mrbeam / BeamOS

An OctoPi fork that includes all the Mr Beam special sauce.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add BeamOS to CustomPiOS distros list #90

Open guysoft opened 2 years ago

guysoft commented 2 years ago

Hey, Would you like to add BeamOS to the CustomPiOS distro page? Its at:

A PR with your own description is more than welcome! Thanks again for contribution code at a critical time that made CustomPiOS a lot of what it is today.

amrsoll commented 2 years ago

Thank you guysoft, I don't speak for the company anymore, but I don't know how interesting it would be for the community since BeamOS draws from private repos and source code, therefore making it impossible for others to build. Moreover, MrBeam doesn't make the images public. I think it would only add frustration and support questions.