mrdoob / three.js

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Experimenting with Geometry2 #4386

Closed mrdoob closed 10 years ago

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Seems like I'm finally starting to experiment with something that I've been thinking for a long time.

The problem

The current Geometry structure is, albeit user-friendly, convoluted and unperformant. That structure was designed before WebGL even existed and it has been patched along the way.

BufferGeometry was created as a response to this. However, BufferGeometry has the opposite problem, it's not user-friendly. I don't think a "normal" user needs to know what attributes are.

Every time I see a three.js based project running on WebGL on mobile I hope (fear) the persons behind it didn't use Geometry.

The solution

I spent a long while trying to think how to make BufferGeometry more user friendly, but I couldn't see a way of doing that without sacrificing its flexibility so eventually I decided to keep BufferGeometry as it is. I spent some time during the last cycle making Projector (CanvasRenderer, SoftwareRenderer, SVGRenderer, ...) support the structure instead.

The intention now is to go with Geometry2, which eventually would replace Geometry and break backwards compatibility, although I wonder if people modify geometry much or not...

The idea of Geometry2 is to have everything in flat arrays: vertices, normals, uvs and colors ready to be submitted to the GPU (on the WebGL side).

However, that's not very user-friendly... I experimented with a similar class some months ago that had some "interfaces" to help the user:

All that getters/setters black magic basically allows the user to modify the geometry without having to know that they're just modifying a blob of numbers. The API looked like this:

geometry.face( 10 ).vertex( 1 ).x = 10;

However, this would only be for the user. Generators and loaders would fill the arrays directly. Here's how PlaneGeometry2 looks like:

As a side not, performance-wise, I've noticed that where PlaneGeometry was created in ~6ms, PlaneGeometry2 generates in ~0.3ms.

On the Projector side, the code is looking pretty simple so far:

To index or not to index

This is another topic that has troubled me for years and I think I want to bet to favour non-indexed geometries this time around. Part of the current over complexity in WebGLRenderer is the fact that WebGL limits ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER (indices) to Uint16Array (without extensions). This means that, internally, WebGLRenderer has to split your geometry in chunks and well... I rather not explain how painful this is.

So, even if indexed geometries save on GPU bandwidth, I don't think the complexity it creates is worth it. Geometry2 won't support indices (Let me know if I'm missing something here).

However, BufferGeometry will still be in place, so if someone wants to construct their custom indexed geometry they will still have a way to do it.


In theory, generators and loaders will speed up ~10x. Projects will consume less memory (single Float32Arrays vs tons of Vector2/Vector3s). And, both Projector and WebGLRenderer will get much simpler.

rafaelcastrocouto commented 10 years ago

Couldn't you call it Shape? I'm lazy as hell when I type and Geometry2 feels like getElementsByClass. And that would prevent the backwards compatibility break.

empaempa commented 10 years ago

Hey! I think this is great. One idea would be to allow indices as long as the referenced arrays (vertices, uvs etc.) are within Uint16 - simply check it and throw an error if any of the arrays surpasses the limit.

Even though I haven't seen any major performance impact running drawArrays on desktops, you do lift some work of the vertex shader using indices. And that's probably a very good thing on mobiles.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

@rafaelcastrocouto Geometry2 is a temporal name. It will eventually replace Geometry.

@empaempa True that! Maybe a IndexedGeometry could be created and have such limit check.

empaempa commented 10 years ago

Yes, that's a good idea to split them up. I guess a usability question would be what devs think of when thinking of "geometry" - does it use indices or not? If so, maybe UnindexGeometry ;)

dlabz commented 10 years ago

This is great! One thing though: I work with IFC files, which come with their own UUID's, so possibility of setting the UUID via constructor would come handy. Thanks

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

One thing though: I work with IFC files, which come with their own UUID's, so possibility of setting the UUID via constructor would come handy.

Can't you change the property directly?

geometry.uuid = new_uuid;
dlabz commented 10 years ago

@mrdoob : Sure I can. As I said, it would come handy. But, since I'm not using generated UUID, and my files have thousands of objects, so there is a lot of unnecessary calculations done . I can also use the custom geometry.js for my needs. It was just my two cents...

bhouston commented 10 years ago

One thing we may want to do is always use 32bit ints for the indices. I did some checks and nearly every device and PC I could find supports the 32bit index webgl extension. Having to split meshes into 16bit chuncks is brutal and generally unnecessary.

bhouston commented 10 years ago

BTW I think this change rocks. :) Just be sure to allow for multiple UV sets, tangents, binormals, etc...

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

One thing we may want to do is always use 32bit ints for the indices. I did some checks and nearly every device and PC I could find supports the 32bit index webgl extension.


BTW I think this change rocks. :) Just be sure to allow for multiple UV sets, tangents, binormals, etc...

Will do! ^^

crobi commented 10 years ago

This will be the most important and awesome change to three.js in a long time, in my opinion. I've been actually thinking about replacing three.js by some other library because the overhead of all those Vector3s was getting too big.

How will the new Geometry handle MeshFaceMaterials? Those cause overhead as well since the engine has to split faces by the face materials. Are you dropping MeshFaceMaterial and only allowing one material per Geometry? Or will the geometry consist of multiple parts, each having one material and one range of vertices/indices that belong to it?

Dropping indices will increase the file size of models (not sure by how much on average), or require loaders to de-index the data. I was hoping three.js would eventually adapt a glTF-like file format that does not require any preprocessing at all during loading (glTF loads binary blobs into typed arrays and passes the data directly to webgl buffers).

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Are you dropping MeshFaceMaterial and only allowing one material per Geometry?

I think so. Yes.

I was hoping three.js would eventually adapt a glTF-like file format that does not require any preprocessing at all during loading (glTF loads binary blobs into typed arrays and passes the data directly to webgl buffers).

I think the new structure should be perfect for loading gITF. Shouldn't it?

crobi commented 10 years ago

I think so. Yes.

This is only indirectly related to the new Geometry design, but if you're removing MeshFaceMaterial (which I think is a good idea), you might have to adapt other interfaces to simplify the usage of multi-material objects. I assume multi-material Mesh objects won't be supported at all and will have to be implemented via multiple Mesh objects.

I think the new structure should be perfect for loading gITF. Shouldn't it?

It should. But if you don't support indices at all, vertices have to be duplicated before saving the file, which might increase the file size. It's just a potential disadvantage of not supporting indexed geometry.

zz85 commented 10 years ago

i think helper methods in TypedGeometry is a great idea. Would the usual Vector3s be depreciated or merged into it?

Right now I'm assume everytime you do a geometry.vertex(1) it would return you a new TypedVector3? I think the overheads shouldn't be much, but if it was run in a loop, would it better to to allow copying? eg.

typeVector = new THREE.TypeVector3();
for (i=0; i<10000;i++) {
    geometry.vertex(i, typeVector);
    typeVector.set(x, y, z);

Right now it seems that the typed arrayed in Geometry2 are pre-allocated too. I'm thinking about applications which would require changing the amount of vertices, eg a modelling app for example. Would it be better to pre-allocate a large array first, re-create the arrays, or expand them? (SubdivisionModifier might also find "producing" a new geometry easier than "modifying" a existing one).

Also, any thoughts on how Geometry2 may support a half-edge mesh representation?

Lastly, any planned timeline for supporting Geometry2 across the renderers esp. WebGLRenderer? That may affect how soon we should start thinking geometries in the new format :D

bhouston commented 10 years ago

Would the usual Vector3s be depreciated or merged into it?

I really like the math library of ThreeJS and I would suggest keeping it. I would suggest not using it in Geometry2 though. Geometry2 should use flat arrays that are easily uploaded to WebGL. But keeping around Vector3 is useful for doing the math that drives the engine -- all game engines have a 3D math library similar to ThreeJS even if they have flat arrays for their renderable items.

