With the latest update to THREE.EllipseCurve on the dev branch, the angle calculations are incorrect. You can no longer create a clockwise, full circle, as using 0/2Pi as the angles inverts/reverse the curve.
The problematic changes are in THREE.EllipseCurve.prototype.getPoint
// v-- full, counter-clockwise circle with origin on right
shape.absellipse(0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
// v-- full, clockwise circle with origin on right
shape.absellipse(0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI + Number.EPSILON*2.1, true);
Expected behaviour is to get a clockwise circle when using 0/2Pi as start/end angles and true for the clockwise flag.
Description of the problem
With the latest update to THREE.EllipseCurve on the dev branch, the angle calculations are incorrect. You can no longer create a clockwise, full circle, as using 0/2Pi as the angles inverts/reverse the curve.
The problematic changes are in THREE.EllipseCurve.prototype.getPoint
Expected behaviour is to get a clockwise circle when using 0/2Pi as start/end angles and true for the clockwise flag.
Three.js version
Hardware Requirements (graphics card, VR Device, ...)