mrehkopf / sd2snes

SD card based multi-purpose cartridge for the SNES
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Trying to compile Makefile, missing executables #141

Closed AddioElectronics closed 3 years ago

AddioElectronics commented 3 years ago

Trying to compile the \snes makefile, and of course the system cannot find the file specified.

Just wondering, where do I get rm.exe, cat.exe, snescom.exe, and sneslink.exe for windows? Thanks

Edit: Ok I'm currently compiling snescom/sneslink (, but still need rm.exe and cat.exe. Edit2: Never mind, found out those are linux commands, I did look before posting this I swear, just worded it wrong.

cat can be replaced with type, rm with rd, tee you can replace with >>

Edit3: For some reason I'm getting these errors. Not sure why its trying to compile a comment, I tried removing it but the rest of the errors still appear. Am I using a wrong version of snescom, and sneslink?

snescom -J -Wall -o reset.o65 reset.a65 2>&1 >> reset.o65.log Error: What is '; NMI - called on VBlank' - previous token: ''? (1) Error: What is '(#$01, #40*64, #^BG1_TILE_BUF, #!BG1_TILE_BUF+64*9, #$18)' - previous token: ''? (10) Error: Label 'DMA7' already defined Error: What is '(#$01, #40*64, #^BG2_TILE_BUF, #!BG2_TILE_BUF+64*9, #$18)' - previous token: ''? (14) Error: Label 'DMA7' already defined Error: What is '(#$01, #64*9, #^BG2_TILE_BUF, #!BG2_TILE_BUF, #$18)' - previous token: ''? (18) Error: 'bar_y ; physical pos = logical pos * 8 - 8' is invalid parameter for 'sta' in current context (0 choices). (25) Error: 'bar_xl ; get logical cursor X pos' is invalid parameter for 'lda' in current context (0 choices). (43) Error: 'bar_x ; physical pos = logical pos * 4 - 2' is invalid parameter for 'sta' in current context (0 choices). (47) Error: '$2126 ; window 1 left' is invalid parameter for 'sta' in current context (0 choices). (48) Error: 'bar_wl ; get logical cursor width' is invalid parameter for 'lda' in current context (0 choices). (49) Error: '; pixel width = logical width * 4 + 1' is invalid parameter for 'asl' in current context (0 choices). (51) Error: 'bar_w ; = physical width' is invalid parameter for 'sta' in current context (0 choices). (53) Error: 'bar_x ; + X start coord' is invalid parameter for 'adc' in current context (0 choices). (55) Error: '$2127 ; window 1 right' is invalid parameter for 'sta' in current context (0 choices). (56) Error: What is '; no input for a long time' - previous token: ''? (79) Error: What is '; IRQ_ROUTINE - called when IRQ triggered' - previous token: ''? (108) Error: '$4211 ; Acknowledge IRQ' is invalid parameter for 'lda' in current context (0 choices). (111) make: *** [reset.o65] Error 1

Edit4: Ok so "none" at helped me out, it's not confirmed yet but the github version of snescom does not include the GCC pre-processor, my problem should be fixed once I am able to compile snescom from bisqwit's site, which I believe does include that.