mrcodetastic / ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA

An Adafruit GFX Compatible Library for the ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 to drive HUB75 LED matrix panels using DMA for high refresh rates. Supports panel chaining.
MIT License
881 stars 196 forks source link

Cannot chain 6 x 64x64px panels with 24bpp colour - not enough memory? #335

Open secangkirkopipanas opened 1 year ago

secangkirkopipanas commented 1 year ago

Hi @mrfaptastic,

I'm currently facing issue with my P3 64x64 chained panel. I'm making 2 rows by 3 cols chained panels. When I set NUM_ROWS 1 and NUM_COLS 3, it worked with panel 4-6 cloned the output of panel 1-3.


The issue is: When I set NUM_ROWS 2 and NUM_COLS 3, it's just blank without any output to all panels.

I have set the MATRIX_HEIGHT to 64 in ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h. Appreciate your assistance. Thank you.

Pin configuration: R1_PIN 15 G1_PIN 13 B1_PIN 2 R2_PIN 4 G2_PIN 14 B2_PIN 16 A_PIN 17 B_PIN 26 C_PIN 5 D_PIN 25 E_PIN 1 LAT_PIN 33 OE_PIN 19 CLK_PIN 18

Some lines of code: HUB75_I2S_CFG mxconfig( PANEL_RES_X, // module width PANEL_RES_Y, // module height PANEL_CHAIN // Chain length ); dmaDisplay = new MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA(mxconfig); dmaDisplay->begin(R1_PIN, G1_PIN, B1_PIN, R2_PIN, G2_PIN, B2_PIN, A_PIN, B_PIN, C_PIN, D_PIN, E_PIN, LAT_PIN, OE_PIN, CLK_PIN); vDisplay = new VirtualMatrixPanel((*dmaDisplay), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);

mrcodetastic commented 1 year ago

What's the serial debug output when running with 6 panels? Your ESP32 is probably out of memory.

secangkirkopipanas commented 1 year ago

This is the serial debug output when I'm using NUM_COLS 4 and NUM_ROWS 1 with blank output:

