mrc-ide / PhyDyn

PhyDyn: Epidemiological modelling in BEAST
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Problem with rootprobs_phydyn.xml example #5

Closed adamallo closed 4 years ago

adamallo commented 5 years ago

I am getting the following error when I run the example file rootprobs_phydyn.xml, replicated with BEAST 2.5.0 in Mac and 2.5.2 in Linux. In both cases I am using the latest version of PhyDyn installed using BEAST2's packagemanager. ` Random number seed: 1554775524030

File: rootprobs_phydyn.xml seed: 1554775524030 threads: 1 inv3loc_0: 2 4 inv4loc_1: 2 4 inv5loc_1: 2 4 inv6loc_1: 2 4 inv2loc_0: 2 4 inv1loc_0: 2 4 Alignment(sequences) 6 taxa 2 sites 1 patterns

Warning: Unknown variable name IX in population parameters object model-name = simplemodel; definitions = { gamma01 = m10I1/I0; gamma10 = m01I0/I1; } equations = { F(I0,I0) = 100I0/2; F(I1,I1) = 100I1/2; G(I0,I1) = gamma01I0; G(I1,I0) = gamma10I1; D(I0) = 100I0/2-gamma01I0+gamma10I1; D(I1) = 100I1/2-gamma10I1+gamma01I0; dot(S) = 0; } model-parameters = { m10 = 0.01; dummy = 5.0; m01 = 0.001; } trajectory-parameters = { t0 = -0.1 method=classicrk; integrationSteps=1001; initial-vales = { I0 = 50.0; I1 = 25.0; S = 100.0; }; }

Citations for this model:

Bouckaert RR, Heled J, Kuehnert D, Vaughan TG, Wu C-H, Xie D, Suchard MA, Rambaut A, Drummond AJ (2014) BEAST 2: A software platform for Bayesian evolutionary analysis. PLoS Computational Biology 10(4): e1003537

Volz EM, Siveroni I. 2018. Bayesian phylodynamic inference with complex models. PLos Computational Biology. 14(11), ISSN:1553-7358

=============================================================================== Start likelihood: -147.55053790038968 Writing file rootStateProbabilities_phydyn.log Trying to write file rootStateProbabilities_phydyn.log but the file already exists (perhaps use the -overwrite flag?). Overwrite (Y/N)?: Y Writing file rootStateProbabilities_phydyn.log Sample posterior Fatal exception: 11 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 11 at phydyn.distribution.StateProbabilitiesVectors.getRootProbs(Unknown Source) at phydyn.loggers.STreeRootLogger.log(Unknown Source) at beast.core.Loggable.log(Unknown Source) at beast.core.Logger.log(Unknown Source) at beast.core.MCMC.log(Unknown Source) at beast.core.MCMC.propagateState(Unknown Source) at beast.core.MCMC.doLoop(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) Fatal exception: 11 java.lang.RuntimeException: An error was encounted. Terminating BEAST at Source) at java.util.logging.Logger.log( at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog( at java.util.logging.Logger.log( at java.util.logging.Logger.severe( at Source) at Source) `

igococha commented 4 years ago

Solved. version 1.3.3