I'm thinking about applications which would require changing the amount of vertices, eg a modelling app for example.

A flat array is by far the best representation, even for modelers.

(SubdivisionModifier might also find "producing" a new geometry easier than "modifying" a existing one).

While this is a useful function for modelling (we use it in, it isn't intended for real-time engines as that type modifier is very slow. No game engine that I know of uses SubD in real-time, except on the GPU as real-time tesselation (which is slightly different) I do not think one should optimize a WebGL-oriented rendering engine to support SubdivisionModifier. Rather one should focus on real-time tesselation methods via a geometry shader (but alas this is not yet supported in WebGL.)

Also, any thoughts on how Geometry2 may support a half-edge mesh representation?

No game engines support such a structure. Half-Edge mesh representations are for editing. Usually one translates these structures to flat arrays for rendering. Even game engines with dynamic geometry (such as fracturing engines) do not use half-edge mesh representations.

zz85 commented 10 years ago

@bhouston i'm not against the idea of flat arrays but rather curious to know how you or others would support dynamic geometry with flat arrays (Geometry2) - over allocate, reallocate, or expand the flat arrays?

As for the half-edge representation referenced in The ryg blog, it seems like he converts that data structure into flat arrays too, but considering that he probably uses that for real-time demos, its a possibility someone may write half-edge meshes that translates to Geometry2. If so, I think it would be a bonus for more efficient subdivisions, or modelling applications.

crobi commented 10 years ago

i'm not against the idea of flat arrays but rather curious to know how you or others would support dynamic geometry with flat arrays

  • If you don't modify the topology of the geometry: Use a vertex shader. If this is not possible, modify vertex data in-place, either using the API mrdoob described (geometry.face( 10 ).vertex( 1 ).x=10;), or accessing the raw data.
  • If you modify the topology (e.g., insert new vertices): create a new geometry object from scratch and delete the old one. If you had some kind of dynamic mesh structure, this is what you would have to do anyway before sending the new vertex data to the GPU.

Also, any thoughts on how Geometry2 may support a half-edge mesh representation?

You could build a separate half-edge mesh structure that outputs corresponding flat arrays when desired. A common use case for a javascript render engine is to load some geometry and display it in real time, without any modifications (game engines, 3d product previews). If you want this to be performant on mobile devices, having flat arrays that are sent 1:1 to the GPU is pretty much the only option. Anything with lots of small objects will have a negative impact on the memory performance of the engine.

bhouston commented 10 years ago

If so, I think it would be a bonus for more efficient subdivisions, or modelling applications.

The structures one wants for modeling application (and I know as we created, is not really like Geometry2. It is quite a bit different. And it actually can not be displayed directly, rather we translate our modeling structure into THREE.Geometry (and hopefully soon THREE.Geometry2) for display.

Real-time display of geometry is sort of a different problem than editing/modeling of geometry. I think it is best to have different structures for them so that each structure is efficient at its task, rather than finding an intermediate structure that is suboptimal for both tasks. (Or excessively complex.)

zz85 commented 10 years ago

i see, Geometry2 now sounds more like a wrapper of elements/buffers for the GPU.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

The structures one wants for modeling application (and I know as we created, is not really like Geometry2. It is quite a bit different. And it actually can not be displayed directly, rather we translate our modeling structure into THREE.Geometry (and hopefully soon THREE.Geometry2) for display.

Why aren't you translating to THREE.BufferGeometry?

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Lastly, any planned timeline for supporting Geometry2 across the renderers esp. WebGLRenderer? That may affect how soon we should start thinking geometries in the new format :D

It should already work... f1630e92515b745fc223e710527c2a29c75fce58 :)

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

I'm thinking, however, that maybe Geometry2 should just extend BufferGeometry...

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

I'm thinking, however, that maybe Geometry2 should just extend BufferGeometry...

