mrdbourke / tensorflow-deep-learning

All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Deep Learning with TensorFlow course.
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Unable to load weights from checkpoint in 05_transfer_learning_in_tensorflow_part_2_fine_tuning.ipynb #519

Open piyushongithub opened 1 year ago

piyushongithub commented 1 year ago

I ran the notebook "05_transfer_learning_in_tensorflow_part_2_fine_tuning.ipynb" on google colab but I got an error in "Model 4: Fine-tuning an existing model all of data" section. It seems like tensorflow is unable to load weights from checkpoint for model_2. . I am getting shape incompatible error. I have attached screenshot of the error below.

JordanTheDodger commented 1 year ago


Review your code. It is a shape error caused due to not includingModelCheckpoint callback while refitting model 3(unfroze,fine-tune last 10). I encountered same error and attempted to resolve it by adding Model Checkpoint. I have also provided solution on Udemy as well

piyushongithub commented 1 year ago

@JordanTheDodger But it would start fine-tuning from the stage model_3 was completed not from the stage of feature extractor. We want to fine tune from the stage of feature extractor (model_2 before fine tuning on 10% data).

gonbaez commented 1 year ago

@piyushongithub I had the same issue. Apparently is because the order of the weights changes when saving the model with modified trainable attributes link.

I fixed it by saving the checkpoint as as h5 and setiing the base_modle layer to not trainable before loading the weights. image


I hope this helps.

mrdbourke commented 1 year ago

Hi @piyushongithub,

This seems to be an issue with various versions of TensorFlow and the tf.keras.applications.efficientnet models.

Please see for some potential fixes (namely installing TensorFlow 2.9.0 which seems to be the most stable version at the time of writing).