mrdishant / flutter_geofire

A Flutter plugin to get the realtime updates of places nearby usinf Firebase GeoFire.
MIT License
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Firebase database and Firebase auth IOS issue #37

Closed Assalafi closed 2 weeks ago

Assalafi commented 1 month ago

Not working with latest Firebase database, Firebase auth on ios

qasim-tuluu commented 3 weeks ago

The plugin is not compatible with the latest Firebase Database, is there any hope we should expect an update?

qasim-tuluu commented 2 weeks ago

In order to get the plugin work with iOS do the following: Add the plugin to pubspec.yaml --> flutter_geofire: 2.0.3

Add the following to podfile:

target 'Runner' do
            pod 'GeoFire', :git => ''

            flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))

Open file flutter_geofire.podspec (ios/.symlinks/plugins/flutter_geofire/ios/flutter_geofire.podspec) Replace the following: s.ios.dependency 'GeoFire', '~> 5.0' (~> 4.0 with ~> 5.0)

mrdishant commented 2 weeks ago

Resolved in the latest version of plugin...