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[PBP] LCTRL+LSHIFT+TAB does not work #14

Open samueldr opened 4 years ago

samueldr commented 4 years ago

This might be a keyboard firmware issue, or a matrix rollover issue with the keyboard.

This was verified in X11 using xev, once CTRL and SHIFT (on the left side of the keyboard) are held, pressing TAB does nothing.

This might be an rollover issue just like holding G and H makes T, Y, V and B stop responding...

Though, now that I'm testing this more thoroughly... I'm pretty sure the rollover. There is a bunch of pairs of keys on the matrix, that when held, will cause issues. I think the matrix can be mapped due to those issues, and this would give us "bad pairs"...

jackhumbert commented 4 years ago

I'm still mapping things out, but on the ISO keyboard, Tab and L Shift share a column/row, which could cause this issue. The ANSI keyboard has a different matrix configuration where these keys aren't aligned like that, and I seem to be able to receive all of the events.

samueldr commented 4 years ago

Oh, I never updated this: LCTRL+LSHIFT+TAB has since been confirmed to work fine on the "ANSI" keyboard, so this points towards the matrix I think, too.

Thanks for the hard firmware work!