mridgers / clink

Bash's powerful command line editing in cmd.exe
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.15k stars 286 forks source link

I am actively working on a clink update #546

Closed chrisant996 closed 3 years ago

chrisant996 commented 3 years ago

I forked to chrisant996/clink and am actively working on an update.

When the fork is ready for beta testing, I'll post in this thread. I don't have an ETA, and I'm not date driven. It could be weeks or months.

High level view:

New feature highlights (some working, some in progress, some pending):

Slach commented 3 years ago

@chrisant996 thanks a lot for your efforts ;)

garoto commented 3 years ago

Holy shit, a guy who can code C and is not afraid of the Windows API continuing clink is literally a "dream come true" scenario to me.

Having said that, if possible, please try and don't forget people running what might be considered "legacy" Windows versions by now, which might include at least Windows 8.1 I guess?

Anyways, good luck and have fun right?

chrisant996 commented 3 years ago

Having said that, if possible, please try and don't forget people running what might be considered "legacy" Windows versions by now, which might include at least Windows 8.1 I guess?

Backward compatibility is an important value for me.

GPopZach commented 3 years ago

Holy shit, a guy who can code C and is not afraid of the Windows API continuing clink is a literally a dream come true scenario to me.

Having said that, if possible, please try and don't forget people running what might be considered "legacy" Windows versions by now, which might include at least Windows 8.1 I guess?

Anyways, good luck and have fun right?

I can’t think of a single valid reason for anyone to be running Windows 7/8 at this point. If your machine can run those, it can run 10, and the upgrade was free for damn near two years and you can still get it free if you poke around Microsoft’s website enough. Backwards compatibility is great, but having to support legacy BS is the source of almost all problems with modern Windows.

But if I’m just a cynic, do correct me, I sure as heck don’t know everything 😅

chrisant996 commented 3 years ago

having to support legacy

It's a matter of not introducing regressions as a side effect of trying to make things better. I embrace it as a matter of principle and coding hygiene. There are many valid styles; this is just my style. It's kind of a "do no harm" policy.

If an extreme case arose where it were somehow impossible or immensely expensive to maintain functionality on both "old" and "new" OS versions, then a pragmatic compromise could be found. I'm not concerned about the cost of maintaining backward compatibility; that's routine for me on several projects, and it's second nature.

TheBrenny commented 3 years ago

💎 Legendary.

Saw Proper doskey alias processing on the list and assumed that doskey /history might be back in action?! Take my money!

In seriousness though, perhaps this thread should be highlighted on the front page readme? It's been just over 2 years since the last commit, and if you're starting from where Mridg left off, then it seems like fair play (also considering it's GPL v3)?

Thoughts @mridgers?

chrisant996 commented 3 years ago

Martin has been gone a long time, and it isn't possible for anyone else to modify the repo.

That's why I'm making notes in issues that are addressed in my fork.

Also, it's unlikely doskey /history would work since it's a completely different history system. Use history instead to list clink history.

DRSDavidSoft commented 3 years ago

Colorize arguments recognized by lua argmatcher scripts (similar to colored arguments and flags in PowerShell)

This is something that I've always wanted since the introduction of Powershell, I'd love to see colorized arguments (and even valid commands) in Clink. I think others will appreciate it as well!

MagicAndre1981 commented 3 years ago

opening "Android adb cmd prompt" from inside Visual Studio crashes cmd if I use your fork 🤔

chrisant996 commented 3 years ago

opening "Android adb cmd prompt" from inside Visual Studio crashes cmd if I use your fork 🤔

Interesting. Can you please open an issue in my fork, and add more information?

MagicAndre1981 commented 3 years ago

I use the Proof of Concept 3 version and copied the files to old clink install folder and replaced all files. normal cmd worked, but as I use the android cmd often, I reverted to clink from martin.

Here is command line of android prompt:

"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /K cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk" & set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools"

You can get the standalone platform tools without Xamarin workload of VS to repro and debug it

chrisant996 commented 3 years ago

I use the Proof of Concept 3 version and copied the files to old clink install folder and replaced all files. normal cmd worked, but as I use the android cmd often, I reverted to clink from martin.

MagicAndre1981 can you please create a new issue in my fork so we can track this properly.

I need more information, and I don't want to continue hijacking this other issue because that makes it very difficult to track things.

MagicAndre1981 commented 3 years ago


chrisant996 commented 3 years ago

Update: Clink v1.1.15 pre-release build is available at It's very close to being ready for an official release version.

chrisant996 commented 3 years ago

I figured I would add an update here. The new Clink fork started releasing official builds a couple weeks ago.
