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Autolabelling: Setup a data collection pipeline (e.g. what happens when new data comes in?) #64

Open mrdbourke opened 1 year ago

mrdbourke commented 1 year ago

Data collection pipeline should be reactive to data coming into a bucket, for example:

Images get added to bucket -> autolabelling pipeline happens for unlabelled images -> labelling cleaning happens -> model training pipeline happens for when all images are labelled -> evaluation pipeline happens -> deployment happens


mrdbourke commented 1 year ago

Potential autolabelling pipeline:

Could use the pipeline above with multiple variants of CLIP-style models for redundancy.

mrdbourke commented 1 year ago

See openclip for zero-shot classification:

Also see clip-retrieval for just embedding/searching a large existing dataset for images specific to a certain task:

Can download a large number of images from web links using:

mrdbourke commented 1 year ago

Much better to compute image embeddings + class embeddings up front.

Then reuse over time where necessary.

This could be setup via:

mrdbourke commented 1 year ago

See this resource for autolabelling object detection: