mrene / minidsp-rs

MiniDSP Controller
Apache License 2.0
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miniDSP Flex Eight support #566

Open florentin opened 1 year ago

florentin commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to add full support for Minidsp Flex Eight?

These commands don't work as expected:

  1. minidsp source toslink Whatever value i use for the source (<VALUE> The source to use: analog, toslink, spdif, usb, aesebu, rca, xlr, lan, i2s, bluetooth) the device switches to Analog. Flex Eight doesn't have an analog input.

  2. minidsp status MasterStatus { preset: 1, source: NotInstalled, volume: Gain(-3.0), mute: false, dirac: false } Input levels: Output levels:

In this case, Dirac should have been true (it was enabled) Input and Output levels were not detected.

This is the probe output: minidsp probe 0: Found Generic with serial 901224 at ws://localhost/devices/0/ws [hw_id: 30, dsp_version: 111]

Other commands worked as expected: gain, mute, config, dirac

Personally, I need the minidsp source command to work. I own the device and can help with running anything you need.

mrene commented 1 year ago

Does the Flex eight have any other sources than the flex? If it's the same I would assume that they would use similar identifiers, and you would be able to pretend that it's a 4 output Flex.

You could try minidsp --force-kind flex source usb. I wouldn't use this with inputs/outputs but it should be relatively safe for global settings like source, gain, mute, config, dirac.

Could you post the xml configuration file generated by the app? (the legacy one, not the device console, as its changed format and the scripts in the repository will need more work to be adapted)

florentin commented 1 year ago

minidsp --force-kind flex source usb switches to Analog input (something that Flex Eight doesn't have)

Regarding the inputs, the normal Flex has the extra Analog input: miniDSP Flex Eight Inputs: Stereo digital (USB Audio/SPDIF/Optical/Bluetooth) miniDSP Flex Inputs: Stereo digital (USB Audio/SPDIF/Optical/Bluetooth), stereo analog (Unbalanced RCA)

It looks like I only have access to download "miniDSP Device Console" from the Flex Eight section inside Could you please upload the app/plugins somewhere and send me the link?

mrene commented 1 year ago

I only have the device console on my side, usually there is another app but maybe they didn't build one for the Flex Eight since it's new.

I tried simulating the device but the console is sending an unknown command I don't know, would you run this and let me know what it outputs?

minidsp -vvv debug send 40
mrene commented 1 year ago

Actually it turns out that my Flex (not-8) also responds to these commands, I should be able to test a bit further.

florentin commented 1 year ago
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ minidsp -vvv debug send 40
[0.000s] Sent: [31]
[0.001s] Sent: ReadHardwareId 
[0.005s] Recv: [31, 01, 37, 1e]
[0.007s] Recv: HardwareId(HardwareId { fw_major: 01, fw_minor: 37, hw_id: 1e })
[0.010s] Sent: [05, ff, a1, 01]
[0.012s] Sent: ReadMemory { addr: ffa1, size: 01 } 
[0.014s] Recv: [05, ff, a1, 6f]
[0.015s] Recv: MemoryData(MemoryView { base: ffa1, data: [6f] })
[0.017s] Sent: [05, ff, fe, 02]
[0.019s] Sent: ReadMemory { addr: fffe, size: 02 } 
[0.021s] Recv: [05, ff, fe, 04, c8]
[0.023s] Recv: response: Unknown { cmd_id: 40, payload: [40, 17, 24] }

I have managed to change the source on Flex Eight by using these commands:

minidsp debug send 3401 # - toslink
minidsp debug send 3402 # - spdif
minidsp debug send 3403 # - usb

I've discovered 0x34 by checking out the node-minidsp project:

Here's the debug for 0x34

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ minidsp -vvv debug send 34
[0.000s] Sent: [31]
[0.001s] Sent: ReadHardwareId 
[0.004s] Recv: [31, 01, 37, 1e]
[0.006s] Recv: HardwareId(HardwareId { fw_major: 01, fw_minor: 37, hw_id: 1e })
[0.007s] Sent: [05, ff, a1, 01]
[0.008s] Sent: ReadMemory { addr: ffa1, size: 01 } 
[0.009s] Recv: [05, ff, a1, 6f]
[0.010s] Recv: MemoryData(MemoryView { base: ffa1, data: [6f] })
[0.012s] Sent: [05, ff, fe, 02]
[0.013s] Sent: ReadMemory { addr: fffe, size: 02 } 
[0.014s] Recv: [05, ff, fe, 04, c8]
[0.016s] Recv: MemoryData(MemoryView { base: fffe, data: [04, c8] })
[0.017s] Sent: [34]
[0.018s] Decode error: DecodeError(InvalidLength { remaining: 0, required: 1 })
response: Ack
[0.066s] Recv: []

In case it makes any difference, i'm running those commands from a Raspberry Pi 3.

mrene commented 1 year ago

I got the same results on the device console, it seems like the Flex source mappings are working for the Flex Eight (I have the same values for the flex device Im using), but the --force-kind option doesn't work for sources because of some other bug (bluetooth is 04).

In the new codebase, that command is defined here:

conrad-nash commented 7 months ago

Hi, Is there any update on this? I have just picked up a flex 8 and I'm getting an error of "Error: Specified channel or peq is out of range" when I try and change the PEQ through minidsp-rs.

Kriegbaum commented 7 months ago

I have also just picked up a flex eight, is there anything I can do to help bring it up to a fully supported device?

sameert123 commented 7 months ago

Also adding onto this - would love to help out in any way possible

sameert123 commented 4 months ago

Howdy - just wanted to bump this @mrene :) ty for this wonderful resource btw

PalmDK commented 1 month ago

I made a bit of a dirty solution for this. I only needed source, volumen and preset so thats what i have been testing. I have the FlexHTx, so it has a bit different inputs.

But i changed: /protocol/src/device/ Under line 76 i added my hw_id and dsp_version and made it show as a Flex (Running probe will tell you this info). I dont really think this is needed, but didnt test without it.

/protocol/src/source.rc I added my hw_id (32) and the inputs of the FlexHTx below line 60. I needed to add Hdmi to the enum also as none of the others has Hdmi. 32 => &[ (Analog, 0), (Toslink, 1), (Spdif, 2), (Usb, 3), (Hdmi, 4), ],

This works with the FlexHTx and should also with the Flex Eigth if you change to the correct inputs and hw / dsp id.