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Summary function to help users prioritise a distribution to use #63

Closed adamkucharski closed 4 weeks ago

adamkucharski commented 2 months ago

It could be helpful to have a simple function that helps users select a parameter from a returned set. From discussions, it seems like a function that wrapped the following column selection would be particularly helpful to inform this decision, or at least guide users:

# Get Lassa parameters
lassa_data <- epireview::load_epidata("lassa")
lassa_params <- lassa_data$params

# Extract delay
param_admission_outcome <- lassa_params |> dplyr::filter(parameter_type=="Human delay - admission to care>discharge/recovery")

# Summary columns
summary_columns <- c("article_label", "population_sample_size", "population_location", "population_group",
                     "population_sex", "parameter_value", "distribution_type")

summary_info <- param_admission_outcome[,summary_columns]
summary_info <- summary_info |> dplyr::arrange(desc(population_sample_size))
print(summary_info, n=Inf,width=Inf)
sangeetabhatia03 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the suggestion Adam, this ties into other issues we are working on.

sangeetabhatia03 commented 1 month ago

Suggested approach:

sangeetabhatia03 commented 1 month ago

Also please see generic function