mrc-ide / helios

Simulating far UVC for pathogen control
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Suggested changes for report #77

Closed athowes closed 3 months ago

athowes commented 3 months ago

Feel free to take or leave (may not be in order, sorry):

  1. Repetition: "the aim of this document" and "the aim of this document"
  2. "/" rather than full stop
  3. "children, adults, elderly" and "each individual is therefore..." feels like repetition
  4. Use letters for numbers less than ten (arguably more?) e.g. "four" not "4"
  5. Why are Households, Schools, ... bold and uppercase? Don't mind but be consistent throughout document if you do this
  6. Why is static bold? For emphasis I guess
  7. Exposed: They have been infected but are not currently infectious (often known as the pathogen’s “incubation period”). Grammar here?
  8. (S -> E) is not rendering (the arrow). Also "S" and "E" not yet introduced
  9. Be consistent about title headings. I suggest sentence case. Also use "and" not "&"
  10. "(see 3.1 below)" suggest writing "see Figure 3.1 below"
  11. "in Location $m$" why capitals here?
  12. $P(infection)$ don't like this, use $P(\text{infection})$ if you'd like
  13. The total force of infection $\lambda$ -- isn't this $\lambda_T$? Also why no index $i$ here?
tbreweric commented 3 months ago

1) Section 2: "The aim of this document is to introduce you to the helios framework, specifically the modelling framework and the types of results" 2) Section 2: "The aim of this document is to introduce you to the helios modelling framework and the types of results ..."

3) For Fig 3.4 the x axis title is slightly different to the ones before it (e.g. would be "Number of individuals per workplace" if consistent). Not a big deal but could be aligned.

4) Section 3.2. "determine the probability they are infected [in a given timestep]"

5) Section 3.2: Does "Location Type" want to be capitalised?

6) Section 3.2: Do we ant to add beta_C given we have a community beta in the model that served as the reference for the other beta values (3:3:3:3:1)?

7) Section 3.2: sum of household, workplace, schoo, leisure [lambdas]?

8) Section 3.2: Altering the duration of [acquired] immunity?

9) For Fig 3.6 the title for a) is obscured by b) - try smaller font size? Could move the legend to the top right of right hand panel to free up more space for the two figures? Might help solve the title issue

10) Section 3.3: Do we want Location Type to be capitalised?

11) Section 3.3: Shall we just introduce C_UVC as coverage in the same way we have efficacy for clarity?

12) Section 3.3: I'd go with the 60% instead of the 35% in the bullet points as it keeps the example consistent? Otherwise the 35% could potentially cause confusion

13) Fig 3.7: I think you can move the base 10 logairthm bit of the y axis lable to the figure caption as we have in the workplace distribution figure

14) Section 4: The first bullet point says we only look at epidemic pathogen outbreaks but we also look at endemic. Edit to reflect or add an additional nullet point saynig the same thing for endemic?

15) Section 4.1.1: We've already mentioned the 3331 split in the previous section so can remove this bit

16) Section 4.1.1: Remove the comma in the final sentence?

17) Section 4.2: We can also use [the] helios framework to [delete second used]

18) Section 4.2: (infection [where] the pathogen ...)

cwhittaker1000 commented 3 months ago

Closing as addressed in, thanks both