19:56:08.099 -> ets J⸮)A�8⸮⸮b⸮⸮_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
19:56:08.099 -> mode:DIO, clock div:2
19:56:08.099 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1184
19:56:08.099 -> load:0x40078000,len:13132
19:56:08.099 -> load:0x40080400,len:3036
19:56:08.133 -> entry 0x400805e4
19:56:08.781 -> [�⸮⸮mum⸮⸮⸮⸮2-hal-cpu.c:214] setCpuFrequencyMhz(): PLL: 480 / 2 = 240 Mhz, APB: 80000000 Hz
19:56:08.818 -> 
19:56:08.818 -> ###############################################
19:56:08.818 -> # Welcome to Smart Mini 4WD RGB Timer         #
19:56:08.818 -> # ------------------------------------------- #
19:56:08.818 -> # By NgebutBenjut Mini 4WD                    #
19:56:08.818 -> ###############################################
19:56:08.818 -> 
19:56:08.818 -> Initialising data in SPIFFS...
19:56:08.919 -> [   121][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:56:08.919 -> [   122][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:56:08.919 -> [   127][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:56:08.919 -> [   127][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:56:08.919 -> [   133][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:56:08.919 -> [   137][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:56:08.919 -> Configuration file is loaded successfully.
19:56:08.954 -> LOG LEVEL: 1
19:56:08.954 -> OTA MODE: 0
19:56:08.954 -> [INFO]  Initialising BLE...
19:56:09.642 -> [   871][V][BLEDevice.cpp:76] createServer(): >> createServer
19:56:09.642 -> [   872][V][BLEServer.cpp:290] registerApp(): >> registerApp - 0
19:56:09.679 -> [   872][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:189] take(): Semaphore taking: name: RegisterAppEvt (0x3ffd7370), owner: <N/A> for registerApp
19:56:09.679 -> [   882][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:198] take(): Semaphore taken:  name: RegisterAppEvt (0x3ffd7370), owner: registerApp
19:56:09.679 -> [   891][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:63] wait(): >> wait: Semaphore waiting: name: RegisterAppEvt (0x3ffd7370), owner: registerApp for registerApp
19:56:09.679 -> [   893][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_REG_EVT
19:56:09.714 -> [   914][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1530] dumpGattServerEvent(): GATT ServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_REG_EVT
19:56:09.714 -> [   921][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1673] dumpGattServerEvent(): [status: ESP_GATT_OK, app_id: 0]
19:56:09.714 -> [   929][V][BLEServer.cpp:144] handleGATTServerEvent(): >> handleGATTServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_REG_EVT
19:56:09.714 -> [   938][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:143] give(): Semaphore giving: name: RegisterAppEvt (0x3ffd7370), owner: registerApp
19:56:09.750 -> [   948][V][BLEServer.cpp:280] handleGATTServerEvent(): << handleGATTServerEvent
19:56:09.750 -> [   948][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:77] wait(): << wait: Semaphore released: name: RegisterAppEvt (0x3ffd7370), owner: <N/A>
19:56:09.750 -> [   965][V][BLEServer.cpp:294] registerApp(): << registerApp
19:56:09.750 -> [   970][V][BLEDevice.cpp:83] createServer(): << createServer
19:56:09.750 -> [   976][V][BLEServer.cpp:67] createService(): >> createService - 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d
19:56:09.784 -> [   984][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:189] take(): Semaphore taking: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3a24), owner: <N/A> for createService
19:56:09.784 -> [   995][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:198] take(): Semaphore taken:  name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3a24), owner: createService
19:56:09.784 -> [  1005][V][BLEService.cpp:60] executeCreate(): >> executeCreate() - Creating service (esp_ble_gatts_create_service) service uuid: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d
19:56:09.822 -> [  1019][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:189] take(): Semaphore taking: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3c90), owner: <N/A> for executeCreate
19:56:09.822 -> [  1029][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:198] take(): Semaphore taken:  name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3c90), owner: executeCreate
19:56:09.822 -> [  1039][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:63] wait(): >> wait: Semaphore waiting: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3c90), owner: executeCreate for executeCreate
19:56:09.856 -> [  1040][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_CREATE_EVT
19:56:09.856 -> [  1061][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1530] dumpGattServerEvent(): GATT ServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_CREATE_EVT
19:56:09.856 -> [  1069][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1599] dumpGattServerEvent(): [status: ESP_GATT_OK, service_handle: 40 0x28, service_id: [uuid: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d, inst_id: 0]]
19:56:09.889 -> [  1084][V][BLEServer.cpp:144] handleGATTServerEvent(): >> handleGATTServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_CREATE_EVT
19:56:09.889 -> [  1093][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:143] give(): Semaphore giving: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3a24), owner: createService
19:56:09.889 -> [  1102][V][BLEService.cpp:194] setHandle(): >> setHandle - Handle=0x28, service UUID=4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d)
19:56:09.889 -> [  1113][V][BLEService.cpp:200] setHandle(): << setHandle
19:56:09.924 -> [  1118][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:143] give(): Semaphore giving: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3c90), owner: executeCreate
19:56:09.924 -> [  1128][V][BLEServer.cpp:280] handleGATTServerEvent(): << handleGATTServerEvent
19:56:09.924 -> [  1128][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:77] wait(): << wait: Semaphore released: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3c90), owner: <N/A>
19:56:09.924 -> [  1144][V][BLEService.cpp:76] executeCreate(): << executeCreate
19:56:09.958 -> [  1150][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:63] wait(): >> wait: Semaphore waiting: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3a24), owner: <N/A> for createService
19:56:09.958 -> [  1161][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:77] wait(): << wait: Semaphore released: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe3a24), owner: <N/A>
19:56:09.958 -> [  1171][V][BLEServer.cpp:83] createService(): << createService
19:56:09.958 -> [  1177][V][BLEService.cpp:222] addCharacteristic(): >> addCharacteristic()
19:56:09.958 -> [  1183][D][BLEService.cpp:225] addCharacteristic(): Adding characteristic: uuid=bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8 to service: UUID: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d, handle: 0x0028
19:56:09.991 -> [  1200][V][BLEService.cpp:237] addCharacteristic(): << addCharacteristic()
19:56:09.991 -> [  1206][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:68] addDescriptor(): >> addDescriptor(): Adding UUID: 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, handle: 0xffff to UUID: bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8, handle : 0xffff Read Write Notify Indicate 
19:56:10.025 -> [  1226][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:70] addDescriptor(): << addDescriptor()
19:56:10.025 -> [  1233][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:583] setCallbacks(): >> setCallbacks: 0x3ffd73d4
19:56:10.025 -> [  1240][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:589] setCallbacks(): << setCallbacks
19:56:10.025 -> [  1246][V][BLEService.cpp:134] start(): >> start(): Starting service (esp_ble_gatts_start_service): UUID: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d, handle: 0x0028
19:56:10.058 -> [  1260][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:79] executeCreate(): >> executeCreate()
19:56:10.058 -> [  1267][D][BLECharacteristic.cpp:90] executeCreate(): Registering characteristic (esp_ble_gatts_add_char): uuid: bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8, service: UUID: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d, handle: 0x0028
19:56:10.092 -> [  1286][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:189] take(): Semaphore taking: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe4d9c), owner: <N/A> for executeCreate
19:56:10.092 -> [  1296][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:198] take(): Semaphore taken:  name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe4d9c), owner: executeCreate
19:56:10.092 -> [  1306][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:63] wait(): >> wait: Semaphore waiting: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe4d9c), owner: executeCreate for executeCreate
19:56:10.126 -> [  1307][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_EVT
19:56:10.126 -> [  1328][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1530] dumpGattServerEvent(): GATT ServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_EVT
19:56:10.126 -> [  1337][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1553] dumpGattServerEvent(): [status: ESP_GATT_OK, attr_handle: 42 0x2a, service_handle: 40 0x28, char_uuid: bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8]
19:56:10.159 -> [  1352][V][BLEServer.cpp:144] handleGATTServerEvent(): >> handleGATTServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_EVT
19:56:10.159 -> [  1361][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:604] setHandle(): >> setHandle: handle=0x2a, characteristic uuid=bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8
19:56:10.159 -> [  1373][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:606] setHandle(): << setHandle
19:56:10.159 -> [  1378][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:205] handleGATTServerEvent(): >> handleGATTServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_EVT
19:56:10.192 -> [  1388][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:143] give(): Semaphore giving: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe4d9c), owner: executeCreate
19:56:10.192 -> [  1398][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:465] handleGATTServerEvent(): << handleGATTServerEvent
19:56:10.192 -> [  1398][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:77] wait(): << wait: Semaphore released: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe4d9c), owner: <N/A>
19:56:10.192 -> [  1406][V][BLEServer.cpp:280] handleGATTServerEvent(): << handleGATTServerEvent
19:56:10.229 -> [  1415][V][BLEDescriptor.cpp:57] executeCreate(): >> executeCreate(): UUID: 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, handle: 0xffff
19:56:10.229 -> [  1434][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:189] take(): Semaphore taking: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe5424), owner: <N/A> for executeCreate
