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

Both projects are mine. The first (translated) project is the original. At your request, I have added a project of untranslated applications

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

Both projects are mine. The first (translated) project is the original. At your request, I have added a project of untranslated applications

Dou hear about multilingual localized apps for symbian? Dou have sdk help installed?

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

what? I unpack the App, edit the rXX file and repacked the App...

artem78 commented 3 years ago

If somebody need this, I can help with making Russian translations.

artem78 commented 3 years ago

I unpack the App, edit the rXX file and repacked the App...

Is it possible to edit rXX files without recompiling from sources?

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

@artem78 yes.with RSCeditor

fedor4ever commented 3 years ago

what? I unpack the App, edit the rXX file and repacked the App...

Lol. I think you got app source and translate. Is that apps free?

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

Not all, some cost money. (mclaener for example) .and a lot not open source. And anyway, I have no way to compile later.

artem78 commented 3 years ago

@Symbian9 Please add my two project to the list:

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

Hello friends, I need help. After a long Google search I found the open source VLC player for Symbian, but did not find a SIS or SISX file. Can anyone compile the code? (I am currently on a computer that I do not have software for the compile it ...) Thank you!

@artem78 I just see you're still writing apps, so maybe you have the ability to compile ... thanks

artem78 commented 3 years ago

but did not find a SIS or SISX file

It is weird. Maybe project not finished and abandoned?

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

@artem78 It was on videolan's site from their forum. There were screenshots, but there was no sis or sisx, and the project seems to have been abandoned

AshiVered commented 3 years ago

I would be very happy if someone could compile it to a sis or sisx file.Thanks

ghost commented 3 years ago

@Symbian9 Please add my two project to the list:

@artem78, Done!

Computershik73 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Please, add me too

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi! Please, add me too

@Computershik73, Done!

Dante-Leoncini commented 1 year ago I currently uploaded my NokiDesk project for SymbianBelle (Nokia N8) and I'm adapting it to a nokia n95 s60v3 FP1 (I haven't uploaded the code yet but as soon as this version is uploaded. I'm currently trying to get the bluetooth mouse to work)