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affinity_posix should get this patch (for Android/Termux) #172

Open HJarausch opened 3 years ago

HJarausch commented 3 years ago

I have adapted a recent patch to threadlocalstorage.nim from Nim-Devel to _affinityposix.nim. Please apply the following patch to _affinityposix.nim.

--- affinity_posix.nim.ORIG 2021-04-07 15:15:30.550835730 +0200
+++ affinity_posix.nim  2021-04-07 16:51:07.136049648 +0200
@@ -35,17 +35,31 @@
 # Nim doesn't allow the main thread to set its own affinity

 proc set_thread_affinity(t: Pthread, cpu: int32) {.inline.}=
-  when defined(osx) or defined(android):
+  when defined(osx):
     {.warning: "To improve performance we should pin threads to cores.\n" &
-                "This is not possible with MacOS or Android.".}
-    # Note: on Android it's even more complex due to the Big.Little architecture
-    #       with cores with different performance profiles to save on battery
-  else:
+                "This is not possible with MacOS.".}
+  else :
     var cpuset {.noinit.}: CpuSet

     cpu_set(cpu, cpuset)
-    pthread_setaffinity_np(t, sizeof(CpuSet), cpuset)
+    if  defined(android) :
+      # libc of android doesn't implement pthread_setaffinity_np,
+      # it exposes pthread_gettid_np though, so we can use that in combination
+      # with sched_setaffinity to set the thread affinity.
+      type Pid {.importc: "pid_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = int32 # From posix_other.nim
+      proc setAffinityTID(tid: Pid; setsize: csize_t; s: var CpuSet) {.
+        importc: "sched_setaffinity", header: "<sched.h>".}
+      proc pthread_gettid_np(thread: Pthread): Pid {.
+        importc: "pthread_gettid_np", header: "<pthread.h>".}
+      setAffinityTID(pthread_gettid_np(t), csize_t(sizeof(CpuSet)), cpuset)
+    else:
+      pthread_setaffinity_np(t, sizeof(CpuSet), cpuset)

 proc pinToCpu*(cpu: int32) {.inline.} =
   ## Set the affinity of the main thread (the calling thread)