mrd0x / EvilSelenium

EvilSelenium is a tool that weaponizes Selenium to attack Chromium based browsers.
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Run error - Win7 'n Win10 #4

Open pgiavaroto opened 2 years ago

pgiavaroto commented 2 years ago

Doesn't work out on either system.

Win7: Problems with Chromedriver and selenium webdriver download. Win10: Execution issues.. compatibility, I guess.

Is there any framework/requirements to run it?

Tks. :)

mrd0x commented 2 years ago

The error for Win7 is probably a TLS error. I didn't test it but I'd assume so. You'd just have to set the TLS version before the download starts. Maybe I'll fix it if I have the time this week.

As for the Win10, what's the error that you get?

tenpai-git commented 3 months ago

Hey @pgiavaroto you should be able to get the webdrivers here; Chrome: Selenium: