mratsim / Arraymancer

A fast, ergonomic and portable tensor library in Nim with a deep learning focus for CPU, GPU and embedded devices via OpenMP, Cuda and OpenCL backends
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New allocator issue on big tensors (happens in benchmark and MNIST example) #178

Closed mratsim closed 6 years ago

mratsim commented 6 years ago

While running the softmax benchmark:

Traceback (most recent call last)
softmax_cross_entropy_bench.nim(341) softmax_cross_entropy_bench
softmax_cross_entropy_bench.nim(181) softmax_cross_entropy_backward1
init_cpu.nim(132)        zeros_like
init_cpu.nim(123)        zeros
data_structure.nim(104)  data=
assign.nim(155)          genericSeqAssign
assign.nim(118)          genericAssign
assign.nim(65)           genericAssignAux
mmdisp.nim(568)          nimNewSeqOfCap
gc.nim(492)              newObjNoInit
alloc.nim(738)           rawDealloc
alloc.nim(547)           freeBigChunk
alloc.nim(215)           addChunkToMatrix
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
mratsim commented 6 years ago

After a few tests, the follwing proc can grow to up to 2GB before GC failing to allocate/collect on my machine at the zeros_like step:

proc softmax_cross_entropy_backward1[T](
        gradient: Tensor[T] or T,
        cached_tensor: Tensor[T],
        target: Tensor[T]
        ): Tensor[T] {.noInit.}=
  let batch_size = cached_tensor.shape[1]

  when gradient is T:
    let grad = gradient
  elif gradient is Tensor:
    let grad =[gradient.offset]

  echo "cached_tensor shape:"
  echo $cached_tensor.shape

  result = zeros_like(cached_tensor)

  for i in 0||(batch_size-1): # Can't use OpenMP - SIGSEGV Illegal Address
    let (max, sumexp) = cached_tensor[_,i].streaming_max_sumexp

    var res_slice = result[_, i]

    apply3_inline(res_slice, cached_tensor[_,i], target[_,i]):
      grad * (stable_softmax(y, max, sumexp) - z) / T(batch_size)
mratsim commented 6 years ago

After discussion with Araq, Nim has a new allocator with max chunk size = 2GB.

Tests shows that the proc is failing after 13 allocations = 100000 200 8 bytes * 13 alloc = 2.08 GB. So upstream issue

mratsim commented 6 years ago

Further investigation shows that apply3_inline and map3_inline are suspicious. Changing them to map2 in the following code prevents RAM rampage:

proc softmax_cross_entropy_backward1[T](
        gradient: Tensor[T] or T,
        cached_tensor: Tensor[T],
        target: Tensor[T]
        ): Tensor[T] {.noInit.}=
  let batch_size = cached_tensor.shape[1]

  when gradient is T:
    let grad = gradient
  elif gradient is Tensor:
    let grad =[gradient.offset]

  result = zeros_like(cached_tensor)

  for i in 0||(batch_size-1):
    let (max, sumexp) = cached_tensor[_,i].streaming_max_sumexp

    var res_slice = result[_, i]

    apply3_inline(res_slice, cached_tensor[_,i], target[_,i]):
      grad * (stable_softmax(y, max, sumexp) - z) / T(batch_size)

############ New optimized
proc softmax_cross_entropy_backward2[T](
        gradient: Tensor[T] or T,
        cached_tensor: Tensor[T],
        target: Tensor[T]
        ): Tensor[T] {.noInit.}=
  let batch_size = cached_tensor.shape[1]

  when gradient is T:
    let grad = gradient
  elif gradient is Tensor:
    let grad =[gradient.offset]

  let axis_max_sumexp = cached_tensor.streaming_max_sumexp(axis = 1).broadcast(cached_tensor.shape)
  # let axis_max_sumexp = cached_tensor.classic_max_sumexp(axis = 1).broadcast(cached_tensor.shape)

  result = map3_inline(cached_tensor, target, axis_max_sumexp):
      grad * (stable_softmax(x, z.max, z.sumexp) - y) / T(batch_size)
mratsim commented 6 years ago

