mratsim / weave

A state-of-the-art multithreading runtime: message-passing based, fast, scalable, ultra-low overhead
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Nested for-loops: Expressing reads-after-writes and writes-after-writes dependencies #31

Closed mratsim closed 4 years ago

mratsim commented 4 years ago

From commits:

I am almost there to port a state-of-the-art BLAS to Weave and compete with OpenBLAS and MKL, however parallelizing 2 nested loops with read-after-writes dependencies causes issues.


The current barrier is Master thread only and is only suitable for the root task

Unfortunately in nested parallel loops normal workers could also reach it and will not be stopped and they will create more tasks or continue on their current one even though dependencies are not resolved.

Potential solutions

Extending the barrier

Extend the current barrier to work with worker threads in nested situations. An implementation of typical workload with nested barriers should be added to the bench suite to test behaviour in with a known testable workload.

Providing static loop scheduling

Providing static loop scheduling, by eagerly splitting the work may (?) prevent one thread running away creating tasks when their dependencies were not resolved. Need more thinking as I have trouble considering all the scenarios.

Create a waitable nested-for loops iterations

Weave already provides very-fine grained synchronization primitives with futures, we do not need to wait for threads but just for the iteration that does the packing work we depend on to. A potential syntax would be:


    # ###################################
    # 3. for ic = 0,...,m−1 in steps of mc
    parallelFor icb in 0 ..< tiles.ic_num_tasks:
      captures: {pc, tiles, nc, kc, alpha, beta, vA, vC, M}
      waitable: icForLoop


      sync(icForLoop) # Somehow ensure that the iterations we care about were done

      # #####################################
      # 4. for jr = 0,...,nc−1 in steps of nr
      parallelForStrided jr in 0 ..< nc, stride = NR:
        captures: {mc, nc, kc, alpha, packA, packB, beta, mcncC}

This would create a dummy future called icForLoop that could waited on by calls that are further nested.


Task graphs

While a couple of other frameworks are expressing such as task graphs:

The syntax of make_edge/precede is verbose, it doesn't seem to address the issues of fine-grained loop.

I believe it's better to express emerging dependencies via data dependencies, i.e. futures and waitable ranges

OpenMP tasks dependencies approach could be suitable and made cleaner, from OpenMP 4.5 doc: DeepinScreenshot_select-area_20191207123237

Or CppSs (,,, DeepinScreenshot_select-area_20191207123440

Or Kaapi (


Create a polyhedral compiler

Well, the whole point of Weave is easing creating a linear algebra compiler so ...

Code explanation

The way the code is structured is the following (from BLIS paper [2]): image

For MxN = MxK KN Assuming a shared memory arch with priavate L1-L2 cache per core and shared L3, Tiling for CPU caches and register blocking is done the following way:

Loop around microkernel Index Length Stride Dimension Dependencies Notes
5th loop jc N nc N
4th loop pc K kc K Pack panels of B: kc*nc by blocks of nr Panel packing: Parallelization with Master barrier
Loop: Difficult to parallelize
as K is the reduction dimension
so parallelizing K
requires handling conflicting writes
3rd loop ic M mc M Pack panels of A: kc*mc by blocks of mr Panel packing: Parallelized
Normally parallelized but missing a way to express dependency or a worker barrier
2nd loop jr nc nr N Slice A into micropanel kc*nr Parallelized with master barrier
1st loop ir mc mr M Slice B into micropanel kc*mr
Microkernel k,i,j kc,mr,nr 1 K, M, N Read the micropanel to do mr*nr Vectorized


[1] Anatomy of High-Performance Matrix Multiplication (Revised) Kazushige Goto, Robert A. Van de Geijn

mratsim commented 4 years ago

Some more readings:

