Then it would be easy for us (non hard core developers) to use Openlayers, Leaflet and Google Maps (Javascript mapping frameworks) to spatialite library for rendering GeoJSON, WKT into the map canvas of these javascript-based mapping toolkit.
PhoneGap works in various OS including Android. Using jQTouch, jQuery Mobile, Sencha touch for UI.
It would possible to port android-spatialite to PhoneGap-Spatialite Plugin?
There is already an existing PGSQLiteplugin for PhoneGap.
Then it would be easy for us (non hard core developers) to use Openlayers, Leaflet and Google Maps (Javascript mapping frameworks) to spatialite library for rendering GeoJSON, WKT into the map canvas of these javascript-based mapping toolkit.
PhoneGap works in various OS including Android. Using jQTouch, jQuery Mobile, Sencha touch for UI.