A tutorial for creating a Discord bot that responds using LM Studio! This code is based on a blogpost found here: https://dev.to/mrdjohnson/i-made-a-discord-bot-with-lmstudiojs-4fd6
when I try to load my model, I get this error, and yes lm-studio and sdk is up to date
Using model:l3.1-8b-dark-planet-slush to respond!
W [LMStudioClient][LLM][ClientPort] Produced communication warning: Received invalid result for rpc, endpointName = getModelInfo, result = {"descriptor":{"identifier":"l3.1-8b-dark-planet-slush","path":"Triangle104/L3.1-8B-Dark-Planet-Slush-Q4_K_S-GGUF/l3.1-8b-dark-planet-slush-q4_k_s.gguf"},"instanceReference":"pI9KTVW/SiRxrnw7tBHbhcSs"}. Zod error:
- result.sessionIdentifier: Required
This is usually caused by communication protocol incompatibility. Please make sure you are using the up-to-date versions of the SDK and LM Studio.
when I try to load my model, I get this error, and yes lm-studio and sdk is up to date