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Possible mislabelling of Lassa articles column names #122

Open joshwlambert opened 4 weeks ago

joshwlambert commented 4 weeks ago

I noticed some code in {epiparameter} that used {epireview} was broken, when I looked into it it was due to relying on a specific paper in the Lassa parameters table in the $article_label column. The article labels have changed between v1.3.0 and v1.3.1 to use the first name (see reproducible code examples below).

I believe this is because of a mistake/bug in the Lassa articles table where the column headers first_author_first_name and first_author_surname have been mixed up. This then has a knock-on effect in epireview::load_epidata() resulting in article labels in the Lassa parameter table using initials or first names.

Code example ``` r # remotes::install_github("mrc-ide/epireview") library(epireview) #> Loading required package: epitrix #> Loading required package: ggplot2 #> Loading required package: ggforce packageVersion("epireview") #> [1] '1.3.1' lassa_data <- epireview::load_epidata("lassa") #> ✔ Data loaded for lassa lassa_params <- lassa_data$params lassa_params$article_label #> [1] "PA 1986" "PA 1986" #> [3] "PA 1986 (1)" "PA 1986 (2)" #> [5] "Fransje 1986" "Jeanette 1970" #> [7] "Jeanette 1970" "Jeanette 1970 (1)" #> [9] "Jeanette 1970 (2)" "Oyewale 1988 (1)" #> [11] "Oyewale 1988 (2)" "Oyewale 1988" #> [13] "Ekaete 2015 (1)" "Ekaete 2015 (2)" #> [15] "Ekaete 2015" "Ekaete 2015" #> [17] "Gregory 1993" "S.F. 1987" #> [19] "J. 1996 (1)" "J. 1996 (2)" #> [21] "J. 1996 (1)" "J. 1996 (2)" #> [23] "J. 1998 (1)" "J. 1998 (2)" #> [25] "J. 1998 (3)" "J. 1998 (4)" #> [27] "J. 1998 (5)" "J. 1998" #> [29] "J. 1998" "J. 1998" #> [31] "J. 1998 (6)" "J. 1998 (1)" #> [33] "J. 1998 (2)" "J. 1998 (3)" #> [35] "J. 1998 (4)" "Nafomon 2016 (1)" #> [37] "Nafomon 2016 (2)" "Nafomon 2016" #> [39] "Nafomon 2016" "Nathan Y 2018" #> [41] "Nathan Y 2018" "P. C. 1982 (1)" #> [43] "P. C. 1982 (2)" "Jeffrey 2014" #> [45] "Jeffrey 2014" "Jeffrey 2014" #> [47] "Jeffrey 2014 (1)" "Jeffrey 2014 (2)" #> [49] "Randal 2014" "Randal 2014" #> [51] "S. 1988" "Prerana 2015" #> [53] "Prerana 2015" "FM 1978" #> [55] "F 1989" "Michael E 1988 (1)" #> [57] "Michael E 1988 (2)" "Michael E 1988 (1)" #> [59] "Michael E 1988 (2)" "Michael E 1988 (3)" #> [61] "RM 1977" "AW 1978" #> [63] "H. 1972" "H. 1972" #> [65] "H. 1972" "H. 1972" #> [67] "Babasola 2014 (1)" "Babasola 2014 (2)" #> [69] "Olamide 2018 (1)" "Olamide 2018 (2)" #> [71] "Olamide 2018 (3)" "Olamide 2018 (4)" #> [73] "Peter 2018" "Peter 2018 (1)" #> [75] "Peter 