mrgk21 / ROV2019

Work repo for ROV 2019
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Getting started #7

Closed mrgk21 closed 5 years ago

mrgk21 commented 5 years ago

Part 1: GitHub

Installing git:

First you need to install a git package on your PC. Then follow the given steps:


The entire 'github' process can be broken down into 3 parts:

  1. Cloning the repository
  2. Making changes to your branch
  3. 'commit' and 'push' those changes to the repository

Cloning and pulling from the repository

Use git clone to clone it. Cloning is basically copying all the files to your PC. If you already have the files and just want to copy the current directory structure, use git pull origin master

Changing to your branch

Use git checkout <your-branch-name> to start working on your own branch.

Seeing all branches

Use git branch -a to see all the branches available. Your current branch will be highlighted. Note:: Do not work on the master branch.

Adding the changes

Use git add -A to add all the changes u made locally to the standing directory.

Committing the changes

Use git commit -m "description-of-changes" to finalise them.

Pushing the changes

Use git push -u origin <name-of-your-branch> to push all the changes

Merging the changes to the master branch

Note: Do this only after discussing the changes with everyone.

git checkout master
git merge <your-branch>
git push -u origin master


Part 2: Project Management

Issues and milestones:

Note: Never delete an issue. Just close it instead.


This section explains all the common habits we should follow while using issues and milestones. This makes it easier for everyone to understand and help each other.