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[findusers] A way to validate uuid #12

Closed mrfloris closed 2 years ago

mrfloris commented 4 years ago

Sometimes there's duplicate entries in a database for whatever reason, this might require the server owner to manually lookup the username on something like namemc and check what username is currently on a uuid, or which uuid is currently for a username.

The script currently does not check this. (Since internally we have another script for this).

It might be an idea to add this as a toggle or feature or whatever, and if "mrfloris" shows up multiple times in the database, that it says (this uuid belongs to mrfloris, that uuid seems to belong to someone else) .. or whatever is logical to do.

mrfloris commented 2 years ago

This ticket is now outdated, a newer version is here:

Further improvements will be made as I run into the need to make changes. It currently operates how I need it for my server, so closing this ticket finally.