mrichard / generator-marionette

Yeoman marionette generator a la AMD
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jasmine $httpBackend giving error #49

Open jitendrasbhati opened 10 years ago

jitendrasbhati commented 10 years ago

describe("ChartApp Factory Tests", function () {
var $root={}; beforeEach(module('chartApp'));

         it("expects GET http calls and returns mock data", inject(function ($http, $httpBackend,$rootScope,$controller) {
                var url = 'RNASequenceDataServlet?country=scatterplot',
                    successCallback = jasmine.createSpy();

                $scope = $rootScope.$new();

                ctrl = $controller('chartCtrl', {
                    $scope : $scope

                // Create expectation

                $httpBackend.expectGET(url).respond(200, 'mock data');

                // Call http service

                // callback called only after flush

                // flush response

                // Verify expectations
                // Actual response is  [ 'mock data', 200, Function, { method : 'GET', url : '/path/to/resource' } ]
                expect(successCallback.mostRecentCall.args).toContain('mock data');


Error:-Unexpected request: GET ReadingExistingComment Expected GET RNASequenceDataServlet?country=scatterplot

It is redirecting to  ReadingExistingComment servlet,though I have not given  that path in url.