mrackley / StratusForms

Lightweight InfoPath alternative for SharePoint 2007,2010,2013,2016,2019 and Office 365
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People picker #39

Open btroop202 opened 5 years ago

btroop202 commented 5 years ago

My people picker does not find people if I have not looked for them before in another SP page (using the out of the box). Any idea why it is not searching through AD in the StratusForm people picker?

warwickbuilds commented 5 years ago

Is this just using a StratusForms form? confirm in classic and modern SP form

btroop202 commented 5 years ago

Sorry had other fish to fry. So people picker works with SP OOTB forms. I am geting a
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'isNullOrUndefined' of undefined or null reference in the sp.js

Here are all my script files

So my people picker is not working right. Any ideas?

btroop202 commented 5 years ago

OK i had to make some changes but got it working

It seems the order was the issue..... Odd