mrackley / StratusForms

Lightweight InfoPath alternative for SharePoint 2007,2010,2013,2016,2019 and Office 365
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People Picker shows up blank and uneditable on ?formID= #12

Open Dracozny opened 6 years ago

Dracozny commented 6 years ago

This field work great to Submit a value and it shows in the StratusFormsData column. But upon loading the table with ?formID all of the fields will populate except for the PeoplePicker.

Dracozny commented 6 years ago

Disregard for now. I think I lost something in formatting. Timesheet works correctly even when adding multiple people. so it has to be something in my html.

Dracozny commented 6 years ago

Ok I have stripped out all of the code I can come up wit ad it still does some strange things. The only field written to the Sharepoint list is the Requestor field. (simply renamed employee from the timesheet example and removed everything else.) If I attempt to load up an item that had more fields enabled it will not load the people picker with the data nor will it allow me to edit that data. It will produce the exact same result if you delete the StratusFormsData field for that item. using the quick edit method

gregcor72 commented 4 years ago

Did you ever figure out the issue? I'm having the same problem.

Dracozny commented 4 years ago

Nope, I wound up using his older method and just hacking the list forms with the stratusformslight option. which due to my orgs IT policies was still a bit hackish and didn't load consistently no matter what I tried. Sharepoint likes to not load javascript consistently in this case. Rule of thumb: If you can avoid sharepoint, do that.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 9:46 AM Greg Corliss wrote:

Did you ever figure out the issue? I'm having the same problem.

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gregcor72 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the response Draconzny. Wish I had the option to use something other than SharePoint. Guess I'll have to wait until our org allows power apps to do anything decent with forms. Guess I'll just start using customized SP Designer forms.

Matt15BRJ commented 3 years ago

Are you promoting the people picker field to the SP list? when I try to do that it saves to the SP list, but then wipes the data from the people picker on the form upon reload. To get around it I made a hidden input field and wrote a JQuery function to grab the name from the people picker and put it in the hidden text field and promote it to the SP list from there. kind of a pain, but it seems to work.

john-e-schneider commented 3 years ago

You can also dig out the email address from one of the people picker strings and save it out (string or array if multiple) Then you can insert back in people picker fields anywhere. I have done this on multiple forms. It’s messy but reliable.

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On Jun 9, 2021, at 5:40 PM, Matt @.***> wrote:

 Are you promoting the people picker field to the SP list? when I try to do that it saves to the SP list, but then wipes the data from the people picker on the form upon reload. To get around it I made a hidden input field and wrote a JQuery function to grab the name from the people picker and put it in the hidden text field and promote it to the SP list from there. kind of a pain, but it seems to work.

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