2018 (2)" "Peter 2018 (3)" #> [77] "Aileen 2016" "I. 1993 (1)" #> [79] "I. 1993 (2)" "Giovanni 2016" #> [81] "Giovanni 2015 (1)" "Giovanni 2015" #> [83] "Giovanni 2015" "Giovanni 2015 (2)" #> [85] "J. 1980" "J. 1980" #> [87] "Boris 2013" "Boris 2013" #> [89] "Boris 2013" "Solen 2009" #> [91] "Solen 2009 (1)" "Solen 2009 (2)" #> [93] "Solen 2009 (3)" "Solen 2009 (4)" #> [95] "Richard 1983" "Richard 1983 (1)" #> [97] "Richard 1983 (2)" "E 1977 (1)" #> [99] "E 1977 (2)" "E 1977" #> [101] "E 1977 (3)" "E 1977 (4)" #> [103] "L.E. 2019 (1)" "L.E. 2019 (2)" #> [105] "E.D. 1993" "B.K. 1983" #> [107] "B. 1982" "Stephan 2001" #> [109] "A 2018" "JP 1988" #> [111] "AJ 1985" "David W 1974 (1)" #> [113] "David W 1974 (1)" "David W 1974 (2)" #> [115] "David W 1974 (2)" "David W 1974 (3)" #> [117] "David W 1974 (1)" "David W 1974 (2)" #> [119] "David W 1974 (3)" "David W 1974 (4)" #> [121] "David W 1974" "JD 1984 (a)" #> [123] "JD 1984 (b)" "JD 1979" #> [125] "John D. 1970" "John 1989 (1)" #> [127] "John 1989 (2)" "John 1989 (3)" #> [129] "S P 1995" "S P 1995" #> [131] "S P 1995 (1)" "S P 1995 (2)" #> [133] "S P 1995 (3)" "S P 1995 (4)" #> [135] "Mark 1984 (1)" "Mark 1984 (2)" #> [137] "Mark 1984 (3)" "Mark 1987" #> [139] "Mark 1987 (1)" "Mark 1987 (2)" #> [141] "T.P. 1973" "T.P. 1973 (1)" #> [143] "T.P. 1973 (2)" "T.P. 1973 (3)" #> [145] "T.P. 1973 (4)" "Thomas 1974" #> [147] "Thomas 1974" "Joseph B. 1986" #> [149] "Joseph B. 1986 (1)" "Joseph B. 1986 (2)" #> [151] "Joseph B. 1987" "M.C. 1996" #> [153] "Christian C. 1989" "A. 1979" #> [155] "Petra 2008 (1)" "Petra 2008 (2)" #> [157] "Petra 2008 (3)" "Petra 2008 (4)" #> [159] "Petra 2008 (5)" "Petra 2008 (6)" #> [161] "Deborah U. 2012" "Deborah U. 2012" #> [163] "Deborah U. 2012" "A 2014" #> [165] "David 1989" "David 1989 (1)" #> [167] "David 1989 (2)" "Elvis 2018" #> [169] "Elvis 2018" "Ute 2010" #> [171] "Elsie 2019 (a) (1)" "Elsie 2019 (a) (2)" #> [173] "T.S. 2011" "T.S. 2011" #> [175] "B.E. 1972 (1)" "B.E. 1972 (2)" #> [177] "B.E. 1972 (3)" "Charles 1986 (1)" #> [179] "Charles 1986 (2)" "Charles 1986 (1)" #> [181] "Charles 1986 (2)" "Charles 1986 (3)" #> [183] "E.L. 2018" "E.L. 2018" #> [185] "E.L. 2018" "David 2014" #> [187] "Maryam 2018" "Maryam 2018 (1)" #> [189] "Maryam 2018 (2)" "G.S. 1975" #> [191] "Phillip 2007" "Phillip 2007" #> [193] "Phillip 2007 (1)" "Phillip 2007 (2)" #> [195] "Phillip 2007 (3)" "Phillip 2007 (4)" #> [197] "A 1978" "D.G. 2000" #> [199] "D.G. 2000" "D.G. 2000 (1)" #> [201] "D.G. 2000 (2)" "D.G. 2000" #> [203] "Daniel G 2001" "Daniel G 2001" #> [205] "Daniel G 2001" "Daniel G 2001" #> [207] "Daniel G 2001" "Daniel