Open ghost opened 11 years ago
You already have support for something like this. There is also a property named "format" in root element which is returned by the parser after you parse your string.
In your case it will look like this: AND I NEVER THOUGHT {BB_0_BB}
All you have to do is to replace {BB_0_BB} with quote element's text, quotation marks and author name.
You can do this using regex expression:
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:[BBCodeParser tagRegexPattern] options:0 error:nil];
NSArray *matches = [regex matchesInString:parser.element.format options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [parser.element.format length])];
In matches array, there is a NSRange object, which tells you the range of quote element. You can use that range to insert text of a quote element into parser.element.text.
Ah yes thanks.
Also, it would be good if it supported BBCode like this:
[quote=harry]TEXT TEXT[/quote]
I am not sure ... what if there would be more than just one attribute?
I can't find any bb code specification ... I guess everyone just makes his own ...
Hey I also love your library so far. Makes fun working with it.
But i also vote for supporting an element being an attribute:
"[quote=harry]TEXT TEXT[/quote]" mentioned by liamparker.
I created a pull request in order to at least recognize these tags:
Hi. Thanks for sharing this library. I'm loving it right now.
I want to find the original range of an element. That is - where the element that was parsed was found in the original piece of text.
Say you have this:
NSString *string = @"AND I NEVER THOUGHT [quote author=iffets12345 game=iffets12345 ]Haha, EXACTLY![/quote]";
You parse it with the parser and it returns an element.
Now I want to replace the original location of the element with some new text based on what I have parsed out of the element.
Can this library do anything like that?
Basically - I want to turn that original string into something like this:
AND I NEVER THOUGHT "Haha, EXACTLY!" - iffets12345.