Furthermore in this complete example, exchanging the order of softmax_cross_entropy_backward1 and 2 prevents the bug from happening:

import  ../src/tensor/tensor,
        math, times

proc streaming_max_sumexp[T](t: Tensor[T]): tuple[max:T, sumexp: T] {.noSideEffect, inline.}=
  # One pass but with branching
  result.max = -Inf.T   # will store the streaming max of the tensor
  result.sumexp = 0.T   # will store the streaming sum of exp of the tensor

  for x in t:
    if x <= result.max:
      result.sumexp += exp(x - result.max)
      result.sumexp *= exp(result.max - x)
      result.sumexp += 1
      result.max = x

proc classic_max_sumexp[T](t: Tensor[T]): tuple[max:T, sumexp: T] =
  # 2 pass no branching

  result.max = t.max
  result.sumexp = t.fold_inline() do:
    x = exp(y - result.max)
    x += exp(y - result.max)
  do: x += y

proc streaming_max_sumexp[T](t: Tensor[T], axis: int): Tensor[tuple[max:T, sumexp: T]] {.noInit.}=
  # Only 2D tensor are supported for now. (i.e. no 3D Softmax)
  assert axis in {0, 1}

  result = newTensorUninit[tuple[max:T, sumexp: T]](t.shape[axis])

  for i in `||`(0, t.shape[axis]-1, "simd"):[i] = t.atAxisIndex(axis, i).streaming_max_sumexp

  # Reexpand the tensor to be consistent with fold_axis/reduce_axis
  if axis == 0:
    result = result.unsqueeze(1)
    result = result.unsqueeze(0)

proc classic_max_sumexp[T](t: Tensor[T], axis: int): Tensor[tuple[max:T, sumexp: T]] {.noInit.}=
  # Only 2D tensor are supported for now. (i.e. no 3D Softmax)
  assert axis in {0, 1}

  result = newTensorUninit[tuple[max:T, sumexp: T]](t.shape[axis])

  for i in `||`(0, t.shape[axis]-1, "simd"):[i] = t.atAxisIndex(axis, i).classic_max_sumexp

  # Reexpand the tensor to be consistent with fold_axis/reduce_axis
  if axis == 0:
    result = result.unsqueeze(1)
    result = result.unsqueeze(0)

proc classic_logsumexp_v2[T: SomeReal](t: Tensor[T]): T =
  # 2 pass no branching
  let (max, sumexp) = t.classic_max_sumexp
  result = max + ln(sumexp)

proc softmax_cross_entropy1[T](input, target: Tensor[T]): T =
  var sample_softmax_xentropy = zeros[T](1, input.shape[1])
  var i = 0
  for sample_input, sample_target in zipAxis(input, target, 1):
    let lse = sample_input.classic_logsumexp_v2 # y.streaming_log_sumexp
    sample_softmax_xentropy[0, i] = sum:
      map2_inline(sample_input, sample_target):
        y * (lse - x)
    inc i
  result = sample_softmax_xentropy.mean

###### Backprop bench

proc softmax_cross_entropy_backward1[T](
        gradient: Tensor[T] or T,
        cached_tensor: Tensor[T],
        target: Tensor[T]
        ): Tensor[T] {.noInit.}=
  let batch_size = cached_tensor.shape[1]

  when gradient is T:
    let grad = gradient
  elif gradient is Tensor:
    let grad =[gradient.offset]

  result = zeros_like(cached_tensor)

  for i in 0||(batch_size-1):
    let (max, sumexp) = cached_tensor[_,i].streaming_max_sumexp

    var res_slice = result[_, i]

    apply3_inline(res_slice, cached_tensor[_,i], target[_,i]):
      grad * ((y + max + sumexp) - z) / T(batch_size)