19:56:10.229 -> [  1444][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:198] take(): Semaphore taken:  name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe5424), owner: executeCreate
19:56:10.229 -> [  1453][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:63] wait(): >> wait: Semaphore waiting: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe5424), owner: executeCreate for executeCreate
19:56:10.267 -> [  1454][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_DESCR_EVT
19:56:10.267 -> [  1476][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1530] dumpGattServerEvent(): GATT ServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_DESCR_EVT
19:56:10.267 -> [  1485][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1541] dumpGattServerEvent(): [status: ESP_GATT_OK, attr_handle: 43 0x2b, service_handle: 40 0x28, char_uuid: 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb]
19:56:10.300 -> [  1500][V][BLEServer.cpp:144] handleGATTServerEvent(): >> handleGATTServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_DESCR_EVT
19:56:10.300 -> [  1510][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:205] handleGATTServerEvent(): >> handleGATTServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_DESCR_EVT
19:56:10.300 -> [  1520][V][BLEDescriptor.cpp:220] setHandle(): >> setHandle(0x2b): Setting descriptor handle to be 0x2b
19:56:10.334 -> [  1529][V][BLEDescriptor.cpp:222] setHandle(): << setHandle()
19:56:10.334 -> [  1535][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:143] give(): Semaphore giving: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe5424), owner: executeCreate
19:56:10.334 -> [  1544][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:465] handleGATTServerEvent(): << handleGATTServerEvent
19:56:10.334 -> [  1544][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:77] wait(): << wait: Semaphore released: name: CreateEvt (0x3ffe5424), owner: <N/A>
19:56:10.368 -> [  1552][V][BLEServer.cpp:280] handleGATTServerEvent(): << handleGATTServerEvent
19:56:10.368 -> [  1562][V][BLEDescriptor.cpp:81] executeCreate(): << executeCreate
19:56:10.368 -> [  1575][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:116] executeCreate(): << executeCreate
19:56:10.368 -> [  1581][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:189] take(): Semaphore taking: name: StartEvt (0x3ffe4bc4), owner: <N/A> for start
19:56:10.368 -> [  1591][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:198] take(): Semaphore taken:  name: StartEvt (0x3ffe4bc4), owner: start
19:56:10.406 -> [  1599][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:63] wait(): >> wait: Semaphore waiting: name: StartEvt (0x3ffe4bc4), owner: start for start
19:56:10.406 -> [  1600][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_START_EVT
19:56:10.406 -> [  1620][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1530] dumpGattServerEvent(): GATT ServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_START_EVT
19:56:10.406 -> [  1628][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1686] dumpGattServerEvent(): [status: ESP_GATT_OK, service_handle: 0x28]
19:56:10.440 -> [  1637][V][BLEServer.cpp:144] handleGATTServerEvent(): >> handleGATTServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_START_EVT
19:56:10.440 -> [  1646][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:143] give(): Semaphore giving: name: StartEvt (0x3ffe4bc4), owner: start
19:56:10.440 -> [  1654][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:205] handleGATTServerEvent(): >> handleGATTServerEvent: ESP_GATTS_START_EVT
19:56:10.440 -> [  1654][V][FreeRTOS.cpp:77] wait(): << wait: Semaphore released: name: StartEvt (0x3ffe4bc4), owner: <N/A>
19:56:10.473 -> [  1664][V][BLECharacteristic.cpp:465] handleGATTServerEvent(): << handleGATTServerEvent
19:56:10.473 -> [  1673][V][BLEService.cpp:159] start(): << start()
19:56:10.473 -> [  1681][V][BLEServer.cpp:280] handleGATTServerEvent(): << handleGATTServerEvent
19:56:10.473 -> [  1686][I][BLEDevice.cpp:577] getAdvertising(): create advertising
19:56:10.506 -> [  1699][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
19:56:10.506 -> [  1705][V][BLEDevice.cpp:584] startAdvertising(): >> startAdvertising
19:56:10.506 -> [  1711][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
19:56:10.506 -> [  1717][V][BLEAdvertising.cpp:187] start(): >> start: customAdvData: 0, customScanResponseData: 0
19:56:10.506 -> [  1725][D][BLEAdvertising.cpp:199] start(): - advertising service: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d
19:56:10.541 -> [  1735][V][BLEAdvertising.cpp:252] start(): << start
19:56:10.541 -> [  1739][V][BLEDevice.cpp:586] startAdvertising(): << startAdvertising
19:56:10.541 -> [  1741][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1049] dumpGapEvent(): Received a GAP event: ESP_GAP_BLE_ADV_DATA_SET_COMPLETE_EVT
19:56:10.541 -> [INFO]  BLE was started successfully![  1756][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1056] dumpGapEvent(): [status: 0]
19:56:10.541 -> 
19:56:10.541 -> [INFO]  - Characteristic UUID: bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8
19:56:10.579 -> [  1767][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
19:56:10.579 -> [INFO]  - Service UUID: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d
19:56:10.579 -> [  1777][D][BLEAdvertising.cpp:506] handleGAPEvent(): handleGAPEvent [event no: 0]
19:56:10.579 -> [  1788][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1049] dumpGapEvent(): Received a GAP event: ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA_SET_COMPLETE_EVT
