mrackley / StratusForms

Lightweight InfoPath alternative for SharePoint 2007,2010,2013,2016,2019 and Office 365
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StratusFormsRepeatable - One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields #40

Closed rtonerii closed 5 years ago

rtonerii commented 5 years ago

So, I have a simple form with a simple repeating section, just the title field, I don't even have it promoted.

I am getting the following error and can't figure out what is wrong. Error: One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields

The child list has the following info: StratusFormsRowID Single line of text Manifests Lookup (parent list name) dispaying list ID

    <tr id="repeatingRow" data-StratusFormsRepeatable="Y" data-StratusFormsChildList="Test">
        <td><input id="rid_Title" type="text" /></td>
        <td><a href="#" onclick="$().StratusFormsRepeat('repeatingRow');">Add Row</a></td>

Please tell me if you see something wrong. I am stuck and can't get any of the repeating form done!

mrackley commented 5 years ago

does the child list called Test have a field with an internal name "rid_Title" that is a single line of text field? If so, I think you should be fine. Keep in mind you don't HAVE to have a child list. You can remove the "data-StratusFormsChildList="Test"" attribute and repeating rows still work, it just won't try to save them to a child list.

rtonerii commented 5 years ago

I don't have a field named "rid_Title", but since I am not promoting it, shouldn't it be excluded?

mrackley commented 5 years ago

This as written is looking for a Child list called "Test" with a field with an internal name of "rid_Title". If you don't have a field rid_Title then you should remove that attribute, if you don't have a child list called Test that has been configured to work with the Child List structure of StratusForms you should remove that. Look at the ReadMe file in the Timesheet example as it tells you a couple of fields you need to set up in your child list.

rtonerii commented 5 years ago

In your time sheet example you have you repeating section like this.

<tr id="repeatingRow" data-StratusFormsRepeatable="Y" data-StratusFormsChildList="Time">
    <td><select id="projects" class="inputSelectSmall" data-StratusFormsLookup="{listName:'Projects',firstOption:'Select Project',fieldName:'Title'}"></select></td>                
    <td><input listFieldName="monday" class="inputClassSmall hours" id="mon" validate="validNumber" onkeyup="SumHours();"/></td>
    <td><input class="inputClassSmall hours" id="tues" onkeyup="SumHours();"/></td>
    <td><input class="inputClassSmall hours" id="wed" onkeyup="SumHours();"/></td>
    <td><input class="inputClassSmall hours" id="thurs" onkeyup="SumHours();"/></td>
    <td><input class="inputClassSmall hours" id="fri" onkeyup="SumHours();"/></td>

You have ids that are not posting to the child list.

So I should be able to have ids in my repeating rows, right? I did read the readme and I have the required fields in the list.

I guess I am misunderstanding something.

rtonerii commented 5 years ago

I finally got it working!

I had to rebuild the lists, something was just wrong with the lists.

I am really liking StratusForms, it is really cool!