############ New optimized
proc softmax_cross_entropy_backward2[T](
        gradient: Tensor[T] or T,
        cached_tensor: Tensor[T],
        target: Tensor[T]
        ): Tensor[T] {.noInit.}=
  let batch_size = cached_tensor.shape[1]

  when gradient is T:
    let grad = gradient
  elif gradient is Tensor:
    let grad =[gradient.offset]

  let axis_max_sumexp = cached_tensor.streaming_max_sumexp(axis = 1).broadcast(cached_tensor.shape)
  # let axis_max_sumexp = cached_tensor.classic_max_sumexp(axis = 1).broadcast(cached_tensor.shape)

  result = map3_inline(cached_tensor, target, axis_max_sumexp):
      grad * ((x + z.max + z.sumexp) - y) / T(batch_size)

####### Bench:

let batch_size = 200
let nb_classes = 100000

# Create a sparse label tensor of shape: [batch_size]
let sparse_labels = randomTensor(batch_size, nb_classes)

# Create the corresponding dense label tensor of shape [nb_classes, batch_size]
var labels = zeros[float64](nb_classes, batch_size)

# Fill in the non-zeros values
for sample_id, nonzero_idx in enumerate(sparse_labels):
  labels[nonzero_idx, sample_id] = 1

# Create a random tensor with predictions:
let pred = randomTensor(nb_classes, batch_size, -1.0..1.0)

echo "### Reference"
let sce_loss = softmax_cross_entropy1(pred, labels)
echo sce_loss

var start = epochTime()

echo "###### Backpropagation"

start = epochTime()
for i in 0..<20:
  discard softmax_cross_entropy_backward1(sce_loss, pred, labels)
echo "Softmax xentropy backward: ", epochTime() - start

start = epochTime()
for i in 0..<20:
  discard softmax_cross_entropy_backward2(sce_loss, pred, labels)
echo "Backprop SCE optimized: ", epochTime() - start

Could it be that this par is not properly collected?

    let (max, sumexp) = cached_tensor[_,i].streaming_max_sumexp

    var res_slice = result[_, i]
mratsim commented 6 years ago

Confirmed, the culprit is let (max, sumexp) = cached_tensor[_,i].streaming_max_sumexp, it is not collected properly.

mratsim commented 6 years ago

Or not, there seem to be very subtile and necessary conditions to trigger the bug:


Minimum test case as of commit

Note randomTensor still uses the old deprecated random function as well

import  ../src/tensor/tensor,

proc streaming_max_sumexp[T](t: Tensor[T]): T {.noSideEffect, inline.}=
  return -Inf.T # Plot twist, a function is needed

proc softmax_cross_entropy1*[T](input, target: Tensor[T]): T =
  var sample_softmax_xentropy = zeros[T](1, input.shape[1])
  var i = 0
  for sample_input, sample_target in zipAxis(input, target, 1):
    let lse = 10.T
    sample_softmax_xentropy[0, i] = sum:  # Plt twist, this is needed as well
      map2_inline(sample_input, sample_target):
        y * (lse - x)
    inc i
  result = sample_softmax_xentropy.mean

###### Backprop bench

proc softmax_cross_entropy_backward1[T](
        gradient: T,
        cached_tensor: Tensor[T],
        target: Tensor[T]
        ): Tensor[T] {.noInit.}=
  let batch_size = cached_tensor.shape[1]

  result = zeros_like(cached_tensor)

  for i in 0..<batch_size:
    let test = cached_tensor[_,i].streaming_max_sumexp

    var res_slice = result[_, i]

    apply3_inline(res_slice, cached_tensor[_,i], target[_,i]):
      gradient * ((y + y + y) - z) / T(batch_size) # Plot twist: y + y + y needed, / batch_size needed

############ New optimized
proc softmax_cross_entropy_backward2[T](
        gradient: Tensor[T] or T,
        cached_tensor: Tensor[T],
        target: Tensor[T]
        ): Tensor[T] {.noInit.}=

  result = map3_inline(cached_tensor, target, cached_tensor): # Plot twist: this is also needed

