mrackley / StratusForms

Lightweight InfoPath alternative for SharePoint 2007,2010,2013,2016,2019 and Office 365
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Uncaught TypeError: completefunc is not a function #41

Open rtonerii opened 5 years ago

rtonerii commented 5 years ago

I have been trying to do a clean up event, once a dropdown list is finished injecting the values.

I tried this:

<select id="id_DisposalLocation_ddl" data-StratusFormsLookup="{listName:'MNGWPD Facilities',firstOption:'Select Disposal Location',fieldName:'ActiveLookup',completefunc:'Cleanup_DisposalLocation_ddl'}" ListFieldName="DisposalLocation_txt" ></select>

But it errors when I pass in the function I want to fire. What am I doing wrong with passing in the function?