mrcodetastic / ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA

An Adafruit GFX Compatible Library for the ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 to drive HUB75 LED matrix panels using DMA for high refresh rates. Supports panel chaining.
MIT License
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Using ESP32CAM w/ HUB75E #521

Closed flewid closed 6 months ago

flewid commented 8 months ago


I am wondering if it's possible to use the ESP32CAM module with this driver (it appears to work for me in testing) however I'd like to get 'input' from the camera to actually display on the matrix. Has anyone tried this before?

mrcodetastic commented 8 months ago

I don't think there are enough spare GPIO's on the ESP32CAM to do this?

flewid commented 8 months ago

Ah good point - I suppose not eh?


darn okay - will have to do some kind of server/client thing with the cam module + esp32 separate I guess eh?

mrcodetastic commented 8 months ago

Yeah it would be much easier to just get another ESP32 to do the RGB panel display stuff. Perhaps setup a direct wifi link between the two and send the frame data across when captured.

Of course, you're not going to get high speed video with this... But even if the esp32cam had enough pins, I doubt you'd be able to do either.

flewid commented 8 months ago

Okay great thank you for the input, will see what i can do!

mrcodetastic commented 8 months ago

If you create a git project, and I can get some spare time, I would be interested enough to help code something up.

I ready have a git repository here for an esp32 webcam... And instead of it sending binary image data to a remote webserver, it could just sent it to another ESP32 running the DMA library.

flewid commented 8 months ago

OO okay I'm down to work on something - I actually found this guy on youtube - tracked him down and got the code - which I've spent the past week on, but not functional yet - I'll attach it here -

However, he's using wifi from esp32cam (server) -> client (esp32) to get the data - How would the DMA variety work? If you have something I can look into (as a newb) be happy to start playing around - I assume I should just fork your repo and go from there eh? (create a new example basically)

mrcodetastic commented 8 months ago

Shouldn't need to fork the library at all. The library just pushes pixel to a panel. Your sketch, even his, should just use the library as-is. The trick is getting the pixels getting the camera and then "sending them across" to this library, that's all.

flewid commented 8 months ago

Got it! Okay will post an update when I have time to mess around :)

flewid commented 7 months ago

@mrfaptastic i've been playing with it for a week or so now - the server (esp32cam) seems to be functioning fine, i've got the client (esp32) working fine as well, it's just the 'decode the jpeg' stream i'm having difficulty with - I invited you to my repo so you can check things out (private for now) -- i'm using TJpg_Decoder but not sure that's the best course of action? You'll just need to change the wifi XXX for SSID/Pass and the two ip addresses (documented)