mrafiqk / html-pdf-node

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Error whlie working with Ubunut 20.04.2 LTS #69

Open binupillai305 opened 2 years ago

binupillai305 commented 2 years ago

HTML to PDF conversion not working with Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS We are using Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS and NodeJS v12.13.1 This function not producing any output or error messages html_to_pdf.generatePdf

But at the same time this combination works well Ubuntu 18 and NodeJS v12.13.1

Any help appreciated. Thanks

aesbetancourt commented 2 years ago

What version of NodeJS are you working with?

binupillai305 commented 2 years ago

We are using Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS and Node 12.13.1

aesbetancourt commented 2 years ago

I would recommend that you use the LTS version of node (16).

aesbetancourt commented 2 years ago

Or instead of running it locally you could prepare a docker image that contains the following

# Install linux dependencies RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y \ gconf-service \ libasound2 \ libatk1.0-0 \ libatk-bridge2.0-0 \ libc6 \ libcairo2 \ libcups2 \ libdbus-1-3 \ libexpat1 \ libfontconfig1 \ libgcc1 \ libgconf-2-4 \ libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 \ libglib2.0-0 \ libgtk-3-0 \ libnspr4 \ libpango-1.0-0 \ libpangocairo-1.0-0 \ libstdc++6 \ libx11-6 \ libx11-xcb1 \ libxcb1 \ libxcomposite1 \ libxcursor1 \ libxdamage1 \ libxext6 \ libxfixes3 \ libxi6 \ libxrandr2 \ libxrender1 \ libxss1 \ libxtst6 \ ca-certificates \ fonts-liberation \ libappindicator1 \ libnss3 \ lsb-release \ xdg-utils \ wget \ libgbm-dev \ && npm i puppeteer nodemon

This will allow you to run a container with the application regardless of the OS version you have.

binupillai305 commented 2 years ago

Ok I will try the first solution. Second option is not possible with our current working environment.

htorohn commented 1 year ago

Did you solve this problem?? I installed all the dependencies that were listed as not found within node_modules puppeter. I'm using node v17.4.0 and still the process of creating the pdf just hags out and nothing is loggued .

SemionVino commented 1 year ago

EDIT: It's probably just an issue with puppeteer version, this library uses an old version- 10.4.0

Had the same issue, Windows was working great, but ubuntu returned nothing. I managed to solve it by incorporating the library's code into my project.

I installed these libraries seperately(running npm install on ubuntu produced an error while installing puppeteer): const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); var Promise = require('bluebird'); const hb = require('handlebars'); const inlineCss = require('inline-css');

And the actual PDF creation: ` async generatePdf(file, options, callback) {

let args = ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'];
if (options.args) {
  args = options.args;
  delete options.args;

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
  args: args,
const page = await browser.newPage();

if (file.content) {
  const data = await inlineCss(file.content, { url: '/' });
  console.log('Compiling the template with handlebars');
  // we have compile our code with handlebars
  const template = hb.compile(data, { strict: true });
  const result = template(data);
  const html = result;// We set the page content as the generated html by handlebars
  await page.setContent(html, {
    waitUntil: 'networkidle0', // wait for page to load completely
} else {
  await page.goto(file.url, {
    waitUntil: ['load', 'networkidle0'], // wait for page to load completely

return Promise.props(page.pdf(options))
  .then(async function (data) {
    await browser.close();

    return Buffer.from(Object.values(data));