G 2001 (1)" #> [209] "Daniel G 2001 (2)" "M. D. 1997" #> [211] "M. D. 1997" "M. D. 1997" #> [213] "M. D. 1997" "Danny A 2012 (1)" #> [215] "Danny A 2012 (2)" "Danny A 2012 (1)" #> [217] "Danny A 2012 (2)" "Danny A 2012 (3)" #> [219] "Danny A 2012 (4)" "Danny A 2012" #> [221] "Danny A 2012" "Danny A 2012" #> [223] "Danny A 2012" "Danny A 2012" #> [225] "Kristian G. 2015 (1)" "Kristian G. 2015 (2)" #> [227] "Kristian G. 2015" "Richard 1999" #> [229] "OC 2017 (1)" "OC 2017 (2)" #> [231] "OC 2017" "N.A. 2013 (1)" #> [233] "N.A. 2013 (2)" "N.A. 2013" #> [235] "N.A. 2013" "N.A. 2013" #> [237] "N.A. 2013" "N.A. 2013" #> [239] "N.A. 2013" "BK 1983" #> [241] "CB 1982" "JE 1984" #> [243] "Richard 1977" "Richard 1977 (1)" #> [245] "Richard 1977 (2)" "Luis 2011" #> [247] "Luis 2011 (1)" "Luis 2011 (2)" #> [249] "Luis 2011 (1)" "Luis 2011 (1)" #> [251] "Luis 2011 (2)" "Luis 2011 (2)" #> [253] "A. 1975" "Petra 2006 (1)" #> [255] "Petra 2006 (2)" "Petra 2006 (1)" #> [257] "Petra 2006 (2)" "Petra 2006 (3)" #> [259] "Petra 2006 (3)" "Petra 2006 (4)" #> [261] "Clement 2021" "Clement 2021" #> [263] "Mohammed A. 2020" "Mohammed A. 2020 (1)" #> [265] "Mohammed A. 2020 (2)" "Mahmood M. 2022" #> [267] "Mahmood M. 2022 (1)" "Mahmood M. 2022 (2)" #> [269] "Elsie 2019 (b) (1)" "Elsie 2019 (b)" #> [271] "Elsie 2019 (b)" "Elsie 2019 (b) (2)" #> [273] "Elsie 2019 (b) (3)" "Deborah U. 2019 (1)" #> [275] "Deborah U. 2019 (2)" "Chinedu 2022 (1)" #> [277] "Chinedu 2022 (1)" "Chinedu 2022 (2)" #> [279] "Chinedu 2022 (2)" "Charles 2022" #> [281] "Andrei R. 2019" "Andrei R. 2019" #> [283] "Andrei R. 2019" "Shi 2020" #> [285] "Shi 2020" "Jeffrey G. 2019" #> [287] "Jeffrey G. 2019" "Shirley C. 2019" #> [289] "Anges 2020" "Anges 2020" #> [291] "MR 2019 (1)" "MR 2019 (2)" #> [293] "CC 2019" "DW 2021 (1)" #> [295] "DW 2021 (2)" "A 2021 (a) (1)" #> [297] "A 2021 (a) (2)" "A 2021 (a) (3)" #> [299] "A 2021 (a)" "A 2021 (a)" #> [301] "A 2021 (a)" "A 2021 (a)" #> [303] "A 2021 (a)" "A 2021 (a)" #> [305] "A 2021 (a)" "A 2021 (a)" #> [307] "A 2021 (a) (4)" "Joseph Ojonugwa 2021" #> [309] "Joseph Ojonugwa 2021 (1)" "Joseph Ojonugwa 2021 (2)" #> [311] "Joseph Ojonugwa 2021" "Onome 2021 (1)" #> [313] "Onome 2021 (2)" "Onome 2021 (1)" #> [315] "Onome 2021 (2)" "Onome 2021" #> [317] "Ralph W. 2022" "Ralph W. 2022" #> [319] "Ralph W. 2022 (1)" "Ralph W. 2022 (2)" #> [321] "Salihu S. 2020 (1)" "Salihu S. 2020 (2)" #> [323] "Salihu S. 2020 (3)" "Sylvanus 2019" #> [325] "Sylvanus 2019 (1)" "Sylvanus 2019 (2)" #> [327] "Nzelle D. 2023" "Nzelle D. 2023 (1)" #> [329] "Nzelle D. 2023 (2)" "Stephanie 2023 (1)" #> [331] "Stephanie 