mrfdev / CMI

The 1MB CMI Project
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placeholders - add new cmi placeholders #4

Closed mrfloris closed 2 years ago

mrfloris commented 4 years ago

Since the original first draft of this ctext file there's been a few cmi releases that introduced either slight adjustments to existing placeholders or some new ones have been introduced.

We noticed a few bugs within cmi plugin and informed zrips who swiftly addressed these. So I can continue add-on again

mrfloris commented 3 years ago

we now have console command cmi placeholders that list up to date 160+ placeholders.

mrfloris commented 2 years ago

@MrCrazys has helped update the addon for 1MB - CMI - Placeholders, the first step to a bit bigger addon has been made, this can now be closed.