19:56:10.579 -> [  1788][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:56:10.579 -> [  1798][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1206] dumpGapEvent(): [status: 0]
19:56:10.617 -> [  1803][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:56:10.617 -> [  1808][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
19:56:10.617 -> [  1819][D][BLEAdvertising.cpp:506] handleGAPEvent(): handleGAPEvent [event no: 1]
19:56:10.617 -> [  1827][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1049] dumpGapEvent(): Received a GAP event: ESP_GAP_BLE_ADV_START_COMPLETE_EVT
19:56:10.617 -> [  1836][V][BLEUtils.cpp:1074] dumpGapEvent(): [status: 0]
19:56:10.617 -> [  1841][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
19:56:10.652 -> [  1847][D][BLEAdvertising.cpp:506] handleGAPEvent(): handleGAPEvent [event no: 6]
19:56:11.253 -> E (2469) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:11.253 -> [  2474][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:11.396 -> E (2606) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:11.396 -> [  2611][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:11.531 -> E (2742) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:11.531 -> [  2747][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:11.673 -> E (2878) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:11.673 -> [  2883][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:11.740 -> E (2946) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:11.740 -> [  2951][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:11.947 -> E (3150) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:11.947 -> [  3155][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:12.193 -> E (3422) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:12.231 -> [  3427][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:12.340 -> E (3558) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:12.340 -> [  3563][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:12.477 -> E (3694) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:12.477 -> [  3699][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:12.614 -> E (3830) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:12.614 -> [  3835][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:12.756 -> E (3966) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:12.756 -> [  3971][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:12.822 -> E (4034) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:12.822 -> [  4039][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:13.025 -> E (4238) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:13.025 -> [  4243][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:13.306 -> E (4510) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:13.306 -> [  4515][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:13.448 -> E (4646) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:13.448 -> [  4651][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:13.558 -> E (4782) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:13.558 -> [  4787][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:13.692 -> E (4918) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:13.726 -> [  4923][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:13.829 -> E (5054) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:13.829 -> [  5059][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:13.900 -> E (5122) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:13.900 -> [  5127][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.110 -> E (5326) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.110 -> [  5331][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.383 -> E (5598) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.383 -> [  5603][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.452 -> E (5666) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.452 -> [  5671][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.522 -> E (5734) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.522 -> [  5739][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.589 -> E (5802) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.589 -> [  5807][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.662 -> E (5870) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.662 -> [  5875][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.735 -> E (5938) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.735 -> [  5943][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.805 -> E (6006) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.805 -> [  6011][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.879 -> E (6074) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.879 -> [  6079][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:14.914 -> E (6142) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:14.947 -> [  6147][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:15.055 -> E (6278) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:15.055 -> [  6283][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:15.332 -> E (6550) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:15.332 -> [  6555][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:15.367 -> [INFO]  RGB MATRIX details
19:56:15.367 -> [INFO]  MATRIX_WIDTH  : 256
19:56:15.367 -> [INFO]  MATRIX_HEIGHT : 64
19:56:15.367 -> E (6570) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:56:15.367 -> [  6575][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:56:15.367 -> [INFO]  ---
19:56:15.367 -> [INFO]  Ready to use!