2023 (2)" "Stephanie 2023 (3)" #> [333] "Stephanie 2023 (1)" "Stephanie 2023 (2)" #> [335] "Stephanie 2023 (4)" "Nneka M. 2021 (1)" #> [337] "Nneka M. 2021 (2)" "Nneka M. 2021 (1)" #> [339] "Nneka M. 2021 (2)" "Nneka M. 2021 (1)" #> [341] "Nneka M. 2021 (2)" "Donald S. 2023 (1)" #> [343] "Donald S. 2023 (2)" "Donald S. 2023 (3)" #> [345] "Chioma 2019" "Jamie 2021" #> [347] "Jamie 2021" "Nzelle Delphine 2023" #> [349] "Adewale E 2021" "Adewale E 2021" #> [351] "Nastassya L. 2021" "Nastassya L. 2021" #> [353] "George 2019 (a) (1)" "George 2019 (a) (1)" #> [355] "George 2019 (a) (2)" "George 2019 (a) (2)" #> [357] "Ifeanyi E 2020" "Chinwe Lucia 2023 (1)" #> [359] "Chinwe Lucia 2023 (2)" "Chinwe Lucia 2023 (3)" #> [361] "Chinwe Lucia 2023 (4)" "N K 1982" #> [363] "Jeffrey G 2021" "Jeffrey G 2021" #> [365] "Jeffrey G 2021" "Jeffrey G 2021 (1)" #> [367] "Jeffrey G 2021 (2)" "Jeffrey G 2021 (3)" #> [369] "Jeffrey G 2021 (4)" "Jeffrey G 2021 (5)" #> [371] "Jeffrey G 2021 (6)" "John-Ugwuanya A 2021" #> [373] "Chioma Dan 2021" "Tamara L 2019" #> [375] "George 2019 (b)" "George 2019 (b)" #> [377] "Simji 2022" "Adebola 2022" #> [379] "Adebola 2022 (1)" "Adebola 2022 (2)" #> [381] "Adebola 2022 (3)" "Adebola 2022 (4)" #> [383] "Adebola 2022 (5)" "Adebola 2022 (6)" #> [385] "Adebola 2022 (7)" "Adebola 2022 (8)" #> [387] "Obiora C. 2023" "J.P. 2022" #> [389] "A 2019" "A 2019" #> [391] "E A 1979" "Joseph B 1987" #> [393] "Robert J 2021" "Robert J 2021 (1)" #> [395] "Robert J 2021 (2)" "P. E. 1973" #> [397] "P. E. 1973" "P. E. 1973" #> [399] "P. E. 1973" "P. E. 1973" #> [401] "Judith 2023" "Judith 2023 (1)" #> [403] "Judith 2023 (2)" "Judith 2023 (3)" #> [405] "Judith 2023 (4)" "Xia 2024 (1)" #> [407] "Xia 2024 (2)" "Xia 2024 (3)" #> [409] "Xia 2024 (4)" "Xia 2024 (5)" #> [411] "Xia 2024 (6)" "Dylan 2024 (1)" #> [413] "Dylan 2024 (2)" "Dylan 2024 (3)" #> [415] "Dylan 2024 (1)" "Dylan 2024 (1)" #> [417] "Dylan 2024 (2)" "Dylan 2024 (2)" #> [419] "Dylan 2024 (3)" "Dylan 2024 (4)" #> [421] "Dylan 2024 (5)" "James 2023" #> [423] "Emmanuel 2024" "Emmanuel 2024" #> [425] "Emmanuel 2024 (1)" "Emmanuel 2024 (2)" #> [427] "Emmanuel 2024 (3)" "Emmanuel 2024 (4)" #> [429] "Afeez 2024" "J.P. 1983" #> [431] "Karl 1987 (1)" "Karl 1987 (2)" #> [433] "Karl 1987" "Karl 1987 (1)" #> [435] "Karl 1987 (2)" "Karl 1987" #> [437] "Karl 1987" "I.M. 2018" #> [439] "I.M. 2018" "Mayowa 2022 (b)" ``` Created on 2024-08-15 with [reprex v2.1.0]( ``` r # remotes::install_github("mrc-ide/epireview@1.3.0") library(epireview) #> Loading required package: epitrix #> Loading required package: ggplot2 #> Loading required package: ggforce packageVersion("epireview") #> [1] '1.3.0' lassa_data <- epireview::load_epidata("lassa") #> ✔ Data loaded for lassa lassa_params <- lassa_data$params lassa_params$article_label #> [1] "Webb 1986" "Webb 1986" "Webb 1986 (1)" #> [4] "Webb 1986 (2)" "Van Der Waals 1986" "Troup 1970" #> [7] "Troup 1970" "Troup 1970 (1)" "Troup 1970 (2)" #> [10] "Tomori 1988 (1)" "Tomori 1988 (2)" "Tomori 1988" #> [13] "Tobin 2015 (1)" "Tobin 2015 (2)" "Tobin 2015" #> [16] "Tobin 2015" "Tignor 1993" "Tessier 1987" #> [19] "ter Meulen 1996 (1)" "ter Meulen 1996 (2)" "ter Meulen 1996 (1)" #> [22] "ter Meulen 1996 (2)" "ter Meulen 1998 (1)" "ter Meulen 1998 (2)" #> [25] "ter Meulen 1998 (3)" "ter Meulen 1998 (4)" "ter Meulen 1998 (5)" #> [28] "ter Meulen 1998" "ter Meulen 1998" "ter Meulen 1998" #> [31] "ter Meulen 1998 (6)" "ter Meulen 1998 (1)" "ter Meulen 1998 (2)" #> [34] "ter Meulen 1998 (3)" "ter Meulen 1998 (4)" "Sogoba 2016 (1)" #> [37] "Sogoba 2016 (2)" "Sogoba 2016" "Sogoba 2016" #> [40] "Shehu 2018" "Shehu 2018" "Sharp 1982 (1)" #> [43] "Sharp 1982 (2)" "Shaffer 2014" "Shaffer 2014" #> [46] "Shaffer 2014" "Shaffer 2014 (1)" "Shaffer 2014 (2)" #> [49] "Salah 1988" "Roth 2015" "Roth 2015" #> [52] "Rodrigues 1978" "Rodhain 1989" "Price 1988 (1)" #> [55] "Price 1988 (2)" "Price 1988 (1)" "Price 1988 (2)" #> [58] "Price 1988 (3)" "Zweighaft 1977" "Woodruff 1978" #> [61] "White 1972" "White 1972" "White 1972" #> [64] "White 1972" "Olugasa 2014 (1)" "Olugasa 2014 (2)" #> [67] "Oloniniyi 2018 (1)" "Oloniniyi 2018 (2)" "Oloniniyi 2018 (3)" #> [70] "Oloniniyi 2018 (4)" "Okokhere 2018" "Okokhere 2018 (1)" #> [73] "Okokhere 2018 (2)" "Okokhere 2018 (3)" "Lukashevich 1993 (1)" #> [76] "Lukashevich 1993 (2)" "Lo Iacono 2016" "Lo Iacono 2015 (1)" #> [79] "Lo Iacono 2015" "Lo Iacono 2015" "Lo Iacono 2015 (2)" #> [82] "Knobloch 1980" "Knobloch 1980" "Klempa 2013" #> [85] "Klempa 2013" "Klempa 2013" "Kerneis 2009" #> [88] "Kerneis 2009 (1)" "Kerneis 2009 (2)" "Kerneis 2009 (3)" #> [91] "Kerneis 2009 (4)" "Keenlyside 1983" "Keenlyside 1983 (1)" #> [94] "Keenlyside 1983 (2)" "Keane 1977 (1)" "Keane 1977 (2)" #> [97] "Keane 1977" "Keane 1977 (3)" "Keane 1977 (4)" #> [100] "Kafetzopoulou 2019 (1)" "Kafetzopoulou 2019 (2)" "Johnson 1993" #> [103] "Johnson 1983 (a)" "Ivanoff 1982" "Gunther 2001" #> [106] "Grahn 2018" "Gonzalez 1988" "Georges 1985" #> [109] "Fraser 1974 (1)" "Fraser 1974 (1)" "Fraser 1974 (2)" #> [112] "Fraser 1974 (2)" "Fraser 1974 (3)" "Fraser 1974 (1)" #> [115] "Fraser 1974 (2)" "Fraser 1974 (3)" "Fraser 1974 (4)" #> [118] "Fraser 1974" "Frame 1984 (a)" "Frame 1984 (b)" #> [121] "Frame 