Hmmm, it may not be a bad idea... 8adc04897803ca29b4b996fd206cd9779e6d0d7e

bhouston commented 10 years ago

Why aren't you translating to THREE.BufferGeometry?

Our dynamic topology means we can change vertex counts and we can easily exceed the int16 limit to the indices. We do not want at this point to manage multiple THREE.BufferGeometry's, so we are letting ThreeJS's automatic splitting of Geometry do it this way. But it is really slow when this happens. Thus we would prefer for ThreeJS to add support int32 index buffers (and possibly drop int16 index buffer support, but I am not ideological on this, I just think it isn't useful) so splitting is not necessary and we can use a single THREE.BufferGeometry per object in our scene.

The other thing that would help is the ability to share buffers between THREE.BufferGeometries. One thing we do is have wireframes and solid meshes draw for the same object. The wireframe for a polymesh and its solid representation share the same vertices and UVs and normals, although the index buffers for the line set and the triangulated surface differ.

In part this sharing is important to us for maximum speed, but I understand we are relatively unique in this area so I am not pushing on it. That prototype direct renderer I wrote supports this type of structure -- sharing vertices and UV between a lineset and a triangulated surface.

bhouston commented 10 years ago

In part this sharing is important to us for maximum speed, but I understand we are relatively unique in this area so I am not pushing on it. That prototype direct renderer I wrote supports this type of structure -- sharing vertices and UV between a lineset and a triangulated surface.

I think in the end that we will likely have to move towards something like that direct renderer approach (allowing one to skip the intermediate ThreeJS scene representation) I wrote because it can give us gains by being nearly perfectly optimal (both for speed and for GPU/CPU memory usage) for our case at the cost of being a bit difficult to use. It is just a question of getting the time to finish the direct renderer and unifying the shaders as much as possible.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Thus we would prefer for ThreeJS to add support int32 index buffers (and possibly drop int16 index buffer support, but I am not ideological on this, I just think it isn't useful) so splitting is not necessary and we can use a single THREE.BufferGeometry per object in our scene.

You mean using the OES_element_index_uint extension?

zz85 commented 10 years ago

Would interleaved attributes be of consideration? See

While on this topic of geometry performance, it maybe also worth taking a look at the rendering approach done in @empaempa's GLOW library.

bhouston commented 10 years ago

You mean using the OES_element_index_uint extension?

Yes. :)

Would interleaved attributes be of consideration?

While they can offer a bit of improved performance - or so they say, they are horrible to update in response to changes as you need to update the whole inteleaved buffer rather than just one attribute-specific flat array. Also the interleaved structure changes based on which attributes are enabled which can make things a bit complex.

empaempa commented 10 years ago

@zz85 Interleaving is cool for (the bus') performance but really painful to implement. I'd leave it on the roadmap for now ;)

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

@bhouston: #4467 :D

bhouston commented 10 years ago

@gero3 @mrdoob Whoa, sweet! Thank you!

a-plotnik commented 10 years ago

@crobi & @mrdoob. About leaving one material per Geometry. 3d artists use multi-materials ("MM" hereafter) in practice rather often. Their exclusion from the engine can cause problems.

Artificial splitting of a MM object to separate parts by material can be a bad idea. For example, let we deform a MM surface. It can be hard to provide its continuity after splitting sometimes. Or, in some cases a user needs to know that "this set of objects" really is a single "logical" object, therefore he must maintain additional data and code to support this. Such things look unnatural.

Now you are providing these excelent things (continuity and others) in Three.js (thank you!). After MM exclusion, some users will have to reproduce these tricky things each time in own code.

p.s. I hope that I understood you incorrectly and you are not going to remove MM support.

empaempa commented 10 years ago

@a-plotnik This is true, but in the realtime world MM isn't widely supported - at least not on weak platforms such mobiles and web. I'd rather see some way to easily combine shaders/materials into one shader to simulate MM :)

bhouston commented 10 years ago

@a-plotnik It is true that DirectX (both the old style v9 and the new style v10/v11) supports multi-material meshes, but it does so in a simplier and more restricted way than ThreeJS's current support. The way that DirectX has done multiple materials is to allow one to render subsets of the index buffer -- such as you can render from 0-1100 and then later you can render 1101-2500. One usually applies different materials to each of these contiguous subset of the index buffer. This means that you do not have a per face material index as ThreeJS has it now. It also means that the renderer doesn't have to do much at all to support multimaterials in this fashion -- it just has to render a subset of the indices.

If ThreeJS wanted to support multi-materials in this fashion, the way that it would do it would be to have a list of subset ranges. And one would be able to apply materials to each subset as an alternative to setting on the mesh as a whole. This would be very fast, the only cost would be switching materials as all the buffers would remain loaded and unchanged.

I am not sure this is a priority for us, I'm just sharing this so one can learn from how DirectX does it.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Hmmm... BufferGeometry kind of already supports this with its offsets array... ^^

a-plotnik commented 10 years ago

@empaempa My current target is browsers on desktops. Mobile devices with new surprises are expected later, so thank you for warnings.

@bhouston Thanks a lot, the situation becomes more clear.

I worried that multi-materials can disappear from high level api, may be with integrity of corresponding objects. I didn't try to touch internal Geometry representation.

@mrdoob Thank you for this whole topic. I used only Geometry before and looked at it only.

Usnul commented 10 years ago

@mrdoob have a look at This is probably what could make whole typed array thing work in context of geometry. A view can specify an offset, and since it's part of the language - you can probably expect higher performance. That and the fact that you get a pointer to section of a buffer, which is really want you seem to be trying to do.

On the other note - i'm not quite sure what is the fundamental issue with current Geometry and how far implications of replacing it would go, could you clarify? Generally there will always be trade-offs in implementation, it would be cool if design could be driven by ease of use primarily, as well as keeping this API consistent mostly.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

@Usnul your comment made me try this:

THREE.Geometry3 = function ( size ) { this );

    var verticesBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( size * 3 * 4 );
    var normalsBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( size * 3 * 4 );
    var uvsBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( size * 2 * 4 );

    this.vertices = [];
    this.normals = [];
    this.uvs = [];

    for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {

        this.vertices.push( new Float32Array( verticesBuffer, i * 3 * 4, 3 ) );
        this.normals.push( new Float32Array( normalsBuffer, i * 3 * 4, 3 ) );
        this.uvs.push( new Float32Array( uvsBuffer, i * 2 * 4, 2 ) );


    this.attributes[ 'position' ] = { array: new Float32Array( verticesBuffer, 0, size * 3 ), itemSize: 3 };
    this.attributes[ 'normal' ] = { array: new Float32Array( normalsBuffer, 0, size * 3 ), itemSize: 3 };
    this.attributes[ 'uv' ] = { array: new Float32Array( uvsBuffer, 0, size * 2 ), itemSize: 2 };


THREE.Geometry3.prototype = Object.create( THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype );

This results in a nice-ish API...

geometry.vertices[ 0 ][ 0 /*x*/ ] = 1;

Sadly, creating all these ArrayBufferViews is slow.

jbaicoianu commented 10 years ago

I was discussing this briefly with jetienne and merpnderp on irc earlier and we had the idea of using accessors and proxy objects to help with this sort of thing. Here's my implementation of that. This allows you to do any of the normal operations you'd expect to be able to do on normal vertices, and is identical to how you would work with the old THREE.Geometry:

var geom = new THREE.Geometry4(10);
geom.vertices[0].set(1, 2, 3);
geom.vertices[2].addVectors(geom.vertices[0], geom.vertices[1]);
geom.vertices[3].y = 10;

Here's what the code looks like:

THREE.Geometry4 = function ( size ) { this );

        var verticesBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( size * 3 * 4 );
        var normalsBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( size * 3 * 4 );
        var uvsBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( size * 2 * 4 );

        this.attributes[ 'position' ] = { array: new Float32Array( verticesBuffer, 0, size * 3 ), itemSize: 3 };
        this.attributes[ 'normal' ] = { array: new Float32Array( normalsBuffer, 0, size * 3 ), itemSize: 3 };
        this.attributes[ 'uv' ] = { array: new Float32Array( uvsBuffer, 0, size * 2 ), itemSize: 2 };

        this.vertices = new THREE.VectorArrayProxy( this.attributes[ 'position' ] );
        this.normals = new THREE.VectorArrayProxy( this.attributes[ 'normal' ] );
        this.uvs = new THREE.VectorArrayProxy( this.attributes[ 'uv' ] );

THREE.Geometry4.prototype = Object.create( THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype );

THREE.VectorArrayProxy = function(attribute) {

        // Acts as a proxy for an array of vectors, by setting up accessors which return THREE.Vector*Proxy objects

        this.attribute = attribute;

        for (var i = 0, l = this.attribute.array.length / this.attribute.itemSize; i < l; i++)  {

                Object.defineProperty(this, i, {
                        get: (function(i) { return function() { return this.getValue(i); }})(i),
                        set: (function(i) { return function(v) { return this.setValue(i, v); }})(i),



THREE.VectorArrayProxy.prototype.getValue = function(i) {

        // Allocates a new THREE.Vector2Proxy or THREE.Vector3Proxy depending on the itemSize of our attribute

        var subarray = this.attribute.array.subarray(i * this.attribute.itemSize, (i + 1) * this.attribute.itemSize);

        switch (this.attribute.itemSize) {

                case 2:
                        return new THREE.Vector2Proxy(subarray);

                case 3:
                        return new THREE.Vector3Proxy(subarray);


THREE.VectorArrayProxy.prototype.setValue = function(i, v) {

        var vec = this[i];


// Vector Proxy Objects

THREE.Vector2Proxy = function(subarray) {

        this.subarray = subarray;

THREE.Vector2Proxy.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Vector2.prototype );
Object.defineProperty(THREE.Vector2Proxy.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this.subarray[0]; }, set: function(v) { this.subarray[0] = v; } });
Object.defineProperty(THREE.Vector2Proxy.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this.subarray[1]; }, set: function(v) { this.subarray[1] = v; } });

THREE.Vector3Proxy = function(subarray) {

        this.subarray = subarray;

THREE.Vector3Proxy.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Vector3.prototype );

Object.defineProperty(THREE.Vector3Proxy.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this.subarray[0]; }, set: function(v) { this.subarray[0] = v; } });
Object.defineProperty(THREE.Vector3Proxy.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this.subarray[1]; }, set: function(v) { this.subarray[1] = v; } });
Object.defineProperty(THREE.Vector3Proxy.prototype, 'z', { get: function() { return this.subarray[2]; }, set: function(v) { this.subarray[2] = v; } });

I haven't benchmarked this, so I don't know how this would perform with highly-dynamic geometry. If the idea of using accessor functions so heavily isn't too much of a turn-off, it would be worth benchmarking to see what sort of performance impact this has in various use cases.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Nice! It's similar to the approach in #3672 but I hadn't came up with the idea of creating all the getters/setters for i :)

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Also the idea of extending Vector3 and patching its x, y and z...

bhouston commented 10 years ago

I also think that creating properties per element in the large array is highly problematic in terms of memory usage -- now you have two pointers per item of the original array and remember that pointers are at least 32 bits, thus you have probably doubled memory consumption, and it is probably worse than that. I'd recommend against being too fancy.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago


new THREE.Geometry3( 200 ); // 1.378ms
new THREE.Geometry4( 200 ); // 8.273ms

I also think that creating properties per element in the large array is highly problematic in terms of memory usage -- now you have two pointers per item of the original array and remember that pointers are at least 32 bits, thus you have probably doubled memory consumption, and it is probably worse than that. I'd recommend against being too fancy.

Yep! There has to be a way though... :)

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

@jbaicoianu here's a more efficient approach:

THREE.Geometry5 = function ( size ) { this );

    var verticesBuffer = new Float32Array( size * 3 );
    var normalsBuffer = new Float32Array( size * 3 );
    var uvsBuffer = new Float32Array( size * 2 );

    this.vertices = [];
    this.normals = [];
    this.uvs = [];

    for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {

        this.vertices.push( new THREE.TypedVector3( verticesBuffer, i * 3 ) );
        this.normals.push( new THREE.TypedVector3( normalsBuffer, i * 3 ) );
        this.uvs.push( new THREE.TypedVector2( uvsBuffer, i * 2 ) );


    this.attributes[ 'position' ] = { array: verticesBuffer, itemSize: 3 };
    this.attributes[ 'normal' ] = { array: normalsBuffer, itemSize: 3 };
    this.attributes[ 'uv' ] = { array: uvsBuffer, itemSize: 2 };


THREE.Geometry5.prototype = Object.create( THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype );

THREE.TypedVector2 = function ( array, offset ) {

    this.array = array;
    this.offset = offset;


THREE.TypedVector2.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Vector2.prototype );

Object.defineProperties( THREE.TypedVector2.prototype, {
    'x': {
        get: function () { return this.array[ this.offset ]; },
        set: function ( v ) { this.array[ this.offset ] = v; }
    'y': {
        get: function () { return this.array[ this.offset + 1 ]; },
        set: function ( v ) { this.array[ this.offset + 1 ] = v; }
} );

THREE.TypedVector3 = function ( array, offset ) {

    this.array = array;
    this.offset = offset;


THREE.TypedVector3.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Vector3.prototype );

Object.defineProperties( THREE.TypedVector3.prototype, {
    'x': {
        get: function () { return this.array[ this.offset ]; },
        set: function ( v ) { this.array[ this.offset ] = v; }
    'y': {
        get: function () { return this.array[ this.offset + 1 ]; },
        set: function ( v ) { this.array[ this.offset + 1 ] = v; }
    'z': {
        get: function () { return this.array[ this.offset + 2 ]; },
        set: function ( v ) { this.array[ this.offset + 2 ] = v; }
} );
mrdoob commented 10 years ago

I think I'm going to proceed with this one :)

The benchmark is not very fair at the moment because PlaneGeometry is indexed and PlaneGeometry5 is not, but these are the results:

new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 200, 200, 200, 200 ); // ~370ms, 54Mb
new THREE.PlaneGeometry5( 200, 200, 200, 200 ); // ~100ms, 20Mb

I'll work on THREE.IndexedPlaneGeometry5 next.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

@bhouston By the way, this is basically an improvement to Geometry. I'm aiming to find something fairly user-friendly that sits on top of BufferGeometry. For efficiency, one should probably deal with BufferGeometry directly.

Also, would be nice to be able to do something like new THREE.Geometry( BufferGeometry ) to be able to manipulate a BufferGeometry in an easy (albeit non performant) way.

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Ok. Here's vs IndexedGeometry5... :)

new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 200, 200, 200, 200 ); // ~370ms, 54Mb
new THREE.IndexedPlaneGeometry5( 200, 200, 200, 200 ); // ~24ms, 7Mb

For reference, this is the results by using plain BufferGeometry:

new THREE.PlaneGeometryB( 200, 200, 200, 200 ); // ~8ms, 3Mb
WestLangley commented 10 years ago

@mrdoob Hehe. That's what I meant by "clever" the other day!

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

@WestLangley kudos to @jbaicoianu for the nudge ^^

mrdoob commented 10 years ago

Now the question is... should the primitive generators, and loaders use this interface? or leave this just for examples/tutorials and keep the internals as fast as possible?