I am new to neovim editor.
I run neovim on windows powershell via windows terminal.
I add haskell language surpport by edit lazyvim extra config on its tui.
And then it clone neotest-haskell after restart neovim successfully.
But finally a failure occurred and the plugin didn't enable.
It says
I search my local files include hidden files. It can't be found which named luarocks.bat
The only result is
How can I resolve it?
My local c complier is zig. And I have already install haskell toolchain by ghcup.
I am new to neovim editor. I run neovim on windows powershell via windows terminal. I add haskell language surpport by edit lazyvim extra config on its tui. And then it clone neotest-haskell after restart neovim successfully.
But finally a failure occurred and the plugin didn't enable.
It says
I search my local files include hidden files. It can't be found which named luarocks.bat
The only result is
How can I resolve it?
My local c complier is zig. And I have already install haskell toolchain by ghcup.