1979" "Frame 1970" "Frame 1989 (1)" #> [124] "Frame 1989 (2)" "Frame 1989 (3)" "Fisher-Hoch 1995" #> [127] "Fisher-Hoch 1995" "Fisher-Hoch 1995 (1)" "Fisher-Hoch 1995 (2)" #> [130] "Fisher-Hoch 1995 (3)" "Fisher-Hoch 1995 (4)" "Monson 1984 (1)" #> [133] "Monson 1984 (2)" "Monson 1984 (3)" "Monson 1987" #> [136] "Monson 1987 (1)" "Monson 1987 (2)" "Monath 1973" #> [139] "Monath 1973 (1)" "Monath 1973 (2)" "Monath 1973 (3)" #> [142] "Monath 1973 (4)" "Monath 1974" "Monath 1974" #> [145] "McCormick 1986 (1)" "McCormick 1986" "McCormick 1986 (2)" #> [148] "McCormick 1986 (3)" "McCormick 1987 (a)" "Mathiot 1989" #> [151] "Emmerich 2008 (1)" "Emmerich 2008 (2)" "Emmerich 2008 (3)" #> [154] "Emmerich 2008 (4)" "Emmerich 2008 (5)" "Emmerich 2008 (6)" #> [157] "Ehichioya 2012" "Ehichioya 2012" "Ehichioya 2012" #> [160] "Dahmane 2014" "Isere 2018" "Isere 2018" #> [163] "Inegbenebor 2010" "Ilori 2019 (a) (1)" "Ilori 2019 (a) (2)" #> [166] "Henderson 1972 (1)" "Henderson 1972 (2)" "Henderson 1972 (3)" #> [169] "Helmick 1986 (1)" "Helmick 1986 (2)" "Helmick 1986 (1)" #> [172] "Helmick 1986 (2)" "Helmick 1986 (3)" "Hamblion 2018" #> [175] "Hamblion 2018" "Hamblion 2018" "Bukbuk 2014" #> [178] "Buba 2018" "Buba 2018 (1)" "Buba 2018 (2)" #> [181] "Bowen 1975" "Bonner 2007" "Bonner 2007" #> [184] "Bonner 2007 (1)" "Bonner 2007 (2)" "Bonner 2007 (3)" #> [187] "Bonner 2007 (4)" "Bloch 1978" "Bausch 2001" #> [190] "Bausch 2001" "Bausch 2001" "Bausch 2001" #> [193] "Bausch 2001" "Bausch 2001 (1)" "Bausch 2001 (2)" #> [196] "Bajani 1997" "Bajani 1997" "Bajani 1997" #> [199] "Bajani 1997" "Asogun 2012 (1)" "Asogun 2012 (2)" #> [202] "Asogun 2012 (1)" "Asogun 2012 (2)" "Asogun 2012 (3)" #> [205] "Asogun 2012 (4)" "Asogun 2012" "Asogun 2012" #> [208] "Asogun 2012" "Asogun 2012" "Asogun 2012" #> [211] "Andersen 2015 (1)" "Andersen 2015 (2)" "Andersen 2015" #> [214] "Allan 1999" "Akhuemokhan 2017 (1)" "Akhuemokhan 2017 (2)" #> [217] "Akhuemokhan 2017" "Ajayi 2013 (1)" "Ajayi 2013 (2)" #> [220] "Ajayi 2013" "Ajayi 2013" "Ajayi 2013" #> [223] "Ajayi 2013" "Ajayi 2013" "Ajayi 2013" #> [226] "Johnson 1983 (b)" "Cooper 1982" "Yalley-Ogunro 1984" #> [229] "Arnold 1977" "Arnold 1977 (1)" "Arnold 1977 (2)" #> [232] "Fabiyi 1975" "Emmerich 2006 (1)" "Emmerich 2006 (2)" #> [235] "Emmerich 2006 (1)" "Emmerich 2006 (2)" "Emmerich 2006 (3)" #> [238] "Emmerich 2006 (3)" "Emmerich 2006 (4)" "Yaro 2021" #> [241] "Yaro 2021" "Abdulkarim 2020" "Abdulkarim 2020 (1)" #> [244] "Abdulkarim 2020 (2)" "Dalhat 2022" "Dalhat 2022 (1)" #> [247] "Dalhat 2022 (2)" "Ilori 2019 (b) (1)" "Ilori 2019 (b)" #> [250] "Ilori 2019 (b)" "Ilori 2019 (b) (2)" "Ilori 2019 (b) (3)" #> [253] "Ehichioya 2019 (1)" "Ehichioya 2019 (2)" "Ugwu 2022 (1)" #> [256] "Ugwu 2022 (1)" "Ugwu 2022 (2)" "Ugwu 2022 (2)" #> [259] "Njuguna 2022" "Akhmetzhanov 2019" "Akhmetzhanov 2019" #> [262] "Akhmetzhanov 2019" "Zhao 2020" "Zhao 2020" #> [265] "Shaffer 2019" "Shaffer 2019" "Nimo-Paintsil 2019" #> [268] "Yadouleton 2020" "Yadouleton 2020" "Wiley 2019 (1)" #> [271] "Wiley 2019 (2)" "Dan-Nwafor 2019" "Redding 2021 (1)" #> [274] "Redding 2021 (2)" "Duvignaud 2021 (1)" "Duvignaud 2021 (2)" #> [277] "Duvignaud 2021 (3)" "Duvignaud 2021" "Duvignaud 2021" #> [280] "Duvignaud 2021" "Duvignaud 2021" "Duvignaud 2021" #> [283] "Duvignaud 2021" "Duvignaud 2021" "Duvignaud 2021" #> [286] "Duvignaud 2021 (4)" "Shaibu 2021" "Shaibu 2021 (1)" #> [289] "Shaibu 2021 (2)" "Shaibu 2021" "Akpogheneta 2021 (1)" #> [292] "Akpogheneta 2021 (2)" "Akpogheneta 2021 (1)" "Akpogheneta 2021 (2)" #> [295] "Akpogheneta 2021" "Jetoh 2022" "Jetoh 2022" #> [298] "Jetoh 2022 (1)" "Jetoh 2022 (2)" "Musa 2020 (1)" #> [301] "Musa 2020 (2)" "Musa 2020 (3)" "Okogbenin 2019" #> [304] "Okogbenin 2019 (1)" "Okogbenin 2019 (2)" "Kayem 2023 (a)" #> [307] "Kayem 2023 (a) (1)" "Kayem 2023 (a) (2)" "Longet 2023 (1)" #> [310] "Longet 2023 (2)" "Longet 2023 (3)" "Longet 2023 (1)" #> [313] "Longet 2023 (2)" "Longet 2023 (4)" "Chika-Igwenyi 2021 (1)" #> [316] "Chika-Igwenyi 2021 (2)" "Chika-Igwenyi 2021 (1)" "Chika-Igwenyi 2021 (2)" #> [319] "Chika-Igwenyi 2021 (1)" "Chika-Igwenyi 2021 (2)" "Grant 2023 (1)" #> [322] "Grant 2023 (2)" "Grant 2023 (3)" "Strampe 2021" #> [325] "Strampe 2021" "Kayem 2023 (b)" "Adetunji 2021" #> [328] "Adetunji 2021" "Chandra 2021" "Chandra 2021" #> [331] "Nwafor 2020" "Ochu 2023 (1)" "Ochu 2023 (2)" #> [334] "Ochu 2023 (3)" "Ochu 2023 (4)" "Blackburn 1982" #> [337] "Shaffer 2021" "Shaffer 2021" "Shaffer 2021" #> [340] "Shaffer 2021 (1)" "Shaffer 2021 (2)" "Shaffer 2021 (3)" #> [343] "Shaffer 2021 (4)" "Shaffer 2021 (5)" "Shaffer 2021 (6)" #> [346] "Grace 2021" "Nwafor 2021" "Clements 2019" #> [349] "Akpede 2019" "Akpede 2019" "Gomerep 2022" #> [352] "Olayinka 2022" "Olayinka 2022 (1)" "Olayinka 2022 (2)" #> [355] "Olayinka 2022 (3)" "Olayinka 2022 (4)" "Olayinka 2022 (5)" #> [358] "Olayinka 2022 (6)" "Olayinka 2022 (7)" "Olayinka 2022 (8)" #> [361] "Collins 2023" "Ndenda 2022" "Joseph 2019" #> [364] "Joseph 2019" "Smith 1979" "McCormick 1987 (b)" #> [367] "Samuels 2021" "Samuels 2021 (1)" "Samuels 2021 (2)" #> [370] "Mertens 1973" "Mertens 1973" "Mertens 1973" #> [373] "Mertens 1973" "Mertens 1973" ``` Created on 2024-08-15 with [reprex v2.1.0](