mrdoob / three.js

JavaScript 3D Library.
MIT License
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thanx on the reply .... am i thinking right this way? #1071

Closed TreedeeAnimation closed 12 years ago

TreedeeAnimation commented 12 years ago

hi ... thanx for the reply ....

so if i corretly understand it ..... a face uv is not used much jet, but it gets one value set (x,z) for each face so for a cube it would be something like this [[0.38, 0.0], [0.38, 0.25], [0.38, 0.5], [0.38, 0.75], [0.63, 0.0], [0.38, 0.0]] and in my faces list i can index to each one .... or i could have one ... to index to ..... thats clear (i hope)

so if i have a model unwrapped and i want to use its uv coordinates i use vertex uvs ..... and i get for each vertex as many coordinates as there are faces connectes to the vertex (3 in case of a cube) ......and for each vertex i get a list with in a list [[.....],[.....],[......]] is that right?

that leads me to another question if you talk about switching the textures .... the exporter i got sofar (for maya) spits a json file out with a material with in the json file .... and in there its referenced to the texture ...... can i store the material out side or the link to the texture out side?

many thanx been a good help sofar!!!!!


mrdoob commented 12 years ago