mrdbourke / pytorch-deep-learning

Materials for the Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning: Zero to Mastery course.
MIT License
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Where to go from here #893

Open soomrofarrhan opened 2 months ago

soomrofarrhan commented 2 months ago

Hi. Hope you are doing well

I have gone through each lecture / concept explained by you in this course and I must say its wonderful. It has cleared my basic concepts regarding pytorch, model deployment etc. However, there are few things which I want to ask

1) Since this is 2020 course and its 2024 currently going on. As we know things get rapidly changed in market. So what should one opt or learn next to become in line with market expectation.

2) My goal was to become a freelancer. Please give me any guidance, advice or strategy that what should I go for next to achieve my goal keeping in view the current market trends / skills required as of today. If you provide any links of course or further material, I will be thankful to you. Thanks

heschmat commented 2 months ago

Hi there, Have you checked the freelance pages to see what are the kinds of tasks they're asking in your areas of interest?

P.S. the issues tab is not suitable for such discussions. The discussions tab would be better. The issues tab is for "issues" regarding codebase, like bug fixes & feature requests.