Also it seems like Cholesky decomposition would be a good candidate to test dataflow dependencies

mratsim commented 4 years ago

The generated code of the following nested loop:

    proc main4() =

        parallelForStrided i in 0 ..< 100, stride = 30:
          parallelForStrided j in 0 ..< 200, stride = 60:
            captures: {i}
            log("Matrix[%d, %d] (thread %d)\n", i, j, myID())


    echo "\n\nStrided Nested loops"
    echo "-------------------------"
    echo "-------------------------"


proc parallelForSection() {.nimcall, gcsafe.} =
  let this`gensym453091 = localCtx.worker.currentTask
  var i = this`gensym453091.start
  inc this`gensym453091.cur, 1
  while i < this`gensym453091.stop:
      CapturedTy = (typeof(i))
    proc parallelForSection(i: typeof(i)) {.nimcall, gcsafe.} =
      let this`gensym453805 = localCtx.worker.currentTask
      var j = this`gensym453805.start
      inc this`gensym453805.cur, 1
      while j < this`gensym453805.stop:
        discard "captures:\n  {i}"
        c_printf("Matrix[%d, %d] (thread %d)\n", i, j, localCtx.worker.ID)
        j += this`gensym453805.stride
        this`gensym453805.cur += this`gensym453805.stride

    proc weaveParallelFor(param`gensym453408: pointer) {.nimcall, gcsafe.} =
      let this`gensym453409 = localCtx.worker.currentTask
        expr`gensym454268 = "not isRootTask(this`gensym453409)"
      let data = cast[ptr CapturedTy](param`gensym453408)

    let task`gensym453410 = newTaskFromCache()
    task`gensym453410.parent = localCtx.worker.currentTask
    task`gensym453410.fn = weaveParallelFor
    task`gensym453410.isLoop = true
    task`gensym453410.start = 0
    task`gensym453410.cur = 0
    task`gensym453410.stop = 200
    task`gensym453410.stride = 60
    cast[ptr CapturedTy](addr(task`[] = i
    i += this`gensym453091.stride
    this`gensym453091.cur += this`gensym453091.stride

proc weaveParallelFor(param`gensym453086: pointer) {.nimcall, gcsafe.} =
  let this`gensym453087 = localCtx.worker.currentTask
    expr`gensym454834 = "not isRootTask(this`gensym453087)"

let task`gensym453088 = newTaskFromCache()
task`gensym453088.parent = localCtx.worker.currentTask
task`gensym453088.fn = weaveParallelFor
task`gensym453088.isLoop = true
task`gensym453088.start = 0
task`gensym453088.cur = 0
task`gensym453088.stop = 100
task`gensym453088.stride = 30

It should be possible to create a waitable dummy future for each iteration of the outer loop and sync on it in the inner loop.

mratsim commented 4 years ago

Some more reflexion on nestable barriers (#41).

It doesn't seem possible in the current design or compatible with work-stealing in general. What can be done is something similar to #omp taskwait or Cilk sync which is to await for all child task to be finished. However a sync barrier for all threads in a nested context cannot be done because there is no guarantee that all threads will actually get the task as they are lazily splitted, so that will lead to a deadlock.

A taskgraph approach is possible, however lots of care must be given to reduce the overhead. Note that the main motivation behind nestable barriers, being able to implement state-of-the-art GEMM is partially solved by #66.

However in #66 the following constructs prevent weave-based GEMM from being nestable to build an im2col + GEMM based convolution parallelized at both the batch level and the GEMM level.

mratsim commented 4 years ago

More support for abandoning full nestable barriers: and use the Cilk "fully strict" semantics "only await the children spawns" so that the barrier is composable.

That does not remove the need for task dependency graphs (implemented as message passing!)

mratsim commented 4 years ago

X10 introduces the "terminally-strict where a task can await any of its descendants and not just its direct children. Weave can actually do that. One interesting thing is that X10 decouples function scope with sync/awaitable scope. See paper:

Closely-related to our need the following paper presents Data-Driven Futures to express complex dependencies. This is equivalent to "andThen" continuations in async/await The model seems compatible with channel-based work-stealing. From the paper their Cholesky decomposition was better performing than the publication time state-of-the-art which is interesting as Cholesky is array-based.

mratsim commented 4 years ago

Slides of Data-Driven Futures:

Cholesky with Data-Driven Futures


This can be benched against either LAPACK Cholesky or a lower-level OpenMP task dependency based Cholesky from image

Here is LU Decomposition and Cholesky Decomposition in pseudo code and dependency graph from



Side thoughts

Stream Pipeline and graph parallelism

Data-driven futures seem suitable to express pipeline and graph parallelism

Heterogeneous computing

Besides the distributed computing scenario another thing to keep in my mind is if that helps or hinders heterogeneous (distributed?) CPU + GPU computing

mratsim commented 4 years ago

86 introduces awaitable parallel-loops.

However this is not sufficient to allow nesting of matrix multiplications in parallel regions (for example in a batched matrix multiplication or convolution or LU/QR/Cholesky factorization)

So we really need to be able to express data-dependences (while currently we express control-flow dependencies via spawn/sync).


Looking into other runtimes (TBB Flowgraph, XKaapi/libkomp, Cpp-Taskflow, Nabbit, ...) most use a concurrent hash table which doesn't map well with message passing, distributed computing or GPU computing.

StarPU (nice high level overview, histoy and challenges here On Runtime Systems for Task-based Programming on Heterogeneous Platforms might provide a way forward.

More Cholesky representations from the StarPU paper: image



We could add the support of delayed tasks and promises, i.e. each worker has a separate queue of delayed tasks, they are added to the normal work-stealing scheduler only when a promised is fulfilled. Promises can be implemented as a channel + a delivered/fulfilled boolean (as a channel read consumes a message). They probably need to be threadsafe ref-counted object as a thread may allocate a promise, declare a deferred task and return and threads working on the promise and then triggering the declared task is not the same.

For example

type Promise = ptr object
  fulfiller: Channel[Dummy]
  refCount: Atomic[int32]
  isDelivered: Atomic[bool]

A task dependent on a promise would check regularly if it was delivered and if not query the fulfiller channel. If query is successful, isDelivered is changed to true (so that multiple tasks can dependent on the same promise) and the task is scheduled.

Pending issues:

For-loop dependencies

Supporting for-loop might requires creating a matrix of 1000x1000 promises if we want to express dependency at the cell-level for a 1000x1000 matrix. Obviously this is a worst-case and:

Nonetheless, there might be more efficient data-structure like interval trees or segment trees. The channel could be replaced by a MPSC channel a consumer would check the interval data structure to see if its dependency is fulfilled, if not it takes a lock, drain the channel and update the interval data structure with all received chunks. This unfortunately would add another synchronization data structure beyond channels and event notifiers.

In distributed runtimes

Distributed runtimes are the most relevant here as they have to use message-passing across a cluster.

Kokkos seems to use an array of dependencies: image StarPU and HPX to be checked.

Delayed task distribution

If we add support for delayed tasks, a thread might create a lot of delayed tasks all sitting in its delayed task queue. The proposed solution only add them to the normal runtime once their dependencies are fulfilled meaning, a thread might have all tasks. This is similar to the load imbalance the single-task-producer benchmark is measuring. It should be solved by adaptative steal half.

Reducing latencies

In the proposed scheme, fulfilling a promise is done by user code so the runtime has no knowledge of tasks that are actually blocking further work. AST analysis could be done to locate such task and place them in a "priority" deque (it wouldn't support priority, they would just be ran or stolen from first)

mratsim commented 4 years ago

Another extension to Cilk to add dataflow graph aware scheduling: Swan

In terms of benchmark, besides Cholesky a lot of publications are referencing the Smith-Waterman algorithm for DNA and protein sequence alignment and a computational biology benchmark would be a nice change of pace.

See: image image

and (polyhedral compiler generated) image

Use of dataflow graph parallelism

Dataflow graph parallelism / Stream parallelism / Pipeline parallelism / Data-driven task parallelism (AFAIK it's all the same) is able to express computations dependent on data readiness while plain task parallelism and data parallelism are only aware of control flow.

This is needed for:


All the Polybench iterative stencil benchmarks for benchmarking polyhedral compilers are relevant for benchmarking polyhedral dataflow. Writing a video encoder for benchmarking is probably a bit difficult but who knows