Is there anything you can catch? Thank you.

ergindemir commented 1 year ago

Pin 1 is used by the serial monitor. Pin 2 is connected to internal Led on some boards.

mrcodetastic commented 1 year ago

Can you compile your project with -DCORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=2 please, as I can't see anything in that output of use. Looks like you have a few other errors you need to fix.

If using platform IO, try something like

build_flags = 
secangkirkopipanas commented 1 year ago

Hi @mrfaptastic,

My previous log was with core debug level "Verbose".

Following is the log with core debug level "Debug", please ignore the ledc error, still trying to fix this...

11:18:43.201 -> ⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮Dy⸮$w:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
11:18:43.201 -> mode:DIO, clock div:2
11:18:43.201 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1344
11:18:43.201 -> load:0x40078000,len:13836
11:18:43.201 -> load:0x40080400,len:3608
11:18:43.201 -> entry 0x400805f0
11:18:43.793 -> [⸮⸮mum⸮⸮⸮⸮2-hal-cpu.c:214] setCpuFrequencyMhz(): PLL: 480 / 2 = 240 Mhz, APB: 80000000 Hz
11:18:43.793 -> 
11:18:43.793 -> ###############################################
11:18:43.793 -> # Welcome to Smart Mini 4WD RGB Timer         #
11:18:43.793 -> # ------------------------------------------- #
11:18:43.793 -> # By NgebutBenjut Mini 4WD                    #
11:18:43.793 -> ###############################################
11:18:43.826 -> 
11:18:43.826 -> Initialising data in SPIFFS...
11:18:43.826 -> [    53][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
11:18:43.826 -> [    53][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
11:18:43.826 -> [    57][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
11:18:43.826 -> [    58][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
11:18:43.860 -> [    64][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
11:18:43.860 -> [    68][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
11:18:43.860 -> Configuration file is loaded successfully.
11:18:43.860 -> LOG LEVEL: 1
11:18:43.860 -> OTA MODE: 0
11:18:43.860 -> [INFO]  Initialising BLE...
11:18:44.560 -> [   795][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_REG_EVT
11:18:44.597 -> [   797][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_CREATE_EVT
11:18:44.597 -> [   806][D][BLEService.cpp:225] addCharacteristic(): Adding characteristic: uuid=bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8 to service: UUID: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d, handle: 0x0028
11:18:44.597 -> [   823][D][BLECharacteristic.cpp:90] executeCreate(): Registering characteristic (esp_ble_gatts_add_char): uuid: bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8, service: UUID: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d, handle: 0x0028
11:18:44.634 -> [   842][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_EVT
11:18:44.634 -> [   853][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_DESCR_EVT
11:18:44.634 -> [   864][D][BLEDevice.cpp:102] gattServerEventHandler(): gattServerEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 4] ... ESP_GATTS_START_EVT
11:18:44.667 -> [   874][I][BLEDevice.cpp:577] getAdvertising(): create advertising
11:18:44.667 -> [   880][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
11:18:44.667 -> [   886][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
11:18:44.667 -> [   891][D][BLEAdvertising.cpp:199] start(): - advertising service: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d
11:18:44.667 -> [INFO]  BLE was started successfully![   905][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
11:18:44.700 -> 
11:18:44.700 -> [   914][D][BLEAdvertising.cpp:506] handleGAPEvent(): handleGAPEvent [event no: 0]
11:18:44.700 -> [INFO]  - Characteristic UUID: bec5483e-33a1-4698-b7f5-ab08364b26a8
11:18:44.700 -> [   917][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
11:18:44.700 -> [INFO]  - Service UUID: 4fbfc284-1fb5-459e-8fdc-c9d9c331924d
11:18:44.738 -> [   929][D][BLEAdvertising.cpp:506] handleGAPEvent(): handleGAPEvent [event no: 1]
11:18:44.738 -> [   940][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
11:18:44.738 -> [   941][D][BLEDevice.cpp:579] getAdvertising(): get advertising
11:18:44.738 -> [   947][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
11:18:44.738 -> [   952][D][BLEAdvertising.cpp:506] handleGAPEvent(): handleGAPEvent [event no: 6]
11:18:45.401 -> E (1617) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:45.401 -> [  1621][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:45.543 -> E (1754) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:45.543 -> [  1757][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:45.650 -> E (1890) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:45.688 -> [  1893][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:45.797 -> E (2026) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:45.797 -> [  2029][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:45.869 -> E (2094) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:45.869 -> [  2097][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:46.088 -> E (2298) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:46.088 -> [  2301][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:46.343 -> E (2570) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:46.343 -> [  2573][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:46.485 -> E (2706) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:46.485 -> [  2709][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:46.630 -> E (2842) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:46.630 -> [  2845][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:46.769 -> E (2978) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:46.769 -> [  2981][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:46.877 -> E (3114) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:46.877 -> [  3117][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:46.950 -> E (3182) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:46.950 -> [  3185][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:47.168 -> E (3386) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:47.168 -> [  3389][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:47.418 -> E (3658) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:47.453 -> [  3661][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:47.563 -> E (3794) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:47.563 -> [  3797][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:47.700 -> E (3930) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:47.700 -> [  3933][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:47.844 -> E (4066) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:47.844 -> [  4069][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:47.988 -> E (4202) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:47.988 -> [  4205][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.059 -> E (4270) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.059 -> [  4273][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.243 -> E (4474) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.243 -> [  4477][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.535 -> E (4746) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.535 -> [  4749][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.572 -> E (4814) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.605 -> [  4817][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.643 -> E (4882) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.679 -> [  4885][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.714 -> E (4950) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.714 -> [  4953][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.787 -> E (5018) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.787 -> [  5021][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.858 -> E (5086) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.858 -> [  5089][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.927 -> E (5154) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.927 -> [  5157][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:48.997 -> E (5222) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:48.997 -> [  5225][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:49.072 -> E (5290) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:49.072 -> [  5293][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:49.217 -> E (5426) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:49.217 -> [  5429][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:49.468 -> E (5698) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:49.468 -> [  5701][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:49.543 -> [INFO]  RGB MATRIX details
11:18:49.543 -> [INFO]  MATRIX_WIDTH  : 192
11:18:49.543 -> [INFO]  MATRIX_HEIGHT : 128
11:18:49.543 -> E (5751) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
11:18:49.543 -> [  5754][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
11:18:49.577 -> [INFO]  ---
11:18:49.577 -> [INFO]  Ready to use!
mrcodetastic commented 1 year ago

Sorry. I should have been more specific - are you using the git version of this library, or the last published 2.0.7 version? If you could use the latest git version - and provide the serial output.

secangkirkopipanas commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm currently using v2.0.7 version from the release. Let me try to use the latest git version and get the serial output.

secangkirkopipanas commented 1 year ago

Hi @mrfaptastic,

After applying the latest changes from Github, I got the following error in the log:

18:59:55.299 -> [  1944][E][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.cpp:32] allocateDMAmemory(): [MatrixPanel] CRITICAL ERROR: Can't allocate rowBitStruct 26! Not enough memory for requested PIXEL_COLOUR_DEPTH_BITS. Please reduce PIXEL_COLOUR_DEPTH_BITS value.

