Added a TG.GradientInterpolator (Maybe rename?) that interpolate between a set of points [{pos: X, color:[r,g,b,a],...}]. Supports step, linear and spline interpolation.
Added TG.Gradient generator using the previous class to generate horizontal gradient:
.add( new TG.Gradient().interpolation( 1 ).point( 0, [1,1,0,0] ) ... .point( 1, [1,0,1,1]) )
Added getSourcePreLoop to include custom code before pixel loop
[{pos: X, color:[r,g,b,a],...}]
. Supports step, linear and spline interpolation..add( new TG.Gradient().interpolation( 1 ).point( 0, [1,1,0,0] ) ... .point( 1, [1,0,1,1]) )
to include custom code before pixel loop