####### Bench:

let batch_size = 200
let nb_classes = 100000

# Create a sparse label tensor of shape: [batch_size]
let sparse_labels = randomTensor(batch_size, nb_classes)

# Create the corresponding dense label tensor of shape [nb_classes, batch_size]
var labels = zeros[float64](nb_classes, batch_size)

# Fill in the non-zeros values
for sample_id, nonzero_idx in enumerate(sparse_labels):
  labels[nonzero_idx, sample_id] = 1

# Create a random tensor with predictions:
let pred = randomTensor(nb_classes, batch_size, -1.0..1.0)

echo "### Reference"
let sce_loss = softmax_cross_entropy1(pred, labels)
echo sce_loss

import times # Plot twist - this is needed
var start = epochTime()

echo "###### Backpropagation"

for i in 0..<20:
  discard softmax_cross_entropy_backward1(sce_loss, pred, labels)
echo "Softmax xentropy backward: ", epochTime() - start # Plot twist - this is needed

for i in 0..<20:
  discard softmax_cross_entropy_backward2(sce_loss, pred, labels)
echo "Backprop SCE optimized: ", epochTime() - start

Investigating further is not worth it as this is such a rare combination, we can just not use the offending alternative in the library.

Edit, summary: I needed to keep some very rare conditions in my code otherwise it just disappeared:

mratsim commented 6 years ago

Removing the low priority tag and changing to showstopper, this also happens reliably on the MNIST example

import ../src/arraymancer

# This is an early minimum viable example of handwritten digits recognition.
# It uses convolutional neural networks to achieve high accuracy.
# Data files (MNIST) can be downloaded here
# and must be decompressed in "./bin/" (or change the path "bin/..." below)
# Note:
# In the future, model, weights and optimizer definition will be streamlined.
# Also, currently this only works on Nim 0.17.2
# until I debug the new Nim allocator introduced in November 2017 in devel branch.

  ctx = newContext Tensor[float32] # Autograd/neural network graph
  n = 32                           # Batch size

  # Training data is 60k 28x28 greyscale images from 0-255,
  # neural net prefers input rescaled to [0, 1] or [-1, 1]
  x_train = read_mnist_images("bin/train-images.idx3-ubyte").astype(float32) / 255'f32

  # Change shape from [N, H, W] to [N, C, H, W], with C = 1 (unsqueeze). Convolution expect 4d tensors
  # And store in the context to track operations applied and build a NN graph
  X_train = ctx.variable x_train.unsqueeze(1)

  # Labels are uint8, we must convert them to int
  y_train = read_mnist_labels("bin/train-labels.idx1-ubyte").astype(int)

  # Idem for testing data
  x_test = read_mnist_images("bin/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte").astype(float32) / 255'f32
  X_test = ctx.variable x_test.unsqueeze(1)
  y_test = read_mnist_labels("bin/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte").astype(int)

# Config
  # We randomly initialize all weights and bias between [-0.5, 0.5]

  cv1_w = ctx.variable randomTensor[float32](20, 1, 5, 5, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32  # Weight of 1st convolution
  cv1_b = ctx.variable randomTensor[float32](20, 1, 1, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32     # Bias of 1st convolution

  cv2_w = ctx.variable randomTensor[float32](50, 20, 5, 5, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32 # Weight of 2nd convolution
  cv2_b = ctx.variable randomTensor[float32](50, 1, 1, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32     # Bias of 2nd convolution

  fc3 = ctx.variable randomTensor[float32](500, 800, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32       # Fully connected: 800 in, 500 out

  classifier = ctx.variable randomTensor[float32](10, 500, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32 # Fully connected: 500 in, 10 classes out

proc model[TT](x: Variable[TT]): Variable[TT] =
  # The formula of the output size of convolutions and maxpools is:
  #   H_out = (H_in + (2*padding.height) - kernel.height) / stride.height + 1
  #   W_out = (W_in + (2*padding.width) - kernel.width) / stride.width + 1