Full log:

18:59:52.813 -> ⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮A⸮ ⸮0k⸮E⸮⸮⸮0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
18:59:52.813 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
18:59:52.813 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1344
18:59:52.813 -> load:0x40078000,len:13864
18:59:52.855 -> load:0x40080400,len:3608
18:59:52.855 -> entry 0x400805f0
18:59:53.328 -> [⸮⸮mum⸮⸮⸮⸮2-hal-cpu.c:214] setCpuFrequencyMhz(): PLL: 480 / 2 = 240 Mhz, APB: 80000000 Hz
18:59:53.328 -> E (376) psram: PSRAM ID read error: 0xffffffff
18:59:53.362 -> [     6][W][esp32-hal-psram.c:71] psramInit(): PSRAM init 
18:59:53.362 -> ###############################################
18:59:53.362 -> # Welcome to Smart Mini 4WD RGB Timer         #
18:59:53.362 -> # ------------------------------------------- #
18:59:53.362 -> # By NgebutBenjut Mini 4WD                    #
18:59:53.362 -> ###############################################
18:59:53.362 -> 
18:59:53.362 -> Initialising data in SPIFFS...
18:59:53.399 -> [    58][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
18:59:53.399 -> [    58][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
18:59:53.399 -> [    60][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
18:59:53.399 -> [    63][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
18:59:53.399 -> [    69][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
18:59:53.399 -> [    73][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
18:59:53.432 -> OTA MODE: 0
18:59:53.432 -> Bluetooth is enabled!
18:59:53.432 -> [    91][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
18:59:53.432 -> [    91][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
18:59:55.148 -> [  1821][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:345] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 15 for R1_PIN
18:59:55.148 -> [  1821][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:346] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 13 for G1_PIN
18:59:55.148 -> [  1826][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:347] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 2 for B1_PIN
18:59:55.186 -> [  1834][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:348] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 4 for R2_PIN
18:59:55.186 -> [  1843][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:349] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 14 for G2_PIN
18:59:55.186 -> [  1851][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:350] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 16 for B2_PIN
18:59:55.186 -> [  1859][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:351] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 17 for A_PIN
18:59:55.224 -> [  1868][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:352] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 26 for B_PIN
18:59:55.224 -> [  1876][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:353] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 5 for C_PIN
18:59:55.224 -> [  1884][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:354] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 25 for D_PIN
18:59:55.224 -> [  1892][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:355] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 1 for E_PIN
18:59:55.224 -> [  1900][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:356] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 33 for LAT_PIN
18:59:55.261 -> [  1909][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:357] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 19 for OE_PIN
18:59:55.261 -> [  1917][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:358] begin(): [begin()] Using GPIO 18 for CLK_PIN
18:59:55.261 -> [  1926][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.cpp:16] allocateDMAmemory(): [MatrixPanel] Free heap: 178088
18:59:55.261 -> [  1935][I][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.cpp:17] allocateDMAmemory(): [MatrixPanel] Free SPIRAM: 0
18:59:55.299 -> [  1944][E][ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.cpp:32] allocateDMAmemory(): [MatrixPanel] CRITICAL ERROR: Can't allocate rowBitStruct 26! Not enough memory for requested PIXEL_COLOUR_DEPTH_BITS. Please reduce PIXEL_COLOUR_DEPTH_BITS value.
18:59:55.299 -> 
18:59:55.794 -> Successfully opened GIF; Canvas size = 192 x 64
19:00:03.935 -> E (10981) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:03.935 -> [ 10609][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:04.085 -> E (11117) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:04.085 -> [ 10745][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:04.195 -> E (11253) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:04.233 -> [ 10881][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:04.346 -> E (11389) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:04.346 -> [ 11017][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:04.416 -> E (11457) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:04.416 -> [ 11085][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:04.632 -> E (11661) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:04.632 -> [ 11289][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:04.888 -> E (11933) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:04.888 -> [ 11561][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:05.034 -> E (12069) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:05.034 -> [ 