mrc-ide / vivax

Individual-based model for P. vivax malaria transmission
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Standardise outputs for GTS report #4

Closed giovannic closed 4 years ago

giovannic commented 4 years ago

We need to produce output which is in line with our existing Malaria model.

Next steps are to get example outputs so we can write tests for what they should look like.

pwinskill commented 4 years ago

Here's an example of an output file from the Pf model. It's output for an administartive unit in Uganda, taken from some global simulation runs that will be similar to what we do for the GTS.


I wouldn't worry too much about the sub-annual output timesteps as I think for the GTS runs it will be annual. Other than that, key elements will be

  1. The epi outputs: clinical and severe incidence and prevalence statified by different age groups. We can discuss these age groups in advance if easier, but flexibility in their sepcification would be ideal.
  2. The proportion of the population in different age groups. This is needed if we want to aggregate up to whole popualtion estimates, know what % of the popoualtion is eligable for age-specific inerventions and estimate DALYs. This will include the age groups for the epi output but might also include additional age-bands (e.g. we might have 2-10 years old as well as 5-10 years old)

You'll see this output also has intervention and treatment vriables. We probably won't use these directly (as we can produce output intervention numbers and associated costs directly from our coverage inputs), but they are often helpful for debugging or aiding understanding of what has been successfully implemented in a given simulation run.

pwinskill commented 4 years ago

If any of that output and/or formtting is particulary grim to recreate we also do always have the option of tweaking the Pf model output format (either directly or in post) as well

giovannic commented 4 years ago

Ok, thanks for your help @pwinskill!

I've had a look through the outputs and have some extra questions on the outputs:

pwinskill commented 4 years ago