mrevutskyi / flask-restless-ng

A Flask extension for creating simple ReSTful JSON APIs from SQLAlchemy models.
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relationship with `secondary` generates incorrect query #27

Closed tanj closed 3 years ago

tanj commented 3 years ago

I've got a relationship where I use the secondary clause to set the correct sort order. Flask Restless NG v 2.2.4 generates an incorrect query to build the relationship. The incorrect query results in 237 records, while the correct query (expected query) returns 53 records. If I remove the secondary and order_by I get the correct number of records, but not sorted.

Incorrect query

"tTestsheet_1"."ixTestsheet" AS "tTestsheet_1_ixTestsheet",
"tReport"."ixReport" AS "tReport_ixReport" 
FROM "tTestsheet" AS "tTestsheet_1" 
JOIN ("tReport" AS "tReport_1" 
    JOIN "tDevice" AS "tDevice_1" ON "tReport_1"."ixDevice" = "tDevice_1"."ixDevice") ON "tTestsheet_1"."ixTestsheet" = "tReport_1"."ixTestsheet" 

JOIN "tReport" ON "tDevice_1"."ixDevice" = "tReport"."ixDevice" 
WHERE "tTestsheet_1"."ixTestsheet" IN (%(primary_keys_1)s) ORDER BY "tDevice_1"."ixParentDevice" NULLS first;

Expected query

"tTestsheet_1"."ixTestsheet" AS "tTestsheet_1_ixTestsheet",
"tReport"."ixReport" AS "tReport_ixReport" 
FROM "tTestsheet" AS "tTestsheet_1" 
JOIN "tReport" on "tReport"."ixTestsheet" = "tTestsheet_1"."ixTestsheet" 
JOIN "tDevice" ON "tDevice"."ixDevice" = "tReport"."ixDevice" 
WHERE "tTestsheet_1"."ixTestsheet" IN (91) ORDER BY "tDevice"."ixParentDevice" NULLS FIRST

Query with secondary and order_by removed

SELECT "tReport"."ixTestsheet" AS "tReport_ixTestsheet", "tReport"."ixReport" AS "tReport_ixReport"
FROM "tReport"
WHERE "tReport"."ixTestsheet" IN (%(primary_keys_1)s)

Query sqlalchemy generates when accessing the relationship with secondary and order_by

"tReport"."ixReport" AS "tReport_ixReport",
"tReport"."ixDevice" AS "tReport_ixDevice",
"tReport"."ixTestsheet" AS "tReport_ixTestsheet",
FROM "tReport"
JOIN "tDevice" ON "tReport"."ixDevice" = "tDevice"."ixDevice"
WHERE %(param_1)s = "tReport"."ixTestsheet" AND "tDevice"."ixDevice" = "tReport"."ixDevice"
ORDER BY "tDevice"."ixParentDevice" NULLS FIRST

Models (simplied to just show relationships)


class TTestsheet(Base, CRUDMixin):
    __tablename__ = "tTestsheet"

    ixTestsheet = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

    report = db.relationship(
        cascade="all, delete",
        overlaps="report, device",
        secondary="join(TReport, TDevice, TReport.ixDevice == TDevice.ixDevice)",


class TReport(Base, CRUDMixin):
    __tablename__ = "tReport"

    ixReport = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    ixDevice = db.Column(
        db.ForeignKey("tDevice.ixDevice", ondelete="CASCADE"),
    ixTestsheet = db.Column(
        db.ForeignKey("tTestsheet.ixTestsheet", ondelete="CASCADE"),


class TDevice(Base, CRUDMixin):
    __tablename__ = "tDevice"

    ixDevice = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    ixParentDevice = db.Column(
        db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("tDevice.ixDevice", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=True

System Details

Python: 3.8.10 flask: 2.0.1 SQLAlchemy: 1.4.22 flask-restless-ng: 2.2.4

mrevutskyi commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the detailed report! I have a couple more questions:

  1. What DB do you use? MariaDB does not seem to recognize NULLS FIRST
  2. Do you use flask-sqlalchemy ? if yes, what version?
tanj commented 3 years ago

flask-sqlalchemy: 2.5.1 DB is postgres

mrevutskyi commented 3 years ago

Thank you. I see that queries are different, and know how to disable that. But I'm trying to build a test case that will catch that, and so far both queries give me correct number of relationships in the API response.

Is there specific scenario when you get incorrect result? Is it in relationship or in include? and what is minimum required entities in db to reproduce?

mrevutskyi commented 3 years ago

I was able to reproduce, will release a fix soon

mrevutskyi commented 3 years ago

Could you please try v2.2.5 ?

tanj commented 3 years ago

Thank you! You got that sorted so quickly! I really appreciate your responsiveness.

I can confirm that the fix works.

Answers to some of your questions (for completeness)

Is there specific scenario when you get incorrect result? Is it in relationship or in include?

It is in the relationship itself. No include is needed. It is present in all queries.

what is minimum required entities in db to reproduce?

I can provide example data from my database if you still need it, but sounds like you were able to create a test case.

mrevutskyi commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the confirmation! Yes, I was able to create a test case that reproduces it