11697][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:05.143 -> E (12205) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:05.177 -> [ 11833][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:05.282 -> E (12341) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:05.316 -> [ 11969][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:05.425 -> E (12477) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:05.425 -> [ 12105][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:05.497 -> E (12545) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:05.497 -> [ 12173][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:05.707 -> E (12749) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:05.707 -> [ 12377][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:05.995 -> E (13021) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:05.995 -> [ 12649][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:06.100 -> E (13157) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:06.138 -> [ 12785][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:06.246 -> E (13293) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:06.246 -> [ 12921][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:06.390 -> E (13429) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:06.390 -> [ 13057][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:06.531 -> E (13565) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:06.531 -> [ 13193][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:06.605 -> E (13633) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:06.605 -> [ 13261][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:06.782 -> E (13837) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:06.782 -> [ 13465][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.062 -> E (14109) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.062 -> [ 13737][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.138 -> E (14177) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.138 -> [ 13805][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.210 -> E (14245) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.210 -> [ 13873][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.285 -> E (14313) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.285 -> [ 13941][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.321 -> E (14381) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.354 -> [ 14009][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.392 -> E (14449) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.426 -> [ 14077][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.460 -> E (14517) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.460 -> [ 14145][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.533 -> E (14585) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.533 -> [ 14213][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.606 -> E (14653) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.606 -> [ 14281][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:07.745 -> E (14789) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:07.745 -> [ 14417][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:08.034 -> E (15061) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:08.034 -> [ 14689][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:08.071 -> RGB MATRIX details
19:00:08.071 -> MATRIX_WIDTH  : 192
19:00:08.071 -> MATRIX_HEIGHT : 128
19:00:08.071 -> E (15118) ledc: freq_hz=0 duty_resolution=10
19:00:08.071 -> [ 14747][E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed!
19:00:08.145 -> ---
19:00:08.145 -> Ready to use!
19:00:08.145 -> [ 14814][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:00:08.145 -> [ 14815][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:00:08.145 -> [ 14822][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:00:08.145 -> [ 14822][W][SPIFFS.cpp:71] begin(): SPIFFS Already Mounted!
19:00:08.182 -> ---
19:00:08.182 -> --- Latest configuration ---
19:00:08.182 -> Serial Number: 
19:00:08.182 -> Device Hostname: 
19:00:08.182 -> Device Name: 
19:00:08.182 -> Device Code: 
19:00:08.182 -> Version: 1.0.0
19:00:08.182 -> Use Wifi: 1
19:00:08.182 -> Use Bluetooth: 1
19:00:08.182 -> BLE Service UUID: 
19:00:08.182 -> BLE Characteristic UUID: 
19:00:08.182 -> WIFI SSID: 
19:00:08.182 -> WIFI Password: 
19:00:08.182 -> OTA Enabled: 0
19:00:08.182 -> Timer Mode: 5
19:00:08.182 -> Sensor: laser
19:00:08.182 -> Lane 1 Name: A
19:00:08.182 -> Lane 2 Name: B
19:00:08.182 -> Lane 3 Name: C
19:00:08.182 -> Lane 4 Name: D
19:00:08.182 -> Lane 5 Name: E
19:00:08.182 -> Lane 1 Enabled: 1
19:00:08.182 -> Lane 2 Enabled: 1
19:00:08.182 -> Lane 3 Enabled: 1
19:00:08.216 -> Lane 4 Enabled: 1
19:00:08.216 -> Lane 5 Enabled: 1
19:00:08.216 -> Splash 1: TAMIYA
19:00:08.216 -> Splash 2: MINI 4WD
19:00:08.216 -> * SerialDebug: Please press ? or another command and enter to activate debugs
19:00:08.216 -> * SerialDebug: Please press ? or another command and enter to activate debugs
19:00:08.216 -> * SerialDebug: Please press ? or another command and enter to activate debugs
19:00:08.216 -> * Please verify if is in Newline mode in monitor serial
mrcodetastic commented 1 year ago

Yep. As expected you can't drive that many panels with that colour depth with the memory you have available.


Change the value of PIXEL_COLOUR_DEPTH_BITS to '4' or something.

secangkirkopipanas commented 1 year ago

Hi @mrfaptastic,

Yeah, it solved by changing PIXEL_COLOUR_DEPTH_BITS value to '6' in my case. You can close this ticket. Thank you for assisting.