mrackley / StratusForms

Lightweight InfoPath alternative for SharePoint 2007,2010,2013,2016,2019 and Office 365
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Usage on StratusFormsGetLookupFieldValue #8

Open john-e-schneider opened 6 years ago

john-e-schneider commented 6 years ago

I'm having trouble getting this to work. I want to auto-populate 2 other fields on the form based on DDL choice (Parent). I want to just create an onchange = "foo(this.value);" and build the foo() to force values from the unique lookup. I'm pretty sure this is the vehicle, but I guess I don't get the usage.

I'm guessing its something like this:

StratusFormsGetLookupFieldValue(listName, fieldName, fieldValue, returnField, getText)

But what is the return? I also dont understand getText.

john-e-schneider commented 6 years ago

The format is this: $().StratusFormsGetLookupFieldValue(listName, fieldName, fieldValue, returnField, getText);

which returns a value. How can I get multiple values?

mrackley commented 6 years ago

Hey sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this John. I'm not quite sure I'm following you. Are you saying you essentially want to do a cascading relationship, but to two child fields?

btroop202 commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue, so in SP when you add a lookup list you can return multiple values. So if you select a country, you can also bring back the capital, and currency (for example). Can you do the same in StratusForms? So if I have a list that has title, A, B, C. I want a select list that when the users selects a Title, it also sets fields with the values of A, B, C.