mrhan1993 / Fooocus-API

FastAPI powered API for Fooocus
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Img Upscale or Vary V2 throws Internal Server Error #137

Closed michaelmariaott closed 6 months ago

michaelmariaott commented 6 months ago

Post requests to /v2/generation/image-upscale-vary throw an Internal Server Error (with default settings/body from the documentation).

mrhan1993 commented 6 months ago

nothing happen for me,here is code

import requests
import json
import base64

params = {
    "prompt": "a girl in the ground",
    "negative_prompt": "",
    "style_selections": [
        "Fooocus V2",
        "Fooocus Enhance",
        "Fooocus Sharp"
    "performance_selection": "Speed",
    "aspect_ratios_selection": "1152*896",
    "image_number": 1,
    "image_seed": -1,
    "sharpness": 2,
    "guidance_scale": 4,
    "base_model_name": "juggernautXL_version6Rundiffusion.safetensors",
    "refiner_model_name": "None",
    "refiner_switch": 0.5,
    "loras": [
            "model_name": "sd_xl_offset_example-lora_1.0.safetensors",
            "weights": 0.1
    "advanced_params": {
        "adm_scaler_positive": 1.5,
        "adm_scaler_negative": 0.6,
        "adm_scaler_end": 0.3,
        "refiner_swap_method": "joint",
        "adaptive_cfg": 7,
        "sampler_name": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu",
        "scheduler_name": "karras",
        "overwrite_step": -1,
        "overwrite_switch": -1,
        "overwrite_width": -1,
        "overwrite_height": -1,
        "overwrite_vary_strength": -1,
        "overwrite_upscale_strength": -1,
        "mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale": False,
        "mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint": False,
        "debugging_cn_preprocessor": False,
        "skipping_cn_preprocessor": False,
        "controlnet_softness": 0.25,
        "canny_low_threshold": 64,
        "canny_high_threshold": 128,
        "inpaint_engine": "v1",
        "freeu_enabled": False,
        "freeu_b1": 1.01,
        "freeu_b2": 1.02,
        "freeu_s1": 0.99,
        "freeu_s2": 0.95
    "require_base64": False,
    "async_process": True,
    "uov_method": "Upscale (2x)",
    "input_image": ""

def upscale_vary(image, params = params) -> dict:
    Upscale or Vary
    params["input_image"] = image
    data = json.dumps(params)
    response ="",
    return response.json()

i_image = open(".\\examples\\imgs\\bear.jpg", 'rb').read()
base64_iamge = base64.b64encode(i_image).decode('utf-8')
r = upscale_vary(image=base64_iamge, params=params)
michaelmariaott commented 6 months ago

Thank you, that helped me figure it out: The server error is thrown if {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} is passed as a header. Appereantly the version in the Swagger UI docs is doing this by default as well. I think this should be changed, so the docs are working.

Edit: In Python it works without any specified headers. In Node.js, both headers (Content-Type and accept) have to be specified.