mrackley / StratusForms

Lightweight InfoPath alternative for SharePoint 2007,2010,2013,2016,2019 and Office 365
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Multiple Repeating Rows #56

Open DevSpMan opened 5 years ago

DevSpMan commented 5 years ago

I am able to set up a 2nd instance of the Repeating Rows on my form and it saves the data however, it does not display the data when the form loads. I can see the repeating rows load however the data does not populate. Each Repeating Row section has a unique ID that matches the "Add Item" control.

I also noticed that my date picker, default values, and formulas do not work on the repeated row.

Has anyone experienced this?

globalwm commented 5 years ago

YES, having that same issue with a datepicker in repeatedrow section.

When implementing jQuery UI’s datepicker in a dynamic form, you may notice that it will break as you bind it to new elements. The datepicker method adds a “hasDatepicker” class which must be removed first. I'm just not sure how to accommodate for this in the StratusForms framework.

Anyone have any ideas? I took a look at 1.55a but nothing seems to pop out as a fix.

PS. You may also find that once you write the form and then recall (Edit) - the datepicker now works on the other rows since it is no longer dynamic.

spunkyvt commented 5 years ago

you must remove the class 'hasDatePicker' first.


$("input[id*='datetaken']").removeClass('hasDatepicker').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true });

call the above code on the addRow of the repeatable section