mrc-ide / epireview
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Use a few parameter entries from {epireview} in {epiparameter} for testing? #82

Closed joshwlambert closed 1 month ago

joshwlambert commented 1 month ago

I am enhancing the as_epidist() functionality in {epiparameter}, which takes a row (or multiple rows for multi-row entries) from one of the {epireview} parameter tables and converts it into an <epidist> object. We are not taking {epireview} on as a package dependency in {epiparameter} as this would be quite heavy given the number of dependencies in {epireview}. Would it be okay to save a few entries (rows) of the {epireview} parameters for the purpose of testing as_epidist()? If possible I will update these periodically to ensure they are up-to-date with any changes made in {epireview}.

joshwlambert commented 1 month ago

To clarify, the example entries chosen will not be available to users of {epiparameter} and are only internal for unit testing.

sangeetabhatia03 commented 1 month ago

yes i think that should be fine! you can use rows from Ebola data set.

joshwlambert commented 1 month ago

Thanks. We may have also found a workaround that lets us read in parameters without taking on {epirview} as a dependency for the purposes of testing, but if this doesn't work it's good to know we can use some of the Ebola parameters.