mrcodetastic / ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA

An Adafruit GFX Compatible Library for the ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 to drive HUB75 LED matrix panels using DMA for high refresh rates. Supports panel chaining.
MIT License
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S-P4-2020-A3 origin pixel issue #601

Closed Parthenergycloud closed 6 months ago

Parthenergycloud commented 6 months ago

Hello, I have used P4-2020_A3 RGB Panel on my side. I order this panel from Here,

I have connected 4 panels in a zigzag manner with esp32 HUB75 shield.

Chain of 4x 64x32 panels for this example: +---------+---------+ 2 1 (ESP32) +---------+---------+ 4 3

+---------+---------+ Here is the image of HUB75 with esp32. HUB75_ESP32

I used ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA library for connecting 4 panels and i used Chainedpanels example form library. In that i found some error in displaying.

→ Error i facing for display something in Chain of 4x 64x32 panels

First line of the display is shifted last line you can see in below image.



→ In this image you can see that my first line is shifted in last line and i setup panels according to numbers.

→ Second thing is panal 4 first line is shifted in panel 1 last line and panel 2 first line shifted to panel 3 first line.

"I want solution of this problem of shifting line"

Here, is the example code which i used. `#include // #include "FreeSerif9pt7b.h"

define PANEL_RES_X 64

define PANEL_RES_Y 32

define NUM_ROWS 2

define NUM_COLS 2



MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA dma_display = nullptr; VirtualMatrixPanel virtualDisp = nullptr;

int scrollPos = 0; // Initial position for text scrolling

void setup() { HUB75_I2S_CFG mxconfig( PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, PANEL_CHAIN );

dma_display = new MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA(mxconfig); dma_display->setBrightness8(255); dma_display->begin();

virtualDisp = new VirtualMatrixPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, VIRTUAL_MATRIX_CHAIN_TYPE);

virtualDisp->setPhysicalPanelScanRate(NORMAL_TWO_SCAN); // virtualDisp->setFont(&FreeSerif9pt7b); virtualDisp->setTextColor(virtualDisp->color565(0, 0, 255)); virtualDisp->setTextSize(2); }

void loop() { // Clear previous text virtualDisp->fillScreen(virtualDisp->color565(0, 0, 0));

// Print text at the current scroll position virtualDisp->setCursor(scrollPos, 0); virtualDisp->print("HELLO");

// Increment scroll position scrollPos--;

// Reset scroll position if text has scrolled completely off the display if (scrollPos < -(virtualDisp->width())) { scrollPos = virtualDisp->width(); }

// virtualDisp->swapBuffers(false); virtualDisp->setTextWrap(false); // Delay to control scrolling speed delay(20); // Adjust as needed }`

Here is video for running above code in the panel.

In video you can see that when my hello is reach to first line i moves to last line of 2nd ROW display.

Anyone has a solution for this problem? @mrfaptastic Please help me to solve this problem.

mrcodetastic commented 6 months ago


mrcodetastic commented 6 months ago

Perhaps similar to this post:

Parthenergycloud commented 6 months ago


After following your suggestions of clkphase i set my clkphase set to false my issue is solved. And Thank you for your support.😊