mratsim / constantine

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Endomorphism-accelerated scalar multiplication #32

Closed mratsim closed 4 years ago

mratsim commented 4 years ago

PR #28 introduced an efficient constant-time scalar multiplication scheme, it is over 10% faster than naive double-and-add (with scratchspace of 16 curve point) even though it is constant-time image

The BN and BLS curve family among many others) allows using GLV (Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone) and GLS (Galbraith- Lin-Scott) decompositions to speed up scalar multiplication even more on G1 (via GLV with 2 dimensional decomposition) and G2 (via combined GLV+GLS).

This works by decomposing an elliptic curve point on a Lattice-base and doing multi-scalar multiplication.

The main cost of scalar multiplication comes from iterating on each bit of the scalar:

A 2-dimensional GLV can half the number of doublings by deconposing the scalar and smaller exponents.


mratsim commented 4 years ago

On scalar decomposition see also:

And implementation of Barrentenberg:

     * For short Weierstrass curves y^2 = x^3 + b mod r, if there exists a cube root of unity mod r,
     * we can take advantage of an enodmorphism to decompose a 254 bit scalar into 2 128 bit scalars.
     * \beta = cube root of 1, mod q (q = order of fq)
     * \lambda = cube root of 1, mod r (r = order of fr)
     * For a point P1 = (X, Y), where Y^2 = X^3 + b, we know that
     * the point P2 = (X * \beta, Y) is also a point on the curve
     * We can represent P2 as a scalar multiplication of P1, where P2 = \lambda * P1
     * For a generic multiplication of P1 by a 254 bit scalar k, we can decompose k
     * into 2 127 bit scalars (k1, k2), such that k = k1 - (k2 * \lambda)
     * We can now represent (k * P1) as (k1 * P1) - (k2 * P2), where P2 = (X * \beta, Y).
     * As k1, k2 have half the bit length of k, we have reduced the number of loop iterations of our
     * scalar multiplication algorithm in half
     * To find k1, k2, We use the extended euclidean algorithm to find 4 short scalars [a1, a2], [b1, b2] such that
     * modulus = (a1 * b2) - (b1 * a2)
     * We then compube scalars c1 = round(b2 * k / r), c2 = round(b1 * k / r), where
     * k1 = (c1 * a1) + (c2 * a2), k2 = -((c1 * b1) + (c2 * b2))
     * We pre-compute scalars g1 = (2^256 * b1) / n, g2 = (2^256 * b2) / n, to avoid having to perform long division
     * on 512-bit scalars
    static void split_into_endomorphism_scalars(const field& k, field& k1, field& k2)
        field input = k.reduce_once();
        // uint64_t lambda_reduction[4] = { 0 };
        // __to_montgomery_form(lambda, lambda_reduction);

        // TODO: these parameters only work for the bn254 coordinate field.
        // Need to shift into Params and calculate correct constants for the subgroup field
        constexpr field endo_g1 = { Params::endo_g1_lo, Params::endo_g1_mid, Params::endo_g1_hi, 0 };

        constexpr field endo_g2 = { Params::endo_g2_lo, Params::endo_g2_mid, 0, 0 };

        constexpr field endo_minus_b1 = { Params::endo_minus_b1_lo, Params::endo_minus_b1_mid, 0, 0 };

        constexpr field endo_b2 = { Params::endo_b2_lo, Params::endo_b2_mid, 0, 0 };

        // compute c1 = (g2 * k) >> 256
        wide_array c1 = endo_g2.mul_512(input);
        // compute c2 = (g1 * k) >> 256
        wide_array c2 = endo_g1.mul_512(input);

        // (the bit shifts are implicit, as we only utilize the high limbs of c1, c2

        // TODO remove data duplication
        field c1_hi = {
        }; // *(field*)((uintptr_t)(&c1) + (4 * sizeof(uint64_t)));
        field c2_hi = {
        }; // *(field*)((uintptr_t)(&c2) + (4 * sizeof(uint64_t)));

        // compute q1 = c1 * -b1
        wide_array q1 = c1_hi.mul_512(endo_minus_b1);
        // compute q2 = c2 * b2
        wide_array q2 = c2_hi.mul_512(endo_b2);

        // TODO: this doesn't have to be a 512-bit multiply...
        field q1_lo{[0],[1],[2],[3] };
        field q2_lo{[0],[1],[2],[3] };

        field t1 = (q2_lo - q1_lo).reduce_once();
        field t2 = (t1 * beta() + input).reduce_once();[0] =[0];[1] =[1];[0] =[0];[1] =[1];
mratsim commented 4 years ago

Closed by #44