  let cv1 = x.conv2d(cv1_w, cv1_b).relu()      # Conv1: [N, 1, 28, 28] --> [N, 20, 24, 24]     (kernel: 5, padding: 0, strides: 1)
  let mp1 = cv1.maxpool2D((2,2), (0,0), (2,2)) # Maxpool1: [N, 20, 24, 24] --> [N, 20, 12, 12] (kernel: 2, padding: 0, strides: 2)
  let cv2 = mp1.conv2d(cv2_w, cv2_b).relu()    # Conv2: [N, 20, 12, 12] --> [N, 50, 8, 8]      (kernel: 5, padding: 0, strides: 1)
  let mp2 = cv2.maxpool2D((2,2), (0,0), (2,2)) # Maxpool1: [N, 50, 8, 8] --> [N, 50, 4, 4]     (kernel: 2, padding: 0, strides: 2)

  let f = mp2.flatten                          # [N, 50, 4, 4] -> [N, 800]
  let hidden = f.linear(fc3).relu              # [N, 800]      -> [N, 500]

  result = hidden.linear(classifier)           # [N, 500]      -> [N, 10]

# Stochastic Gradient Descent (API will change)
let optim = newSGD[float32](
  cv1_w, cv1_b, cv2_w, cv2_b, fc3, classifier, 0.01f # 0.01 is the learning rate

# Learning loop
for epoch in 0..1:
  for batch_id in 0 ..< 1: # X_train.value.shape[0] div n: # some at the end may be missing, oh well ...
    # minibatch offset in the Tensor
    let offset = batch_id * n
    let x = X_train[offset ..< offset + n, _]
    let target = y_train[offset ..< offset + n]

    # Running through the network and computing loss
    let clf = x.model
    let loss = clf.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(target)

    echo "Epoch is:" & $epoch
    echo "Batch id:" & $batch_id
    echo "Loss is:" & $[0]

    # Compute the gradient (i.e. contribution of each parameter to the loss)

    # Correct the weights now that we have the gradient information

  echo "\nEpoch #" & $epoch & " done. Testing accuracy"
  let y_pred = X_test.model.value.softmax.argmax(axis = 1).indices
  echo accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
  echo "\n"
$ ./bin/mnist_example
Epoch is:0
Batch id:0
Loss is:213.9321136474609

Epoch #0 done. Testing accuracy
Traceback (most recent call last)
mnist_example.nim(92)    mnist_example
mnist_example.nim(60)    model
relu.nim(51)             relu
ag_data_structure.nim(62) forward
relu.nim(27)             forward
init_cpu.nim(132)        zeros_like
init_cpu.nim(123)        zeros
data_structure.nim(104)  data=
assign.nim(155)          genericSeqAssign
assign.nim(118)          genericAssign
assign.nim(65)           genericAssignAux
mmdisp.nim(568)          nimNewSeqOfCap
gc.nim(492)              newObjNoInit
alloc.nim(682)           rawAlloc
alloc.nim(589)           getBigChunk
alloc.nim(567)           splitChunk
alloc.nim(215)           addChunkToMatrix
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
mratsim commented 6 years ago

From IRC discussion with Araq: he knows about one bug with the cycle collector. Using GC_disableMarkAndSweep() to remove the cycle collector prevents crash in the MNIST example.

I think there is another bug with setters as GC_disable... does nothing for the softmax_cross_entropy benchmark. However removing all usage of this setter to directly use the field prevents all crashes:

proc `data=`*[T](t: var Tensor[T], s: seq[T]) {.inline, noSideEffect.}=
  # Set tensor raw data
  # This is intended for library writer = s
mratsim commented 6 years ago (not using the data= setter) has completely removed the issue in the softmax benchmark.

180 and #181 have improved the situation in the MNIST example. The issue was the rampant creation of 10000x28x28x4 tensors, half of them to hold useless grad.

GC_disableMarkAndSweep() does not do anything for that as we simply run OutOfMem.

Further improvements would be:

mratsim commented 6 years ago

Another fix for allocator issues in the pipe!