mrackley / StratusForms

Lightweight InfoPath alternative for SharePoint 2007,2010,2013,2016,2019 and Office 365
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StratusForms SPFx Cert Expired Again? #84

Open paparush opened 2 years ago

paparush commented 2 years ago

We experienced this same issue with the the StratusForms SPFx back in late February, 2021. At that time, Mr. Rackley indicated that there was an issue with his Azure account. Mr Rackly addressed the Azure issue and our problem went away.

This morning we began experiencing the exact same issue as we had back in February, 2021.

Something went wrong If the problem persists, contact the site administrator and give them the information in Technical Details.

TECHNICAL DETAILS [SPLoaderError.loadComponentError]: Failed to load component "226de56c-62ad-4323-a5f0-db4407496d59" (StratusFormsWebPart). Original error: Failed to load URL '' for resource 'StratusFormsWebPartStrings' in component '226de56c-62ad-4323-a5f0-db4407496d59' (StratusFormsWebPart). There was a network problem. This may be a problem with a HTTPS certificate. Make sure you have the right certificate.

INNERERROR: Failed to load URL '' for resource 'StratusFormsWebPartStrings' in component '226de56c-62ad-4323-a5f0-db4407496d59' (StratusFormsWebPart). There was a network problem. This may be a problem with a HTTPS certificate. Make sure you have the right certificate. CALLSTACK: Error at t [as constructor] ( at new t ( at Function.e.buildErrorWithVerboseLog ( at Function.e.buildLoadComponentError ( at